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(W) Greeting. «How are you today?»    Pupils greet the pupils and share their minds about their mood.

Now we will be divided into two group with numbers which are in the box.

Each group using our last new words and give association

1st  group Environment

2nd group Disasters

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Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: « Disaster statistics in Kazakhstan »

Пән мұғалімі: Тлеубек Қ.Т.

Семей қаласы

2018 жыл

LESSON: Unit: Natural Disasters. Disaster statistics in Kazakhstan



Teacher name: Tleubek K.T


Number present


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.S4 respond with some flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on a growing range of general and curricular topics

7.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular topics

7.L4 understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Discussing the topical subjects, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills through doing tasks, to receive topical vocabulary, to compare the facts on the theme, to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills;

to develop students’ interest in research works.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Read the passage and mark sentences as True or False;

  • Deduce meaning from context by finding the words in the text;

  • Read the passage and fill in missing words;

Most learners will be able to:

  • Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence level and in conversations with some flexibility;

Some learners will be able to:

  • Use topic-related vocabulary in their own context independently with much freedom

Previous learning

Looking at natural disasters in Kazakhstan and around the world

Differentiation: geography, music, kazakh language


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



1 min

2 min

(W) Greeting. «How are you today?» Pupils greet the pupils and share their minds about their mood.

Now we will be divided into two group with numbers which are in the box.

Each group using our last new words and give association

1st group Environment

2nd group Disasters




Aral Sea

{W} New words


Dropped- құлау


Desert- шөл

River -өзен

Reduction-азаю, қысқару


Shrinkage-құрғау, тартылу

Disaster-апат, бақытсыздық

Damage- шығын,зақым келтіру

New words



15 min




1 min

8 min

1 min

So, what do you know about Aral Sea? Write your ideas to the poster


Aral Sea

The text: The Aral Sea

The Aral Sea is one of the most ancient lakes on Earth, with a history of 3,500 years. It was also the fourth largest lake in the world until the late 1950s. And lying between Kazakhstan (Aktobe and Kyzylorda Regions) in the north and Uzbekistan (Karakalpakstan autonomous region) in the south. An area of 68,000 km2 .

It is dying now. The sea has dropped by 16 metres and the water has become too salty. There are now three million hectares of land which were once covered by water. The climate has been affected and changed this land into desert.

The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers feed the Aral Sea. They travel through Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the 1920s new irrigation technologies were introduced and larger-scale cotton cultivation was begun. Water from the rivers was diverted for agricultural and population needs.

Until the 1950s, between 50 and 60 cubic kilometers of water reached the Aral Sea each year. Since the 1960s the Aral Sea has lost almost 75 per cent of its volume, and has shrunk to 50 per cent of its size. In some dry years in the 1980s no water flowed into the sea at all. The water has become over-salty and lost most of its natural plant and animal life. The low quality of water has caused many diseases.

The maximum depth of the North Aral Sea is 42 m. The Aral Sea region is also heavily polluted, with consequential serious public health problems.

National Geographic summed up the situation best by saying: ‘It has never happened within the time frame of a single generation, the disappearance of such a large body of water.’

Learners read the passage “Aral Sea”. They get a sheet with the questions and mark if the sentences are True or False.

1. The Aral Sea is one of the most ancient lakes on Earth, with a history of 3,500 years. T

2. The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers feed the Aral Sea__T

3. . Until the 1950s, between 50 and 60 cubic kilometres of water reached the Aral Sea each year ____T

4. Water from the rivers wasn’t diverted for agricultural and population needs . _F

5. The water has become over-salty and lost most of its natural plant and animal life . __T

6. An area of 67,000 km2 _F

7. The low quality of water hasn’t caused many diseases. F

8. The maximum depth of the North Aral Sea is 25 m.

9. The Aral Sea region isn’t also heavily polluted F

10. In some dry years in the 1980s no water flowed into the sea at all. T


Mony indicate instead of a porper supply of sentence , with words R

Until the 1950s, between 50 and 60 cubic -------of water ----- the Aral Sea each year. Since the ------the Aral Sea has lost ---- 75 per cent of its volume, and has shrunk to 50 per cent of its size. In some dry-----in the 1980s no water ----- into the sea at all. The water has become --------and lost most of its natural plant and animal life. The low quality of----- has caused many diseases

Reached, almost, flowed, water, kilometers, 1960s,Years, over-salty, many


Our famous singer Diana Sharapova sing a song about Aral Sea, let’s sing all together

(W),(G)Presentation : Listening in the video

Teacher suggests a reading activity to the learners.

Now, look to the monitor and listen carefully ,then complete the sentences using ‘Key words’, then share with your neighbor and put your mark.

