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Разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе "День благодарения"

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Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 8 класс

Тема урока: «Thanksgiving Day».

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков

Цель урока:

  • активизация изученной лексики в неподготовленной речи; развитие коммуникативных навыков обучающихся

Задачи урока:

1. Практическая:

  • формирование умения применять лексику по теме « Thanksgiving Day »
  • формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников.
  • развитие речевого умения (монологическая и диалогическая форма речи).
  • развитие навыков аудирования.


2. Развивающая:

  • совершенствование воображения, логического мышления, внимания, памяти у учащихся.
  • развитие познавательного интереса и коммуникативной деятельности у учащихся.

3. Воспитательная:

  • воспитание интереса к культуре стран изучаемого языка у учащихся.
  • формирование положительной мотивации учения, готовности воспринимать культуру другого народа.
  • формирование чувства ответственности, коллективизма, сотворчества, самореализации.

4. Образовательная:

  • знакомство учащихся с традициями и праздниками стран изучаемого языка.
  • расширение с помощью английского языка представления обучающихся об окружающем их мире, как средстве взаимодействия с этим миром.


Оснащение урока: презентация (Power Point), компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал,

                                             Ход урока:


 1. Организационный момент.

Good morning boys and girls. Glad to meet you. Can you tell me what holiday is celebrated in America on the fourth Thursday in November? Do we have such holiday in Russia? That’s why- today we’ll speak about the most important holiday in America Thanksgiving Day.

 2. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

We are going to America today and your aim is to learn more facts about this day.

T: By the end of the lesson you should give me the answers to the following questions:


What time is Thanksgiving? (Time to give thanks.)

Why are turkey and variety of vegetables served? (Because the Pilgrims and the Indians ate them at their first feast.)

Why did the Pilgrims manage to survive? (Because the Indians helped them.)

Why did the Pilgrims leave England and cross the ocean? (They wanted to have a better life and for religious freedom.)

When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

3. Активизация лексики.

We are going to travel with our guests: they are our English teachers and our head teacher. Are  you ready to start?

But before our travel we should know some words. Look at the screen. Read them after me :

•      Thanksgiving Day            день благодарения

•      Corn [k?:n] кукуруза

•      Harvest [?h?:v?st] урожай

•      Feast [fi:st]               банкет

•       Pilgrims [?p?l?r?ms] паломники

•       Fall [f?:l]             осень

•      Turkey |?t??ki|    индейка

•      Mayflower |?me??fl??w?|     Мэйфлауэр

•       Plymouth [?pl?m?θ]  г. Плимут

•      Stuffing [?st?f??] наполнение, начинка

•      Ham [hæm] ветчина
Pecanpie |p??kæn| – ореховый пирог

•      (англ. Mayflower, что дословно переводится как «майский цветок», так называют в Англии боярышник) — aнглийское торговое судно (тип которого чаще всего определяют как галеон), на котором англичане, основавшие одно из первых британских поселений в Северной Америке, в 1620 году пересекли Атлантический океан.

Open your notebooks and write down these words with the translation. 

4.  Работа с текстом. Развитие монологической речи.

Look at the picture. Who are these people? (St: the Pilgrims)

T: Yes, the Pilgrims – people who started the history of the USA, people who started celebrating Thanksgiving Day.

You have a list with the text about Thanksgiving day. I will give you 4 minutes to answer. Let’s analyze these questions.

Now look through the text and answer questions.

3. Reading.

T: To know how it all began, let’s read the text and do the task. (Text: “Thanksgiving”). (Задание на отдельных листочках)

Раздаточный материал

Thanksgiving Day

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day.

The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America on board the "Mayflower" ship for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians.

The pilgrims first winter in the New World was very difficult. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share this feast. The Indians brought food for the feast too (they even brought popcorn!)

Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.

  1. How did piligrims sail to America?
  2. Who was  the first European settlers in America?
  3. Why did half of pilgrims die?
  4. What they were thankful  for ?
  5. How did they decide to celebrate such a great harvest?
  6. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
  7. What is the main dish and desert?

