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Открытый урок "My flat"

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The date :  The 19thof  October

The theme: My flat   

The form: 5 a

The aims: 1.To teach to know different words and word combinations of describing their own house  

                   and rooms, to train in using construction there is\are in the theme; to study the new words  

                   and practice them in speech.

                  2.To develop pupils ability in working in pairs and individually, to develop pupils skills and 

                  habits in understanding, reading and oral speech.

                     3. to enrich their vocabulary and practice them in speech

Methods: Complex work, individual work, question-answer, reading, speaking.

The type of the lesson: presentation

Equipment: interactive board, cards, a blackboard, set of pictures.

                                                     Procedure  of  the  lesson

  1. Organization moment: T: Good morning Children!

Ch: Good morning,good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning teacher

We are glad to see you!

T:How are you?

Ch: we are fine thank you

Phonetic drill: Let`s go to my house

Let`s go today.

I`ll show you all the rooms

Where were work and play.

  1. Checking up the home work

Exercise 2.  read the dialogue.

Colin: who`s this?

Omar: He`s my friend

Colin: what`s his name?

Omar: Victor

Colin: where does he come from?

Omar: He comes from Kazakhstan

Colin: what`s his nationality?

Omar: He`s Russian

  1. Warm-up.

Draw a plan of your house

  1. Introduction of new material

Teacher: Today we shall know the names of rooms of flat. Tell me, please, how do you understand the words “flat” and “house”?

Pupils: “Flat”- П?тер, “house”-?й.

  1. The new words on the theme:

Now, pupils look at interactive board. Look at pictures, read and repeat after me the new words.

a corridor[?`korid?]-д?ліз

a bedroom[?`bedrum]-  жататын б?лме

a living room [?`livin rum]-?она? б?лме

a study [?`st?di]-кабинет

a dining room [?`dainin rum]-асхана

a bath room [?`ba:?rum]-  жуынатын  б?лме

a toilet [?`toilit]-   ?жетхана

VI.  Grammar: “there is”, ”there are” – затты?, н?рсені?, атауды? белгілі  бір  жерде т?р?анын, бар екенін  білдіру ?шін ?олданылады «there is» жекеше т?рде, ал » there are» к?пше т?рде ?олданамыз.

There is a sofa in the living room.

There are two lamps in the bedroom.

VIIPractice: Fill in the necessary words:

Mirror, table, TV, desk, room, chairs.

1.There is a…on the wall

2.There are ten books on the ….

3.There is a cup of coffee on the….

4.There is a… in the living room.

5.There are five Children in the ….

6.There are four …. At the table.

Exercise 4. look at the picture. Write the names of the room.

Which room is this?

We cook in the…

We sleep in the ….

We watch TV in the….

We read books in the….

VIII.  Conclusion “Guessing game.’’

Which room is it?

1.In this room there is a table and beds. We sleep in it. /bedroom/

2.In this room there is chairs, armchairs, a sofa, a television, and a carpet./ living room/

3.In this room you wash your hands and face, clean your teeth, take a bath or a shower. /bathroom/

4.In this room there is a desk, chairs, computer. You may do your homework there /children room/

5.There is a dishwasher, a fridge, plates and cup there. We usually cook in this room. /dining room and Kitchen/

Look at the active board and you write a flat words scramble in your copy book.

ofSa                       Sofa

rpteCa                    Carpet

ookH                      Hook

teilviones               television

perictu                    picture

wwdion                 window


      1. This is a house

With one window in it.

Showing films

Nearly every minute.   ( теледидар-телевизор- a TV set)

      2. In our kitchen

All the year around.

Lives old face frost

All sage and sound.    (то?азыт?ыш- холодильник-a refrigerator)

     3.?з...-?ле? т?сегі?       (?йі?-дом-home)

     4.Т?рт ая?ы тірек

        ?адайды жерге тіреп.     (орынды?-стул-a chair)

     5. Т?ра ?алсам алдына,

        Жалтыра?ан а? айдын.

        ?зімді-?зім мен мына

        К?ре аламын ап-ай?ын.      (айна-зеркало- a mirror)

    6.М?лдір м?з ар?ылы, н?р т?гіп

       К?н т?рар

       Ке? б?лмем ?р к?ні

       Тазарып ??лпырар.             (терезе-окно- a window)

IX.   Home task:  T: describe your room, learn by heart the new words.

XI.   Reflection

Teacher: Today you were repeated the name of rooms. What new and interesting material do you know now? What have you learnt today?

Pupils: a living room, a dining room,a bathroom, a bedroom, a corridor,a study, there is, there are.

’’Who is the best and quick?’’


                                            a fridge                                                                                          a sofa




                                                                                                         a bed




Who is the best decorator?

Who is the first? Who wants to speak about room?

X. Evaluation

Teacher: Our today`s lesson is over. You all worked very well, thanks a lot.I`ll give your marks. Good bye Children!

