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Comparatives in speaking

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Данная презентация поможет "освежить" знания о образовании сравнительной степени односложных и многосложных приалгательных, активизировать их употребление в устной речи (сравнение картинок).

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«Comparatives in speaking»

Let’s compare the pictures with the help of comparative forms.

Let’s compare the pictures with the help of comparative forms.

What is heavier?     60 kg 350 gr  The … is heavier than the ….

What is heavier?

60 kg 350 gr

The … is heavier than the ….

What is less colourful?     Pinocchio Aladdin … is less colourful than ….

What is less colourful?

Pinocchio Aladdin

is less colourful than ….

What is more popular?      … is more popular than ….

What is more popular?

is more popular than ….

What is faster?     A … is faster than a ….

What is faster?

A … is faster than a ….

What is funnier?      pantomime fairy story A … is funnier than a ….

What is funnier?

pantomime fairy story

A … is funnier than a ….

What is longer?     5.94 m  0.7 m The … is longer than the ….

What is longer?

5.94 m 0.7 m

The … is longer than the ….

Which socks are longer?     Tartan socks tennis socks … are longer than these ….

Which socks are longer?

Tartan socks tennis socks

are longer than these ….

Now can you compare the following pictures? Use : I think I guess I suppose It seems to me (that) I believe

Now can you compare the following pictures?

Use :

I think

I guess

I suppose

It seems to me (that)

I believe

comfortable, beautiful, expensive, etc.

comfortable, beautiful, expensive, etc.

serious, cheap, entertaining, etc.

serious, cheap, entertaining, etc.

dangerous, easy, enjoyable, etc.

dangerous, easy, enjoyable, etc.

difficult, challenging, quiet, etc.

difficult, challenging, quiet, etc.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Comparatives in speaking

Автор: Постникова Татьяна Васильевна

Дата: 09.01.2020

Номер свидетельства: 534894

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