4. Listening. We’ll continue our competition with the listening to the text about Traditions and Customs. You must listen to it very attentively and answer the questions using the new words. Here are the questions: (на доске записаны вопросы к тексту):

  1. When does Thanksgiving Day come?
  2. Who celebrates this Day? (People of all faiths).
  3. Why do they celebrate Thanksgiving Day? (to give thanks).
  4. Is Thanksgiving Day a family holiday?
  5. Why do people come together? (to have the traditional feast).
  6. What is the traditional meal for the feast?
  7. What do they drink?
  8. What does the Macy’s department store hold (has)? (Its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City).
  9. Who and what appears in the parade? (Celebrities, floats, bands and balloons, Santa Claus).
  10. How do people decorate their homes, shops, classrooms?
  11. What do charitable organizations do? (Serve (give) dinners to needy people, send food to elderly people).

T: On the tape you will hear some new words. Do the matching to understand their meaning.

faiths [fe?θs] – religions;
feast – a banquet, dinner;
stuffing – food inside meat;
squash [skw ?] – fruit drink;
annual [´ænju?l] – every year;
celebrities [s?´lebr?t?z] – famous people;
bands – groups of musicians;
wreaths [ri:ðz] – a circular arrangement of flowers;
elderly [´eld?l?] – old people;
observance [?b´z?:v?ns] – the celebration of a holiday.

T: Now, please, listen to the text. Be very attentive!

(Читается текст, задаются вопросы. Команды отвечают на вопросы по очереди).

T: Speaking: Give me a brief summery of the text, using the new words. These questions are the plan for your retelling. The Pilgrims will start and The Indians will continue. You are welcome.

(Now take these sheets of paper with the new words, write them down in your vocabularies and learn them.)

5. Лексико-грамматические задания.

T: Would you like to know some interesting facts about the first Thanksgiving? Then try and guess!

Now I need 2 pupils, one from each team, to decode this message. Come here, please. Sit down at these desks and work. Who finishes the first, raise your hand.

6. T: Well, on the table find task 6. You can see the sentences with the blanks. Complete them using the words from the list. (Музыка) (ответы) Let’s have a look if you are right. Who will read first? (Можно использовать жребий).


  • elderly
  • stuffing
  • wreaths
  • annual
  • feast
  • faiths

Good for you. Here is your turkey!


(1) customs

(2) costumes

(3) money

(4) services

(5) dinner

(6) raffles

(7) water

(8) sauce

(9) famous

(10) season

(11) relax

7. T: Please, teams, attention here! You can see this cornucopia (=horn of plenty). Read the words on it and fill in the blanks with the words from the cornucopia. The first, who does this task, raise your hands. (Дети выполняют, Твключает музыку). Ответы (cм. выше).

The … are the first. Please, read your sentences. You are the winners in this round (stage).

8. T: Your next task will be: to compose an acrostic poem using the words on the topics “Thanksgiving” and “Holidays”.

Both teams come here, form a line (group in a line), the captains are the first.

The winner is ….

9. T: Have a look. I’ve got a message from an American girl Emilly, in which she tells about Thanksgiving dinner in her family. But there was something wrong with my computer and there are 13 mistakes in this script. Find the mistakes and correct them.

T: Look at the screen again. You will hear Emilly tell about Thanksgiving dinner. See if you corrected all the mistakes.

10. And now the last game “The Lost Feast”.

I need 2 pupils to take part in this round (stage). Take your pencils with you! Help the Pilgrim find the Thanksgiving Feast by drawing a line from him through Thanksgiving words. (Wait for a signal).

Good for you. Good job. Well done.

11. Закрепление нового материала. Now, it’s time to finish our competition. As you remember, at the beginning of our lesson I asked you to give answers to these questions. Can you? (Дети отвечают на вопросы). Good.

12. Hometask: Look at this funny turkey with Pumpkin pie. There are Thanksgiving words on the pie. Please, write a story about celebrating Th. Day using as many words as you can.

3. Подведение итогов.

T: Let’s score the points.

“The Indians” have … points.

“The Pilgrims” have … points.

(… have more points. (equal number of points. Our competition ended in a draw (drew five all). Зак. вничью со счетом 5:5.

The score is 5:3. “The … lost two points (проиграли 2 очка). и т.д.

“The … ” don’t be upset. Next time you’ll have success, and be luck! Both teams were quite good, careful, active, enthusiastic and resourceful (находчивые). Let me give both teams these small presents to remember our lesson. (Специально выполненные фотоизображения индейки). And this is the main prize of our Thanksgiving competition –А pumpkin pie. My congratulations! I’m pleased with your work. Your marks are....

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«Разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе "День благодарения" »

Учитель: Кузнецова Наталья Геннадьевна. МБОУ СОШ №7 г.Черногорск

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 8 класс

Тема урока: «Thanksgiving Day».

