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Describe your flat

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The aims of the lesson

Educational: to enrich vocabulary, to pay attention to pronunciation and use subject and Possessive pronouns.

Developing: to develop reading, speaking critical thinking skills memory and creative working.

Brining up: to pay attention to their flat.

Type:  mixed.

Methods: explaining, questions, answers, matching.

Form: individual, pair work, work with class.  

Materials:. Pictures,cards

Technical means: Interactive board

  1. Procedure of the lesson
  1. Introduction:
  2.  Good morning!
  3.  I’m very glad to see you.
  4. Who is on duty today?
  5. Who is up sent?
  6. What date is it today?
  7. What day is it today?


  1. New words

Table – ?стел

Bed – т?сек

Chair – орынды?

Sofa- диван

Armchair – кресло

Bookcase – кітап с?ресі

Fridge – то?азат?ыш

Cooker – плита

Fireplace – камин

Mirror – айна

Lamp – шам

Living room  – ?она? б?лме

Dining room – ас ішетін б?лме

Kitchen – асхана

Bedroom- жатын б?лме

Bathroom -  жуынатын б?лме


  1. Tick the right box. Do not tick other boxes.


chair                       cooker                     armchair

sofa                        fireplace                  bed

armchair                   fridge                     sofa

sofa                          lamp                     bookcase

bed                           cooker                   fireplace

bookcase                     sofa                     cooker

  1. Sing song “My room”


This is my house

Come in,  come in.

This is my brilliant house.

That is my bed

And this is my chair.

Look at my books

They’re everywhere

This is my house

Come in, come in.

This is my brilliant house.

Come in.


  1. Lexis. “Who is the best decorator?
  2. Tick the box YES if the sentence is true to the picture. If it is false, then tick the box NO.


                 Is this a kitchen?             Yes/No.



                          Is this a toilet?       Yes/No.


                                    Is this a   lamp?     Yes/No.



  1. Grammar.


“There is”, ”There are”

Describe you room using this rule.

  1. Work with the picture.

What do you see on this picture?


Write small story “All about my house”. 

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«Describe your flat »

The 30 th of January Wednesday

The 30 th of January


“ My House”

My House”

House’s Rooms

House’s Rooms

Bedroom [bedrum]- жатын бөлме

Bedroom [bedrum]- жатын бөлме

Kitchen [kit∫in] асхана

Kitchen [kit∫in] асхана

Dining room [dainiŋ ru:m] ас ішетін бөлме

Dining room [dainiŋ ru:m] ас ішетін бөлме

Living room [liviŋ rum]- қонақ бөлме

Living room [liviŋ rum]- қонақ бөлме

Bathroom [ba: θ rum]- жуынатын бөлме

Bathroom [ba: θ rum]- жуынатын бөлме













chair   sofa                       armchair                                                                                         зхжд Cooker  armchair     fireplace  bed fridge   sofa                                                

  • chair 
  • sofa                     
  • armchair                                                               


  • Cooker armchair 
  •   fireplace bed
  • fridge  sofa


lamp  Bed bookcase       Sofa cooker  fireplace Fireplace cooker  bed
  • lamp 
  • Bed
  • bookcase      
  • Sofa
  • cooker 
  • fireplace
  • Fireplace
  • cooker 
  • bed
This is my house Come in, come in. This is my brilliant house. That is my bed And this is my chair. Look at my books They’re everywhere This is my house Come in, come in. This is my brilliant house. Come in.

This is my house

Come in, come in.

This is my brilliant house.

That is my bed

And this is my chair.

Look at my books

They’re everywhere

This is my house

Come in, come in.

This is my brilliant house.

Come in.

bedroom Kitchen  living room



living room

Is this a kitchen?                Yes /No.  Is this a toilet?         Yes /No .

Is this a kitchen?               Yes /No.

Is this a toilet?         Yes /No .

Is this a kitchen?                 Yes /No. Is this a lamp?          Yes /No.

Is this a kitchen?            

   Yes /No.

Is this a lamp?        

Yes /No.

B athroom dining room bedroom B edroom living room hall K itchen kitchen dining room

B athroom dining room bedroom

B edroom living room hall

K itchen kitchen dining room

Garage bedroom garden Bathroom kitchen dining room Living room hall garage

Garage bedroom garden

Bathroom kitchen dining room

Living room hall garage

What do you see on this picture? E.x.: I see on this picture a …..

What do you see on this picture?

E.x.: I see on this picture a …..

Home work   “ All about my house” (Write down)

Home work

All about my house”

(Write down)

The lesson is over. Good bye!

The lesson is over.

Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Describe your flat

Автор: Жуманова Арайлы Тлеубаевна

Дата: 08.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 209399

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object(ArrayObject)#875 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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object(ArrayObject)#853 (1) {
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