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France - Франция

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В презентации рассказывается о Франции на английском языке.

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«France - Франция»



France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. France is washed by four water space: the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The length of the maritime borders of 5500 kilometers.  The total area of the country is 547,030 square kilometers. Population - 64.7 million people.

France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. France is washed by four water space: the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The length of the maritime borders of 5500 kilometers. The total area of the country is 547,030 square kilometers. Population - 64.7 million people.

Capital - the city of Paris. The country's name comes from the Germanic tribe of the Franks ethnonym, despite the fact that the majority of the population of France has a mixed Gallo-Roman origin and speaks the language of the Romance.

Capital - the city of Paris. The country's name comes from the Germanic tribe of the Franks ethnonym, despite the fact that the majority of the population of France has a mixed Gallo-Roman origin and speaks the language of the Romance.

The emblem consists of: 1) Spelt, ending with a lion's head on one side and an eagle on the other . 2) olive branch, symbolizing peace . 3) oak branches symbolizing wisdom . 4) fascia, is a symbol of justice. The current logo has become a symbol of France since 1953, although it has no legal status as an official symbol.

The emblem consists of:

1) Spelt, ending with a lion's head on one side and an eagle on the other .

2) olive branch, symbolizing peace .

3) oak branches symbolizing wisdom .

4) fascia, is a symbol of justice.

The current logo has become a symbol of France since 1953, although it has no legal status as an official symbol.

Flag of France - the national emblem. It consists of three vertical stripes: blue - at the left edge, white - in the middle, and red - at the free edge of the cloth. Origin of colors . Blue ensign was associated with the color of the vestments of St. Martin of Tours. White is the color of the royal flag and some marine banners. Red during the reign of Hugh Capet and his descendants kings of France wore red clothes.

Flag of France - the national emblem. It consists of three vertical stripes: blue - at the left edge, white - in the middle, and red - at the free edge of the cloth.

Origin of colors .

Blue ensign was associated with the color of the vestments of St. Martin of Tours.

White is the color of the royal flag and some marine banners.

Red during the reign of Hugh Capet and his descendants kings of France wore red clothes.

The End Kirill Vasilev Did: 9 б class

The End

Kirill Vasilev


9 б class

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

France - Франция

Автор: Богатырева Роза Васильевна

Дата: 16.07.2020

Номер свидетельства: 554814

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