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков

Цель урока:

  • активизация изученной лексики в неподготовленной речи; развитие коммуникативных навыков обучающихся

Задачи урока:

1. Практическая:

  • формирование умения применять лексику по теме « Thanksgiving Day »

  • формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников.

  • развитие речевого умения (монологическая и диалогическая форма речи).

  • развитие навыков аудирования.

2. Развивающая:

  • совершенствование воображения, логического мышления, внимания, памяти у учащихся.

  • развитие познавательного интереса и коммуникативной деятельности у учащихся.

3. Воспитательная:

  • воспитание интереса к культуре стран изучаемого языка у учащихся.

  • формирование положительной мотивации учения, готовности воспринимать культуру другого народа.

  • формирование чувства ответственности, коллективизма, сотворчества, самореализации.

4. Образовательная:

  • знакомство учащихся с традициями и праздниками стран изучаемого языка.

  • расширение с помощью английского языка представления обучающихся об окружающем их мире, как средстве взаимодействия с этим миром.

Оснащение урока: презентация (Power Point), компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал,

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning boys and girls. Glad to meet you. Can you tell me what holiday is celebrated in America on the fourth Thursday in November? Do we have such holiday in Russia? That’s why- today we’ll speak about the most important holiday in America Thanksgiving Day.

2. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

We are going to America today and your aim is to learn more facts about this day.

T: By the end of the lesson you should give me the answers to the following questions:

What time is Thanksgiving? (Time to give thanks.)

Why are turkey and variety of vegetables served? (Because the Pilgrims and the Indians ate them at their first feast.)

Why did the Pilgrims manage to survive? (Because the Indians helped them.)

Why did the Pilgrims leave England and cross the ocean? (They wanted to have a better life and for religious freedom.)

When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

3. Активизация лексики.

We are going to travel with our guests: they are our English teachers and our head teacher. Are you ready to start?

But before our travel we should know some words. Look at the screen. Read them after me :

  • Thanksgiving Day день благодарения

  • Corn [kɔ:n] кукуруза

  • Harvest [ˈhɑ:vɪst] урожай

  • Feast [fi:st] банкет

  • Pilgrims [ˈpɪlɡrɪms] паломники

  • Fall [fɔ:l] осень

  • Turkey |ˈtɝːki| индейка

  • Mayflower |ˈmeɪˌflɑːwə| Мэйфлауэр

  • Plymouth [ˈplɪməθ]  г. Плимут

  • Stuffing [ˈstʌfɪŋ] наполнение, начинка

  • Ham [hæm] ветчина
    Pecanpie |pɪˈkæn| – ореховый пирог

  • (англ. Mayflower, что дословно переводится как «майский цветок», так называют в Англии боярышник) — aнглийское торговое судно (тип которого чаще всего определяют как галеон), на котором англичане, основавшие одно из первых британских поселений в Северной Америке, в 1620 году пересекли Атлантический океан.

Open your notebooks and write down these words with the translation.

4. Работа с текстом . Развитие монологической речи.

Look at the picture. Who are these people? (St: the Pilgrims)

T: Yes, the Pilgrims – people who started the history of the USA, people who started celebrating Thanksgiving Day.

You have a list with the text about Thanksgiving day. I will give you 4 minutes to answer. Let’s analyze these questions.

Now look through the text and answer questions.

3. Reading.

T: To know how it all began, let’s read the text and do the task. (Text: “Thanksgiving”). (Задание на отдельных листочках)

Раздаточный материал

Thanksgiving Day

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day.

The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America on board the "Mayflower" ship for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians.

The pilgrims first winter in the New World was very difficult. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share this feast. The Indians brought food for the feast too (they even brought popcorn!)

Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.