Now, we are going to listen about “ The Aral Sea”

Key words:

Disappear-to pass from view

Prosperous- having continued success;

Irrigate- supply water

Create- found , produce

Extends-) to stretch out to fullest length

Dump- n. as a hole

Capacity- means volume

Local- particular place

Sea – water

Return - also known as a financial return

Complete the missing words while listening to the text

1. The town of Aral was the epicenter of the region’s ____ Industry. Prosperous

2. There was a beautiful ____with ways coming up to the beach. Sea

3. There were no fish in the Soviet Union like the fish in Aral.

4. The rivers that fed the Sea to ____the plantation ___during the Soviet Era. Irrigate, Create

5. In 1960’s the Sea was_____. Disappear

6. Sea bed____ 400 kilometers. Extends

7. The government decided to build a ____in the northern part of the Sea. Dump

8. The people of Aral are that one day the Sea will come back to their town.

9. Some people believe that the Sea will ____Return

10. Disappearances of Aral Sea was a tragedy for ____people. Local

Now, find at the map Aral sea and colour ( work with map)

Writing poster

‘Aral Sea’

Reading Aral Sea



Gr. Ass

Self assessment

Doing P\T

sing a song about Aral Sea

Peer assessment

Complete the missing words while listening to the text

Aral Sea_ Man-made environmental disaster - BBC News.mp4

Differentiation with geography



Speaking about natural disasters

(W, I) Teacher suggests developing speaking on topic “Natural Disasters” Answer the questions:

  1. What do you know about Aral Sea?

  2. Where is it located?

  3. What’s the problem of the Aral region?

  4. Is the problem of the Aral Sea only the problem of Kazakhstan?

Discussing the theme

2 min

2 min

2 min


Now I’ll give you 1 minute to complete your poster ‘Aral Sea’ and say about sea


Aral Sea

The teacher puts hand’s pictures on the walls around the classroom:

The learners write their names on the sticky papers and place their stickers on the EARTH to protect and with wishes

Home work: write an article about disaster

Writing poster

‘Aral Sea’



Additional information қосымша материал

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able


Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links

Provide less able learners with easier reading tasks

More able learners:

Get an extra reading task

Make analysis of their work and help weaker ones to arrange information.

Monitor learners to check they can do the reading tasks properly

• Observe learners when participating in speaking. Did each learner contribute to the speaking and discussion? If not, why not?

Some questions provide critical thinking while answering to them


If you want to expolore If you today’s lesson Today’s lesson is clearly stick

This lesson, sticker is not clear, stick a sticker a sticker on the suitcase

On the meatball on the litter box

The text: The Aral Sea

The Aral Sea is one of the most ancient (көне) lakes on Earth, with a history of 3,500 years. It was also the fourth largest lake in the world until the late 1950s. And lying (орналасқан) between  Kazakhstan (Aktobe and Kyzylorda Regions) in the north and Uzbekistan  (Karakalpakstan  autonomous region) in the south. An area of 68,000 km2 .

It is dying (құрып кету) now. The sea has dropped (төмендеді) by 16 metres and the water has become too salty (тұзды). There are now three million hectares of land which were once covered (покрыта, жабылған) by water. The climate has been affected (әсер етті )and changed this land into desert.

The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers feed (құю) the Aral Sea. They travel through Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the 1920s new irrigation technologies were introduced and larger-scale cotton (мақта өсіру) cultivation was begun. Water from the rivers was diverted (бұрып әкету) for agricultural and population (халық)needs.

Until the 1950s, between 50 and 60 cubic kilometers of water reached ( недоступно, қол жетімсіз) the Aral Sea each year. Since the 1960s the Aral Sea has lost (жоғалту) almost 75 per cent of its volume(көлемін), and has shrunk (азайды) to 50 per cent of its size. In some dry years in the 1980s no water flowed into the sea at all. The water has become (бола тусті) over-salty and lost most of its natural plant and animal life. The low quality of water has caused many diseases.

The maximum depth (тереңдігі) of the North Aral Sea is 42 m. The Aral Sea region is also heavily (өте) polluted, with consequential (ең негізгісі )serious public health problems.

National Geographic summed up the situation best by saying: ‘It has never happened within the time frame(тек қана бір поколение емес) of a single generation, the disappearance of such a large body of water.’

Learners read the passage “Aral Sea”. They get a sheet with the questions and mark if the sentences are True or False.

