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Презентация для открытого урока на тему "Biggest and best"

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The plan of the lesson

The theme: Biggest and best.

The aims: to perfect pupils’ abilities and skills in speaking, listening, writing, reading on grammar material “The degrees of comparison”; 
-to make active Vocabulary on this theme; 
-to enlarge the Vocabulary (adjectives); 
-to practice the pupils’ speech and pronunciation; 
-to organize and develop the communicative abilities; 
-to improve the pupils’ work in groups and bring up the sense of respects and responsibility in learning foreign language. 

Methods: fiction, group learning,  explanatory, illustrative control.
The type of the lesson: combined. 
 The materials of the lesson:
interactive board, cards,  dictionaries, toys, books…

The procedure of the lesson.

1. Greeting. –Good morning! 
- How are you, pupils? 
- Who is on duty today? 
- What date is it today? 
- What day is it today? 
- What is the weather like today? 
-Who is absent? 
- What was your home task? 
2. Let ’s check your home task. 
Ex 1

3. Warm up:

Good, better, best.

Never, never, rest

Till your good is better

And you better best

4. Listen and repeat.
5. At the last lesson we began studying the grammar material: “The Degrees of comparison.” 
Today we’ll continue studying this theme. 
Let’s revise the grammar reference. Next, the teacher explains the correct spelling of adjectives by adding the ending -er -, - est-.)
Positive degree                            Comparative degree                       Superlative degree 
Жай шырай                               Салыстырмалы шырай                 К?шейтпелі шырай 

Example: Compare!

  1. Kate is (tall) than Ann.
  2. His grandfather is (old) than his grandmother.
  3. Tom is (strong) in his team.
  4. Mary is (good) in our class.
  5. The (bad) holiday in my life was last summer.
  6. These sweets are (tasty) than those ones. 

Word box.

Old — старый

Tall- высокий

Low- низкий

Short- короткий

Good- хороший

Bad- плохой

Small- маленький

Young- молодой

Big- большой

7. The last lesson we began studying the grammar material: “The Degrees of comparison.” Today we shall learn working in groups and try to listen to each other very attentively. Divide  into two groups.
Task 1.One team writes the adjective in Comparative degree and other team writes in Superlative degree. 
Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree

Task 2. Choose the correct words.

Lions are (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than the tigers.

Monkeys are (funny, funnier, the funniest) animals in the Zoo.

The wolf is (brave, braver, the bravest) than the hare.

The mouse is (small, smaller, the smallest) than the rabbit.

The bear is (strong, stronger, the strongest) than the wolf.

Malvina is (good, better, the best) than Fox Alice.
Task 3. Put the words in correct order.

  1. Faster / my car / than / is / of my friend.
  2. Is / my class / the best / in the school.

Help me, please. Let is play the game «The Magic box».

Pupils  take turns pulling out the bag with a soft toy and called.

Colour, what  kind of   animal, characterization using adjectives.

Task 4. Read the dialogue. Exercises 9 p 85.

Task 5. Match an adjective in A with its opposite in B

  1. Fast                           a) unfriendly
  2. Small                         b) cheap
  3. Clean                         c) slow
  4. Quiet                          d) bad
  5. Old                             e) unhealthy
  6. Friendly                     f) dirty
  7. Interesting                 g) noisy
  8. Healthy                      h) new
  9. Good                          i) big
  10.  Expensive               j) boring


8.Conclusion. Marking.

9. Home task.

    Read the dialogue.  Ex 9.


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«презентация для открытого урока на тему "Biggest and best" »

Biggest and best

Biggest and best

The aims: To enrich students’ knowledge about adjectives Educational: To develop students’ abilities in using degrees of comparison . To develop the skills of speaking, reading, writing on the theme. Developing: Bringing up: To create interest in studying the English language.

The aims:

To enrich students’ knowledge about adjectives


To develop students’ abilities in using degrees of comparison . To develop the skills of speaking, reading, writing on the theme.


