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Презентация к исследованию на тему "Американская еда "

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Презентация была составлена на конкурс по английскому языку ученицей 5 класса Поповой Полиной. Она была разработана на тему ее исследования "Американская еда".

                        American food

My name is PopovaPolina. I am 12 years old. I am from Gymnasium№ 2, Solikamsk.

When we hear words AMERICAN FOOD, we begin to think about MacDonald’s, burgers,French fries or may be coke. Actually we know too  little about what people eat and cook in the USA. Do you think that I’mprejudice? Well, I’vedecidedto conduct interviews with my classmates.Let’s  look at the results of my survey.At first they  answered a question  what American food they knew.

As you see most of pupils  (10 – people) said that they knew only hamburgers. 7 pupils chose French fries, 2 of my classmates remembered hot-dogs and 3 boys didn’t say anything. Answers to another 3 questions you may see in my presentation.

But American cuisineisn’t only aboutfastfood! There are a lot of recipes of delicious dishes from the USA. I think, that after my story you would like to cook some of them.

It is believed that the most popular cafesin the USA are fast food restaurants. In such restaurant you can buy a burger or a  hot dog. And once it was true. But a lot of things have changed since that.  For examplenowadays  thereis healthy food in such places. Even in MacDonald’speople are served different kinds of salads. You can see not only traditional and multicultural the Caesar salad, but interesting variations of organic food.   The well done organic steak is extremely popular among MacDonald’s customers. Also you can buy there some kinds of diet food or special food for people with allergies. Yes, MacDonald’s now isn’t the MacDonald’s that it used to be. But its reputation hasn’t changed so quickly. As well as the reputation of American Food.

Well of course, fast food restaurants are much more popular then… let’s say restaurants with exquisite French cuisine. But people always choose the place with lower prices and bigger amount of food for that price. However, it depends on a person to buy healthy or unhealthy meal.

And let me say that burgers or fast food in general isn’t all we can say about American cuisine.

As  people with different cultures and traditions live in the US like good neighbors as American food  consists of Italian, British, German, Mexican and Chinese food. When immigrants from different countries went to America, they didn’t forget their favorite dishes and continued to cook them. Somebody opened a restaurant and.  And now American people are  enjoying  food from all over the world. Also  a lot of men and women in states sincerely believe that pizza is their national  food.

Just like half of Americans (according to CNN news) thinks that donuts were created in New York or Boston. However, originally donuts were brought fromHolland where they were created by accident. Once In 1847 a small boy told his mum, that her donuts weren`t tasty inside. He cut the middle, and his mum cooked them. So they became delicious.

On the other hand only few people know that hot rolls were invented in the USA. There is a version that it was invented by a poor Japanese chief, who wanted to earn more money.  He  suggested  traditional rolls fried in hot oil. Now they are well known all over the world.

Also not so many people are aware what gumbo is. By the way do you know what it is? It is a traditional American soup. Gumbo mostly consists of some meat or fish, some flour and a lot of different spices. Though some people put into it pieces of a crocodile or a snake.

If you want to taste some of popular American  courses you shouldn`t go to America to do it, because there are plenty of recipes in Internet.  I hope that you have learnt some new  factsand got interesting and curious information about cuisine in the USA.  That is all I wanted to tell you about American food. Thank you for your attention.

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«Презентация к исследованию на тему "Американская еда "»

American food Popova Polina Gymnasium№2 Solikamsk

American food

Popova Polina



… American food…

American food…

interviews with my classmates  1. What American food do you know?

interviews with my classmates 1. What American food do you know?

2. What food or dishes were invented in the USA?

2. What food or dishes were invented in the USA?

3. Do you think American food is useful?

3. Do you think American food is useful?

Even In MacDonald`s people are served different kinds of salads.

Even In MacDonald`s people are served different kinds of salads.

When immigrants from different countries went to America, they didn`t forget their favourite dishes and continued to cook them. Somebody opened a restaurant.

When immigrants from different countries went to America, they didn`t forget their favourite dishes and continued to cook them. Somebody opened a restaurant.

There are donuts without middle.

There are donuts without middle.

Only few people know that hot rolls were inveted in the USA.

Only few people know that hot rolls were inveted in the USA.

It is a traditional american soup- gumbo.

It is a traditional american soup- gumbo.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к исследованию на тему "Американская еда "

Автор: Воронцова Мария Абрамовна

Дата: 03.06.2020

Номер свидетельства: 552504

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