1. The Aral Sea is one of the most ancient lakes on Earth, with a history of 3,500 years. _

2. The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers feed the Aral Sea__

3. . Until the 1950s, between 50 and 60 cubic kilometres of water reached the Aral Sea each year ____

4. Water from the rivers wasn’t diverted for agricultural and population needs . _

5. The water has become over-salty and lost most of its natural plant and animal life . __

6. An area of 67,000 km2 _

7. The low quality of water hasn’t caused many diseases. __

8. The maximum depth of the North Aral Sea is 25 m.__

9. The Aral Sea region isn’t also heavily polluted __

10. In some dry years in the 1980s no water flowed into the sea at all. __

Now, we are going to listen about “ The Aral Sea”

Key words:

Disappear-to pass from view – ғайып болу

Prosperous- having continued success; - сәтті

Irrigate- supply water - суару

Create- found , produce - жасау

Extends-) to stretch out to fullest length - ұзарту

Dump- n. as a hole - қоқыс

Capacity- means volume - сыйымдылығы

Local- particular place - жергілікті

Sea – water

Return - also known as a financial return - қайтару

Complete the missing words while listening to the text

1. The town of Aral was the epicenter of the region’s ____ Industry.

2. There was a beautiful ____with ways coming up to the beach.

3. There were no fish in the Soviet Union like the fish in Aral.

4. The rivers that fed the Sea to ____the plantation ___during the Soviet Era.

5. In 1960’s the Sea was_____.

6. Sea bed____ 400 kilometers.

7. The government decided to build a ____in the northern part of the Sea.

8. The people of Aral are that one day the Sea will come back to their town.

9. Some people believe that the Sea will ____

10. Disappearances of Aral Sea was a tragedy for ____people.


Mony indicate instead of a porper supply of sentence , with words R

Until the 1950s, between 50 and 60 cubic -------of water ----- the Aral Sea each year. Since the ------the Aral Sea has lost ---- 75 per cent of its volume, and has shrunk to 50 per cent of its size. In some dry-----in the 1980s no water ----- into the sea at all. The water has become --------and lost most of its natural plant and animal life. The low quality of----- has caused many diseases

Reached, almost, flowed, water, kilometres, 1960s,Years, over-salty, many

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Тлеубек Құндыз Тлеубекқызының

аталған сабаққа өзіндік талдауы.

№ 49 жалпы орта білім беретін мектептің 7 «а» сыныбында 01.03.2018 жылы « Disaster statistics in Kazakhstan » тақырыбында ашық сабақ өткіздім. Сабақтың мақсаты аталған тақырыпқа сай мәтінмен таныстыру, берілген мәтінмен жұмыс түрлерін жүргізу, оқушылардың берілген мәтінге байланысты ойларын жеткізуге тапсырмалар беру, аталған тақырып бойынша сөз қорларын дамыту.

Сабақтың басталуы амандасумен басталды, өтілген тақырып бойынша үй тапсырмасы «қоршаған орта» және «апаттар» тақырыбы бойынша ассоциация құрау тапсырылды. Сабақтың негізгі бөлігі аталған тақырыпқа сай оқушыларға «ой-қозғау» стратегиясы бойынша сұрақтар қойылды, мәтін берілді. Мәтінді екі топ сұрақ – жауап ретінде тексеріп, топтық бағалау жүргізілді. Жазбаша мәтінде берілген сөздерді тиісті орнынға қойып, өзін – өзі бағалау жүргізілді.

Келесі тапсырма, оқушыларға географиялық атлас картадан арал теңізін тауып , ағылшын тілінде суреттеу тапсырмасы берілді, оқушылар берілген тапсырманы жақсы дәрежеде орындады.

Аталған тақырыпқа сай өз еліміздің атақты әншілерінің бірі Диана Шарапованың «Арал теңізіне» байланысты шыққан әні сергіту сәті ретінде берілді.

«Арал теңізіне» байланысты тыңдалым жұмысы ретінде арнайы видео берілді. Видеоны тыңдай отырып, оқушыларға «тірек сөздерді» пайдаланып сөйлемдерді толықтыру жұмысы жүргізілді және бұл жұмысты өзін – өзі бағалау әдісімен бағаланды.

Сабақтың соңында оқушыларға аталған тақырып негізінде бекіту сұрақтары қойылып, оқушылардан ауқымды жауаптар алынды және екі топ «Арал теңізі» тақырыбына постер құрап, қорғады. Қоршаған ортаны қорғау негізінде оқушылар алақанға тілек жазып, жер шарын айналдыра орналастыру ақылы рефлекция жүргізілді және үй тапсырмасына аталған тақырыпта өз ойларын жазып келу тапсырмасы берілді.

Аталған сабақта тыңдалым, айтылым, жазылым, оқылым жұмыстары толығымен жүргізілді. Сабақ қойылған мақсатына жетті, оқушылар «Арал теңізі» бойынша көп мағлұмат алды және тақырыпты толық меңгерді. Сабақта пән аралық байланыс география, музыка және қазақ тілдерімен байланыс жүргізілді.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока

Автор: Тлеубек Кундыз Тлеубеккызы

Дата: 03.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 460573

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