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Презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме "Интернет. Закрепление и проверка лексических навыков по теме"

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«Презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме "Интернет. Закрепление и проверка лексических навыков по теме"»

Information in the modern world February 4 th Internet as a means of communication

Information in the modern world

February 4 th

Internet as a means of communication

Read and translate Source of information Get news from Exchange photos and other files Send letters Buy things online Read books and watch films online Study from home Work from home Dangers of virtual communication

Read and translate

Source of information

Get news from

Exchange photos and other files

Send letters

Buy things online

Read books and watch films online

Study from home

Work from home

Dangers of virtual communication

Ex. 50 page 97 Read the text and with the titles. Find a proof.

Ex. 50 page 97

Read the text and with the titles. Find a proof.

Homework learn the words!
  • Homework learn the words!
I variant  Match the two columns  Time limit 5 minutes!!!!!! ОТВЕТ 8= f Оценка  « 4 » 5-7 баллов 1) virtual a) connection Оценка  «5» 7 + 1-2 балла( II вариант) 2) to browse b) of communication 3) useful c) people 4) the Internet d) world 5) to share e) website 6) means f) activities 7) dishonest g) the Internet 8) criminal h) information __________________________________________________________________________   II variant  Fill in the missing words  Time limit 5 minutes!!!!!!  Оценка  «5» 6 баллов  careful, touch, connects, share, improve, virtual  Everyone knows that the Internet (1)…… people. You can easily get in (2)…… with those who are far away. Also, it is the fastest way to get, keep and (3)……. information. Thus, the Internet creates (4) ……. world. However, surfing the Net, we must be (5)…… ! Remember- this source of information can both (6)…… the world and be harmful at the same time . * both – оба (обе), и….и…

I variant Match the two columns

Time limit 5 minutes!!!!!!

ОТВЕТ 8= f Оценка « 4 » 5-7 баллов

1) virtual a) connection Оценка «5» 7 + 1-2 балла( II вариант)

2) to browse b) of communication

3) useful c) people

4) the Internet d) world

5) to share e) website

6) means f) activities

7) dishonest g) the Internet

8) criminal h) information


II variant Fill in the missing words

Time limit 5 minutes!!!!!! Оценка «5» 6 баллов

careful, touch, connects, share, improve, virtual

Everyone knows that the Internet (1)…… people. You can easily get in (2)…… with those who are far away. Also, it is the fastest way to get, keep and (3)……. information. Thus, the Internet creates (4) ……. world. However, surfing the Net, we must be (5)…… ! Remember- this source of information can both (6)…… the world and be harmful at the same time .

* both – оба (обе), и….и…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Татьяна Владимировна Земченкова

Дата: 14.02.2022

Номер свидетельства: 600212

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