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Презентация английский язык класс

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Презентация по английскому языку для 5-6 класса

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Презентация английский язык класс»

There is a house There is a hall There are pictures on the wall. There are chairs, There is door And warm carpet on the floor

There is a house

There is a hall

There are pictures on the wall.

There are chairs,

There is door

And warm carpet on the floor

Where do you live, in a flat or in a house? How many rooms are there in your house? Is there a pantry in your flat? Where do you like to do your homework? Is there a carpet in your room?

Where do you live, in a flat or in a house?

How many rooms are there in your house?

Is there a pantry in your flat?

Where do you like to do your homework?

Is there a carpet in your room?

Where is Tiny? He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny?

He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny? He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny?

He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny? He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny?

He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny? He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny?

He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny? He is in the . . .

Where is Tiny?

He is in the . . .

Singular Plural There There  there…. ?   there…. ? Yes, there   No, there Yes, there   No, there is are Is Are are is aren’t isn’t





there…. ?

there…. ?

Yes, there

No, there

Yes, there

No, there









1There a lot of sweets in the vase. 2 There one bathroom in my flat. 3. There no fireplace in my house. 4 there many chairs in your room? – No, there two chairs in my room.  there a carpet on the floor? - Yes, there There four shelves on the wall. are is is are are Is is are

1There a lot of sweets in the vase.

2 There one bathroom in my flat.

3. There no fireplace in my house.

4 there many chairs in your room? – No, there two chairs in my room.

  • there a carpet on the floor? - Yes, there
  • There four shelves on the wall.









In - в Above – над Under - под Behind - за Between – между In the middle - в середине In the left/right corner – в левом / правом углу

In - в

Above – над

Under - под

Behind - за

Between – между

In the middle - в середине

In the left/right corner – в левом / правом углу

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация английский язык класс

Автор: Лидия Владимировна Журавкова

Дата: 19.12.2021

Номер свидетельства: 595373

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