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Тема: Food. (Еда)

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Презентация поможет учителю английского языка отработать лексические навыки по теме "Food".

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«Тема: Food. (Еда)»

Hello students!

Hello students!

Thursday, the twentieth of December

Thursday, the twentieth of December

What do you usually have for breakfast!

What do you usually have for breakfast!

Healthy food!

Healthy food!

Classify these things as healthy (H) and unhealthy (U). Bread, chocolate, cigarettes, fried eggs, fresh fruit, fresh, vegetables, meat, milk, pasta, tomatoes, sweets

Classify these things as healthy (H) and unhealthy (U).

Bread, chocolate, cigarettes, fried eggs, fresh fruit, fresh, vegetables, meat, milk, pasta, tomatoes, sweets

Doctor says!

Doctor says!

Fill the gaps with: much, many, a lot of.  - Hi, could you answer my questions?  - Yes, of course.  - Do you drink …  water ?  - Yes, I drink …  water  every day.  - And what about coffee? How …  coffee  do you drink?  - I don't drink coffee at all. But I drink …  tea .  - How many  cups  of tea do you drink a day?  - I drink about 8 cups a day. Sometimes more.  - You really drink …  tea . Do you eat…  vegetables ?  - Is grass a vegetable?  - I don't know. I think it is.  - OK, then, yes. I eat …  vegetables  every day. And I also eat …  cookies . I like sweets very much.  - Do you have …  brothers  and  sisters ?  - Yes, I do. I have 8 sisters.  - How …  brothers  do you have?  - I have only 2 brothers.  - OK, thank you for your answers. Bye.  - Bye.   

Fill the gaps with: much, many, a lot of. - Hi, could you answer my questions? - Yes, of course. - Do you drink …  water ? - Yes, I drink …  water  every day. - And what about coffee? How …  coffee  do you drink? - I don't drink coffee at all. But I drink …  tea . - How many  cups  of tea do you drink a day? - I drink about 8 cups a day. Sometimes more. - You really drink …  tea . Do you eat…  vegetables ? - Is grass a vegetable? - I don't know. I think it is. - OK, then, yes. I eat …  vegetables  every day. And I also eat …  cookies . I like sweets very much. - Do you have …  brothers  and  sisters ? - Yes, I do. I have 8 sisters. - How …  brothers  do you have? - I have only 2 brothers. - OK, thank you for your answers. Bye. - Bye.  

Fast food. Healthy food

Fast food.

Healthy food

1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.  2. Drink plenty of water.  3. Eat healthy food. Include fruit and vegetables in your diet.  4. Drink milk, its product is rich of calcium.  5. Keep sugar to minimum.

1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. 2. Drink plenty of water. 3. Eat healthy food. Include fruit and vegetables in your diet. 4. Drink milk, its product is rich of calcium. 5. Keep sugar to minimum.

Homework: Write a short composition “I want to be healthy”

Homework: Write a short composition “I want to be healthy”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тема: Food. (Еда)

Автор: Мельник Елена Юрьевна

Дата: 15.01.2020

Номер свидетельства: 535953

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