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Презентация по английскому языку для урока в 4 классе на тему "Как я помогаю своей семье"

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Данная презентация создана к уроку в 4 классе по теме "Как я помогаю своей семье". На этом уроке отрабатывается лексика по данной теме в устной речи; повторяются две формы неправильных глаголов, которые затем используются для выполнения теста и в рассказах учащихся о том, что они делали в прошлое воскресенье утром, а также в инсценировании диалогов; проводится аудирование коротких диалогов и тест по их содержанию. Данная презентация создана для учащихся, занимающихся по УМК автора М.З. Биболетовой и соответствует требованиям ФГОС.

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«презентация по английскому языку для урока в 4 классе на тему "Как я помогаю своей семье" »

Look at the pictures and say what Mag and Alex usually do at home and guess the topic of the lesson.

Look at the pictures and say what Mag and Alex usually do at home and guess the topic of the lesson.

Topic : How I help my family.    Goal : to speak on the topic using verbs in Past Simple.

Topic : How I help my family. Goal : to speak on the topic using verbs in Past Simple.

Listen, read and remember:

Listen, read and remember:

Complete the text. Say how Mag helped her mum.

Complete the text. Say how Mag helped her mum.

The Answers:

The Answers:

  • got
  • washed
  • cleaned
  • made
  • helped
  • had
  • watered
Listen and match the correct day. Say what Alex did on different days of the week. Ex.24

Listen and match the correct day. Say what Alex did on different days of the week.


Ex.24, p.73 Match the parts of the sentences. Alex and his Grandpa repaired his bike. Alex made a banana cake for his mother. Alex had a picnic. Alex did his homework. on Saturday on Friday on Tuesday on Sunday

Ex.24, p.73

Match the parts of the sentences.

  • Alex and his Grandpa repaired his bike.
  • Alex made a banana cake for his mother.
  • Alex had a picnic.
  • Alex did his homework.
  • on Saturday
  • on Friday
  • on Tuesday
  • on Sunday

Ex.24, p.73   The answers: 1) b; 2) a; 3) d; 4) c

Ex.24, p.73 The answers:

1) b; 2) a; 3) d; 4) c

Homework Ex.23, p.72 W.B. Ex.9, p.40


Ex.23, p.72

W.B. Ex.9, p.40

Texts for Listening I. III. Mag: What about Sunday, Alex? Mag: Alex, where were you on Friday? Alex: I visited my Grandma and Grandpa. Alex: Oh, I went to the country on Sunday. Mag: Did you help them in the garden? Mag: Did you go with your Mum and Dad? Alex: No, my Grandpa and I repaired my bike. Alex: Yes, and we had a picnic there. II. IV. Mag: Alex, did you go to the park on Tuesday afternoon? Mag: Alex, what did you do on Saturday? Alex: I was in the kitchen in the morning. Alex: No, I was at home. Mag: In the kitchen? But why? Mag: What did you do? Alex: I did my homework all Tuesday afternoon. I had a lot of homework. Alex: My mum had her birthday on Saturday. I made a big banana cake for her. Mag: Really? Did your mother like it? Alex: Yes. She said it was wonderful.

Texts for Listening



Mag: What about Sunday, Alex?

Mag: Alex, where were you on Friday?

Alex: I visited my Grandma and Grandpa.

Alex: Oh, I went to the country on Sunday.

Mag: Did you help them in the garden?

Mag: Did you go with your Mum and Dad?

Alex: No, my Grandpa and I repaired my bike.

Alex: Yes, and we had a picnic there.



Mag: Alex, did you go to the park on Tuesday afternoon?

Mag: Alex, what did you do on Saturday?

Alex: I was in the kitchen in the morning.

Alex: No, I was at home.

Mag: In the kitchen? But why?

Mag: What did you do?

Alex: I did my homework all Tuesday afternoon. I had a lot of homework.

Alex: My mum had her birthday on Saturday. I made a big banana cake for her.

Mag: Really? Did your mother like it?

Alex: Yes. She said it was wonderful.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Сухоплюева Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 22.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 214280

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