Pupils: Good bye, good bye

Good bye teacher

See you late

On Saturday!















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Просмотр содержимого документа
«открытый урок "My flat"»

The date : The 19thof October

The theme: My flat

The form: 5 a

The aims: 1.To teach to know different words and word combinations of describing their own house

and rooms, to train in using construction there is\are in the theme; to study the new words

and practice them in speech.

2.To develop pupils ability in working in pairs and individually, to develop pupils skills and

habits in understanding , reading and oral speech.

3. to enrich their vocabulary and practice them in speech

Methods: Complex work, individual work, question-answer, reading, speaking.

The type of the lesson: presentation

Equipment: interactive board, cards, a blackboard, set of pictures.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment: T: Good morning Children!

Ch: Good morning ,good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning teacher

We are glad to see you!

T:How are you?

Ch: we are fine thank you

Phonetic drill: Let`s go to my house

Let`s go today.

I`ll show you all the rooms

Where were work and play.

  1. Checking up the home work

Exercise 2. read the dialogue.

Colin: who`s this?

Omar: He`s my friend

Colin: what`s his name?

Omar: Victor

Colin: where does he come from?

Omar: He comes from Kazakhstan

Colin: what`s his nationality?

Omar: He`s Russian

  1. Warm-up.

Draw a plan of your house

  1. Introduction of new material

Teacher: Today we shall know the names of rooms of flat. Tell me, please, how do you understand the words “flat” and “house”?

Pupils: “Flat”- Пәтер, “house”-үй.

  1. The new words on the theme:

Now, pupils look at interactive board. Look at pictures, read and repeat after me the new words.

a corridor[ә`koridә]-дәліз

a bedroom[ә`bedrum]- жататын бөлме

a living room [ә`livin rum]-қонақ бөлме

a study [ә`stәdi]-кабинет

a dining room [ә`dainin rum]-асхана

a bath room [ә`ba:Өrum]- жуынатын бөлме

a toilet [ә`toilit]- әжетхана

VI. Grammar: “there is”, ”there are” – заттың, нәрсенің, атаудың белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын , бар екенін  білдіру үшін қолданылады «there is» жекеше түрде, ал » there are» көпше түрде қолданамыз.

There is a sofa in the living room.

There are two lamps in the bedroom.

VIIPractice: Fill in the necessary words:

Mirror, table, TV, desk, room, chairs.

1.There is a…on the wall

2.There are ten books on the ….

3.There is a cup of coffee on the….

4.There is a… in the living room.

5.There are five Children in the ….

6.There are four …. At the table.

Exercise 4. look at the picture. Write the names of the room.

Which room is this?

We cook in the…

We sleep in the ….

We watch TV in the….

We read books in the….

VIII. Conclusion “Guessing game.’’

Which room is it?

1.In this room there is a table and beds. We sleep in it. /bedroom/

2.In this room there is chairs, armchairs, a sofa, a television, and a carpet./ living room/

3.In this room you wash your hands and face, clean your teeth, take a bath or a shower. /bathroom/

4.In this room there is a desk , chairs, computer. You may do your homework there /children room/

5.There is a dishwasher, a fridge, plates and cup there. We usually cook in this room. /dining room and Kitchen/

Look at the active board and you write a flat words scramble in your copy book.

ofSa Sofa

rpteCa Carpet

ookH Hook

teilviones television

perictu picture

wwdion window


1. This is a house

With one window in it.

Showing films

Nearly every minute. ( теледидар-телевизор- a TV set)

2. In our kitchen

All the year around.

Lives old face frost

All sage and sound. (тоңазытқыш- холодильник-a refrigerator)

3.Өз ...........-өлең төсегің (үйің-дом-home)

4.Төрт аяғы тірек

Қадайды жерге тіреп. (орындық-стул-a chair)

5. Тұра қалсам алдына,

Жалтыраған ақ айдын.

Өзімді-өзім мен мына

Көре аламын ап-айқын. (айна-зеркало- a mirror)

6.Мөлдір мұз арқылы, нұр төгіп

Күн тұрар

Кең бөлмем әр күні

Тазарып құлпырар. (терезе-окно- a window)

IX. Home task:  T: describe your room, learn by heart the new words.

XI. Reflection

Teacher: Today you were repeated the name of rooms. What new and interesting material do you know now? What have you learnt today?

Pupils: a living room, a dining room ,a bathroom, a bedroom, a corridor ,a study , there is , there are.

’’Who is the best and quick?’’

a fridge a sofa

a kitchen

A living room

a bed

A bedroom

Who is the best decorator?

Who is the first? Who wants to speak about room?

X. Evaluation

Teacher: Our today`s lesson is over. You all worked very well, thanks a lot .I`ll give your marks. Good bye Children!

Pupils: Good bye, good bye

Good bye teacher

See you late

On Saturday!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

открытый урок "My flat"

Автор: Абилова Акбота Утепбергеновна

Дата: 09.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 273991

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