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Конспект урока на тему "Seasons of the year"

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Form: 4 «B»

Lesson # 86

The theme:  Seasons of the year

Aims of the lesson:

1.To practise and consolidate Present Simple and lexical materials on the topic “ Seasons”.

2.To develop pupils’ speaking, reading and listening skills on the topic Seasons through games; develop group work cooperative skills.

3. To educate pupils to love and take care of nature

Type of the lesson: revision and consolidation.

Equipment: Interactive board, personal computer, overhead projector, activity cards.

Expected results: Pupils will be able to work in teams, share their opinions and  speak on the topic “Seasons of the year”.

  The plan of the lesson:

1. Organization moment

а) Greeting.

b) Introducing the aims of the lesson

2.Oral practice.

a) Brainstorm

b) Phonetic drill

3. Revision and consolidation

1) True or false sentences

2) Jeopardy game: Choosing categories and answering the questions(Dividing pupils into 4 teams, giving the names and badges to the teams).

3) Unscrambling the words

4) Listening to the dialogue

5) Reading the dialogues and answering the questions

6) Making up own dialogues

4. Conclusion.  

1)Announcing a winner.

2) Singing a song “ Seasons”.

5. Giving marks

The course of the lesson:

1. Organization moment

a) Greeting

Teacher: Good morning, children. How are you? I’m very glad to see you.

b) Introducing the theme of the lesson

 Teacher: The theme of our lesson is “ Seasons of the year”. Everybody has his/her favourite season. What is your favourite season? And why do you like this season?

Possible answers:

Pupil 1: My favourite season is winter, because I like to play snowballs.

Pupil 2: My favourite season is spring, because my birthday is in spring. And etc.

2.Oral practice.

1). Brainstorm:

 Look at the window. What can you see outside?

Possible answers:

P1: I can see yellow, orange and red leaves.

P2: It’s cloudy and windy.

P3: The brown and yellow leaves are falling down to the ground.

P4: It is autumn outside.

Teacher: You are right. We can see a lot of yellow, brown and red leaves. So, what is the colour of autumn?

  2).Phonetic drill

Let’s sing a song about colours of seasons. (Slide 2)

3. Revision and consolidation

1) True or False?

T: Now I’m going to check up what you know about seasons. I’ll read sentences, you’ll say if they are true or false.

There are 10 months in a year.

Winter months are December, January and February.

February has 30 days.

Spring comes after winter.

June, July and August are spring months.

It often rains in spring.

It is cold and snowy in summer.

In summer people wear coats and boots.

We don’t play snowballs in summer.

School starts in autumn.

We wear T-shirts and sunglasses in autumn.

2) Jeopardy game: The battle of the Seasons

Dividing pupils into 4 teams, giving the names and badges to the teams.

T: Today, we are going to play a game “ The battle of the seasons”. Divide into four teams, get your badges.,,,.

Team 1 – Winter snowflakes

Team 2 – Spring clouds

Team 3 – Summer children

Team 4 -  Autumn pumpkins

Four teams will compete showing their knowledge of seasons. (Slide 3)

2) Choosing categories and answering the questions

There are 10, 20 and 30 points questions. Choose the category and give the right answer. Good luck! (Slide 4)

10 points questions: (Vocabulary) (Slides 5-8)

1) What are the spring months? 

2) What is the weather like in summer?

3) What are the winter months?

4) What is the weather like? (animation)

  1. points questions: (Riddles) (Slides 9-12)
  1. What season is it?

This is a season when snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes to be in the room,

This is a season

 when birds make their nests

This is the season we all like best.   (Spring)

  1. What season is it?

This is a season when fruit is sweet,

This is a season when school friends meet,

This is a season when leaves fall down

Red, orange, yellow, and brown.     (Autumn)

  1. What season is it?

This is the season

When children ski

And Father Frost brings

The New Year Tree!                      (Winter)

  1. What season is it?

This is the season when we have fun,

We play all day and swim and run.

There are lots of sunny days

This is the season of holidays           (Summer)

30 points questions: (Speaking) (Slides 13-16)

  1. Speak about spring (months, weather, activities)
  2. Speak about summer (months, weather, activities)
  3. Speak about autumn (months, weather, activities)
  4. Speak about winter (months, weather, activities)

For example:

3) Unscramble the words on topic “Autumn” (Work with cards)

larlebmu – umbrella

doclu – cloud

ronevbm – November

olscoh – school

nira – rain

     4)  Listening to the dialogue (Work with e-book)

Teacher: Every season has its weather. And the weather can differ in different countries.

 Now let’s listen to the dialogue between Sasha (the boy from Russia) and Jack (the boy from Great Britain).

     5)  Read the dialogue ( Slide 17)

Teacher: Where is Sasha from? Where is Jack from? What is the weather like in great Britain? What is the weather like in Russia? Does Jack like Russian winter? Why?

What is the weather like in winter in Kazakhstan? Do you like winter? Why?

Possible answers:


6)Make up your own dialogues and act it.

4. Conclusion.  

1) Announcing a winner.

 Teacher: All seasons are beautiful and nice and so are you. In every season we can find good moments and do some interesting things. So we should be grateful to each season. We should take care of our nature. 

2) Singing a song “ Seasons”

 5. Giving marks and home-work.

H/w: to write an essay “ My favourite season”

Методическая записка

Повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка является одной из главных целей для меня, как преподавателя английского языка. В достижении этих целей огромную помощь оказывают ИКТ.

 Данный урок носит соревновательный характер, учащиеся делятся на 4 команды и соревнуются в знании лексического и грамматического материала на тему «Времена года».

 В процессе командной игры дети учатся общаться, помогать и поддерживать друг-друга, т.е работать в команде. При этом развиваются  не только социальные навыки, но и коммуникативные  умения. Учащиеся практикуют разговорную речь задавая и отвечая на вопросы, выражая свои мнения, составляя диалоги и рассказывая топики. Прослушивая диалог и исполняя песни, учащиеся развивают слух и учатся понимать иностранную речь. В урок включены несколько игр для проверки знания и развития способностей учащихся.

Игра «Jeopardy» внедрена в презентацию, что делает её более интересной, эта игра учит детей думать и реагировать быстро, сопереживать и побуждает интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

«Unscrambling the words»  игра, которая развивает память и способность думать, а также и письменные навыки.

В данном уроке я использовала такие медиа- и мультимедиа компоненты как презентация, аудиозапись песни о временах года, демо-версия электронного учебника Enjoy English. видеоролик с песней «Времена года».

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока на тему "Seasons of the year"

Автор: Доминова Азима Астаналиевна

Дата: 03.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 247425

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