  1. How did piligrims sail to America?

  2. Who was the first European settlers in America?

  3. Why did half of pilgrims die?

  4. What they were thankful for ?

  5. How did they decide to celebrate such a great harvest?

  6. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

  7. What is the main dish and desert?

4. Listening. We’ll continue our competition with the listening to the text about Traditions and Customs. You must listen to it very attentively and answer the questions using the new words. Here are the questions: (на доске записаны вопросы к тексту):

  1. When does Thanksgiving Day come?

  2. Who celebrates this Day? (People of all faiths).

  3. Why do they celebrate Thanksgiving Day? (to give thanks).

  4. Is Thanksgiving Day a family holiday?

  5. Why do people come together? (to have the traditional feast).

  6. What is the traditional meal for the feast?

  7. What do they drink?

  8. What does the Macy’s department store hold (has)? (Its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City).

  9. Who and what appears in the parade? (Celebrities, floats, bands and balloons, Santa Claus).

  10. How do people decorate their homes, shops, classrooms?

  11. What do charitable organizations do? (Serve (give) dinners to needy people, send food to elderly people).

T: On the tape you will hear some new words. Do the matching to understand their meaning.

faiths [feıθs] – religions;
feast – a banquet, dinner;
stuffing – food inside meat;
squash [skw ſ] – fruit drink;
annual [´ænjuəl] – every year;
celebrities [sı´lebrıtız] – famous people;
bands – groups of musicians;
wreaths [ri:ðz] – a circular arrangement of flowers;
elderly [´eldəlı] – old people;
observance [əb´zə:vəns] – the celebration of a holiday.

T: Now, please, listen to the text. Be very attentive!

(Читается текст, задаются вопросы. Команды отвечают на вопросы по очереди).

T: Speaking: Give me a brief summery of the text, using the new words. These questions are the plan for your retelling. The Pilgrims will start and The Indians will continue. You are welcome.

(Now take these sheets of paper with the new words, write them down in your vocabularies and learn them.)

5. Лексико-грамматические задания.

T: Would you like to know some interesting facts about the first Thanksgiving? Then try and guess!

Now I need 2 pupils, one from each team, to decode this message. Come here, please. Sit down at these desks and work. Who finishes the first, raise your hand.

6. T: Well, on the table find task 6. You can see the sentences with the blanks. Complete them using the words from the list. (Музыка) (ответы) Let’s have a look if you are right. Who will read first? (Можно использовать жребий).


  • elderly

  • stuffing

  • wreaths

  • annual

  • feast

  • faiths

Good for you. Here is your turkey!


(1) customs

(2) costumes

(3) money

(4) services

(5) dinner

(6) raffles

(7) water

(8) sauce

(9) famous

(10) season

(11) relax

7. T: Please, teams, attention here! You can see this cornucopia (=horn of plenty). Read the words on it and fill in the blanks with the words from the cornucopia. The first, who does this task, raise your hands. (Дети выполняют, Твключает музыку). Ответы (cм. выше).

The … are the first. Please, read your sentences. You are the winners in this round (stage).

8. T: Your next task will be: to compose an acrostic poem using the words on the topics “Thanksgiving” and “Holidays”.

Both teams come here, form a line (group in a line), the captains are the first.

The winner is … .

9. T: Have a look. I’ve got a message from an American girl Emilly, in which she tells about Thanksgiving dinner in her family. But there was something wrong with my computer and there are 13 mistakes in this script. Find the mistakes and correct them.

T: Look at the screen again. You will hear Emilly tell about Thanksgiving dinner. See if you corrected all the mistakes.

10. And now the last game “The Lost Feast”.

I need 2 pupils to take part in this round (stage). Take your pencils with you! Help the Pilgrim find the Thanksgiving Feast by drawing a line from him through Thanksgiving words. (Wait for a signal).

Good for you. Good job. Well done.

11. Закрепление нового материала. Now, it’s time to finish our competition. As you remember, at the beginning of our lesson I asked you to give answers to these questions. Can you? (Дети отвечают на вопросы). Good.

12. Hometask: Look at this funny turkey with Pumpkin pie. There are Thanksgiving words on the pie. Please, write a story about celebrating Th. Day using as many words as you can.

3. Подведение итогов.

T: Let’s score the points.

“The Indians” have … points.

“The Pilgrims” have … points.

(… have more points. (equal number of points. Our competition ended in a draw (drew five all). Зак. вничью со счетом 5:5.

The score is 5:3. “The … lost two points (проиграли 2 очка). и т.д.

“The … ” don’t be upset. Next time you’ll have success, and be luck! Both teams were quite good, careful, active, enthusiastic and resourceful (находчивые). Let me give both teams these small presents to remember our lesson. (Специально выполненные фотоизображения индейки). And this is the main prize of our Thanksgiving competition –А pumpkin pie. My congratulations! I’m pleased with your work. Your marks are . . . .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе "День благодарения"

Автор: Кузнецова Наталья Геннадьевна

Дата: 19.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 231951

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