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Presentation on the theme: Adjectives

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educational: to give information about degrees of adjectives

developing: to develop pupils knowledge about adjectives

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«Presentation on the theme: Adjectives»

Adjective Degrees of adjectives


Degrees of adjectives

There are 3 types of degrees:  Positive (Oddiy)  Comparative (Qiyosiy)  Superlative (Orttirma)

There are 3 types of degrees: Positive (Oddiy) Comparative (Qiyosiy) Superlative (Orttirma)

Positive (Oddiy) -  Comparative (Qiyosiy)- er  Superlative (Orttirma) - est

Positive (Oddiy) - Comparative (Qiyosiy)- er Superlative (Orttirma) - est

Listen, read and learn: Warm – warmer – the warmest Cold – colder – the coldest  Clean – cleaner – the cleanest Kind – kinder – the kindest Tall – taller – the tallest

Listen, read and learn:

Warm – warmer – the warmest

Cold – colder – the coldest

Clean – cleaner – the cleanest

Kind – kinder – the kindest

Tall – taller – the tallest

hot- hotter- the hottest    big - bigger – the biggest  fat – fatter- the fattest

hot- hotter- the hottest   big - bigger – the biggest fat – fatter- the fattest

Agar oxirgi harfi -y- tugasa u -i- o`zgaradi va qo`shimcha qo`shiladi. Remember ! sunny – sunnier – the sunniest happy – happier – the happiest hungry – hungrier – the hungriest messy – messier – the messiest dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest

Agar oxirgi harfi -y- tugasa u -i- o`zgaradi va qo`shimcha qo`shiladi.

Remember !

sunny – sunnier – the sunniest

happy – happier – the happiest

hungry – hungrier – the hungriest

messy – messier – the messiest

dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest

Last vowel “ e “don`t used larg e - larg er – the larg est nice – nicer -the nicest wide – wider – the widest late – later – the latest

Last vowel “ e “don`t used

larg e - larg er – the larg est

nice – nicer -the nicest

wide – wider – the widest

late – later – the latest

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

Compare the animals. Use the words: useful, clever, big, strong, beautiful, funny.  Ex: An elephant is bigger than a lion.

Compare the animals. Use the words: useful, clever, big, strong, beautiful, funny.

Ex: An elephant is bigger than a lion.

Exercise 3 Упражнение 5 Look at the pictures and say: which one is happier.

Exercise 3

Упражнение 5

Look at the pictures and say: which one is happier.

Test  Choose the right letter.  Who is the cleverest animal?  a) dolphin c) hen  b) monkey d) penguin  2) Who is the biggest animal on the land?  a) camel c) giraffe  b) elephant d) cow  3) Who is the fastest animal on the land?  a) tiger c) leopard  b) eagle d) horse

Test Choose the right letter. Who is the cleverest animal? a) dolphin c) hen b) monkey d) penguin 2) Who is the biggest animal on the land? a) camel c) giraffe b) elephant d) cow 3) Who is the fastest animal on the land? a) tiger c) leopard b) eagle d) horse

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Presentation on the theme: Adjectives

Автор: Kasimova Nigora Uchkunovna

Дата: 30.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 544655

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