Bringing up:

To create interest in studying the English language.

Good, better, best. Never, never rest. Till your good is better. And your better best.

Good, better, best.

Never, never rest.

Till your good is better.

And your better best.

Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat

1ші жолы – бір немесе екі буынды сөз y,  er,  ow  аяқталса, - er , - est  жал ғауы арқылы жасалады.  Positive degree  Comparative degree warm  Superlative degree warm er(than)  small Small er(than) the warm est hot big hot t er(than) the small est big g er(than) the hot t est sad the big g est sad d er(than) angry angr i er(than) the sad d est clever the angr i est clever er(than) the clever est

1ші жолы – бір немесе екі буынды сөз y, er, ow аяқталса, - er , - est жал ғауы арқылы жасалады.

Positive degree

Comparative degree


Superlative degree

warm er(than)


Small er(than)

the warm est



hot t er(than)

the small est

big g er(than)

the hot t est


the big g est

sad d er(than)


angr i er(than)

the sad d est


the angr i est

clever er(than)

the clever est

2 жолы - көп буынды сөздер more  және the most  көмекші сөздер арқылы жасалады Expensive - more expensive - the most expensive the most beautiful Beautiful - more beautiful -

2 жолы - көп буынды сөздер more

және the most көмекші сөздер арқылы жасалады

Expensive -

more expensive -

the most expensive

the most beautiful

Beautiful -

more beautiful -



  • Kate is (tall) than Ann.
  • His grandfather is (old) than his grandmother.
  • Tom is (strong) in his team.
  • Mary is (good) in our class.
  • The (bad) holiday in my life was last summer.
  • These sweets are (tasty) than those ones.
Irregular adjectives:  Good - better- the best  Bad - worse – the worst  Little - less - the least  Far- farther- the farthest   Many  - more – the most Much

Irregular adjectives:

Good - better- the best

Bad - worse – the worst

Little - less - the least

Far- farther- the farthest


- more – the most


Word box: Old  - ескі Tall  - биік Low  - аласа Short  - қысқа Good  - жақсы Bad  - жаман Young  - жас Big  - үлкен Small  - кішкентай

Word box:

Old - ескі

Tall - биік

Low - аласа

Short - қысқа

Good - жақсы

Bad - жаман

Young - жас

Big - үлкен

Small - кішкентай

Task 1 write these words in Comparative degree and Superlative degree     small   good   comfortable    dirty  beautiful   bad 

Task 1 write these words in Comparative degree and Superlative degree 

small  good  comfortable

  dirty beautiful  bad 

Task 2. Choose the correct words.  Lions are (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than the tigers. Monkeys are (funny, funnier, the funniest) animals in the Zoo. The wolf is (brave, braver, the bravest) than the hare. The mouse is (small, smaller, the smallest) than the rabbit. The bear is (strong, stronger, the strongest) than the wolf. Malvina is (good, better, the best) than Fox Alice.

Task 2. Choose the correct words.

Lions are (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than the tigers.

Monkeys are (funny, funnier, the funniest) animals in the Zoo.

The wolf is (brave, braver, the bravest) than the hare.

The mouse is (small, smaller, the smallest) than the rabbit.

The bear is (strong, stronger, the strongest) than the wolf.

Malvina is (good, better, the best) than Fox Alice.

Task 3. Put the words in correct order. Faster / my car / than / is / of my friend.

Task 3. Put the words in correct order.

  • Faster / my car / than / is / of my friend.

  • Is / my class / the best / in the school.
Match an adjective in A with its opposite in B

Match an adjective in A with its opposite in B

  • Fast a) unfriendly
  • Small b) cheap
  • Clean c) slow
  • Quiet d) bad
  • Old e) unhealthy
  • Friendly f) dirty
  • Interesting g) noisy
  • Healthy h) new
  • Good i) big
  • Expensive j) boring
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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

презентация для открытого урока на тему "Biggest and best"

Автор: Султанова Нургуль Куанышкалиевна

Дата: 13.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 211074

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