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Презентация " Planning holidays"

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Презентация к разделу "Путешествие"  по теме "Планирование каникул" к учебнику Т.Аяповой 6 класс. В начале презентации задание творческого  характера ; нужно угадать название раздела, над которым предстоит работать. В презентации представлено следующее ;  страноведение -повторение названия стран и флагов, работа с текстом и  выполнением  различных заданий к нему, ознакомление учащихся с грамматическим материалом - Present Perfect Tense, задания на закрепление.

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«Презентация " Planning holidays"»



Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales. Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes. Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York. Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.

Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales.

Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes.

Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York.

Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.

Name Visited/been Omar Never/been Colin Want to go/ to visit Asel Dmitry






Want to go/

to visit



The present perfect tense  Have/has + the past participle I’ve (= I have) been to France She/he’s (= She/he has) been to England Eg. I have been to Disneyland. Omar has visited Scotland. In the negative: Eg. I have not (haven’t) been to Disneyland. Omar has not (hasn’t) visited Scotland.

The present perfect tense

Have/has + the past participle

I’ve (= I have) been to France

She/he’s (= She/he has) been to England

Eg. I have been to Disneyland.

Omar has visited Scotland.

In the negative:

Eg. I have not (haven’t) been to Disneyland.

Omar has not (hasn’t) visited Scotland.

She (translate) the text, (make) up a dialogue.
  • She (translate) the text, (make) up a dialogue.

2. He (design) a new clothes collection.

3. I (buy) a packet of orange juice and a cake.

4. She (sell) all the apples.

5. He (make) a delicious soup.

He has a big family. They have translated two texts this morning. She has typed the letter. You may take it. As a rule, I have breakfast at 7 o’clock. – Where is he? – He has gone to the library. Have a nice day! What has happened to you? How often do you have English Grammar lessons? She has just arrived. The lesson is over. Have a break.
  • He has a big family.
  • They have translated two texts this morning.
  • She has typed the letter. You may take it.
  • As a rule, I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.
  • – Where is he? – He has gone to the library.
  • Have a nice day!
  • What has happened to you?
  • How often do you have English Grammar lessons?
  • She has just arrived.
  • The lesson is over. Have a break.
Write the past simple and past participle forms of the verbs. Base Past simple Come Past Participle Arrive Leave Stay Live Meet

Write the past simple and past participle forms of the verbs.


Past simple


Past Participle






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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация " Planning holidays"

Автор: Литвиненко И.П.

Дата: 18.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 278573

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