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Презентация Where is your book?

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презентация для 1 класса- " Where is your book?",prepositions  in,on,under.New words: Queen,quiet,quiz,question.

Letter Qq  My book is  under the chair.Your copy book  on the desk.Her  pencil  in the  bag.Questions:Where is  Ted?

Ted on the  window.Where is  car? The  car  under  the table. Where is rabbit?  The  rabbit  in  the  box. where  is  my pen?It  is  on  the  table.Where  is  bear?  The  bear  in the  box?

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«презентация Where is your book?»

The theme:Where is your book?

The theme:Where is your book?

Hot chair Hometask: Pirate- Pear- Pink- Paint-

Hot chair






Phonetic drill  Snow on the grass Snow on the window Snow on the tree But not on me!

Phonetic drill

Snow on the grass

Snow on the window

Snow on the tree

But not on me!

Pupils divide into 2 groups  1 st -group  2 nd -group Apples

Pupils divide into 2 groups

1 st -group

2 nd -group Apples

Kazakhstan In Kazakhstan apples usually come from Almaty and Shymkent.Bananas Come from America.Cheese comes from Europe.Meat usually comes from Astana.Potatoes, carrots and cabbages come from Taraz and Shymkent.


In Kazakhstan apples usually come from Almaty and Shymkent.Bananas

Come from America.Cheese comes from Europe.Meat usually comes from

Astana.Potatoes, carrots and cabbages come from Taraz and Shymkent.

1 st -group 2 nd -group True or false Apples come from Karagandy 2.Potatoes,carrots and cabbages come from Kostanai 1.Cheese comes from Europe 2.Meat comes from Astana

1 st -group

2 nd -group

True or false

Apples come from Karagandy

2.Potatoes,carrots and cabbages come from Kostanai

1.Cheese comes from Europe

2.Meat comes from Astana

Answer the questions Where do….come from? -They come from….. -Where does…..come from? -It comes from….

Answer the questions

Where do….come from?

-They come from…..

-Where does…..come from?

-It comes from….



Marking   The lesson is over!   Good- bye children!


The lesson is over!

Good- bye children!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

презентация Where is your book?

Автор: Cуйрбаева Айнагул Турганбаевна

Дата: 03.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 301999

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