The theme: My Family.
The aim: A) To teach pupils to speak about their family and to introduce with new words.
B) To develop the pupil`s speaking, listening and writing abilities.
C) Bring up the feeling of love English Language.
Visual aids: Active whiteboard, CD-discs, placards and Student books.
Procedure of the lesson.
- Organization moment.
- Phonetic drill.
- Checking up the homework.
- Explanation of the new theme.
- Marking.
- Giving the homework.
- Conclusion
I. -Good afternoon pupils!
-Good afternoon teacher!
-Sit down please.
-Who is on duty today?
-I am on duty today.
-Who is absent today?
- All are present. / … (is/are) absent.
-What date is it today?
-Today is the 14th of January.
-What day of the week is today?
-Today is Saturday.
-Thank you sit down please.
II. Phonetic drill
I love mother
She loves me
I love father
He loves me
I love brother
He loves me
And we are happy family.
III. Let`s check up your homework.
Best friend
Birthday month…………………
Favourite sport………………….
Favourite singer…………………
II. Word mountain
Write a word mountain with these words.
1 colour g------
2 cities L-------T--------
3 things of eat i-------s--------p------
4 months A------J------S-------M-----
5 countries I------S-------C------P------J-------
6 sports s--------b-------f-------s------c-------s------
7 feelings b--------a-------t---------h-----t------w------h------
March, skateboarding, bored, hungry, Tokyo, August, green, angry, basketball, thirsty, India, tired, spaghetti, June, Canada, Lisbon, South Africa, skiing, football, pizza, hot, worried, cycling, swimming, ice-cream, Portugal, Japan, September.
IV. New theme: My family
Brother А?а, іні
Aunt ?кені? не шешені? апасы, ?арындасы
Grandmother ?же
Pets ?й жануарлары
Father ?ке
Cousins Немере а?а (іні, ?арындас, сі?лі, апай)
Grandfather Ата
Sister Апа, сі?лі, ?арындас
Uncle ?кені? не шешені? а?асы, інісі
Mother Ана, шеше
21 twenty-one, 22 twenty-two, 23 twenty-three, 24 twenty-four, 25 twenty-five, 26 twenty-six, 27 twenty-seven, 28 twenty-eight, 29 twenty-nine, 30 thirty, 31 thirty-one, 40 forty, 50 fifty, 60 sixty,
70 seventy, 80 eighty, 90 ninety, 100 a hundred, 101 a hundred and one …
Grammar spot
Possessive `s
Gordon is Mandy`s grandmother.
Martha is Helga`s mother.
`s – ны?, ні?, ды?, ді?, ты?, ті?.
Pronunciation [ð] са?ау з дыбысы
Mother [`m?ð?]
Father [`fa:ð?]
Brother [br?ð?]
Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
Мені?, сені?, оны?, бізді?, оларды?
Question word: who
Real English
Great. Wow! Cool. Right.
керемет, ?андай керемет, керемет , д?рыс
Excellent good satisfactory
Doing exercises in Activity book. P. 70. 71.
VI. -Thank you for participation.
-The lesson is over.
- Good-bye!