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Разработка урока

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Разработка урока ангийского языка для 8 класса 

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«Разработка урока»




GRADE 8, TERM 3, 2021

practice describing and narrating your last vacation destinations prepare and present a poster about a place you want to visit use topical vocabulary in describing and presenting vacation destinations express your points of view on each other’s presentations respect peers’ perspectives on the topic Travel on a budget
  • practice describing and narrating your last vacation destinations
  • prepare and present a poster about a place you want to visit
  • use topical vocabulary in describing and presenting vacation destinations
  • express your points of view on each other’s presentations
  • respect peers’ perspectives on the topic Travel on a budget

Lesson objectives

T ypes of travelling

T ypes of travelling

  • Relaxing
  • Adventurous
  • Exciting
  • Educational
  • On a shoestring budget
D iscussion

D iscussion

  • Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip?
  • What are some ways you can travel on a shoestring budget ?
  • Are there any ways to earn money while you are travelling?
Vocabulary Task. Read each group of four words. Circle the words that are similar to the first word in each line. Explain why the other one doesn’t fit. amusement park hotel lodging guest art gallery campsite museum take a tour sleeping bag tourist go hiking traveler inn relax on the beach go to the theater travel agent go sightseeing go swimming go shopping explore the wilderness


Task. Read each group of four words. Circle the words that are similar to the first word in each line. Explain why the other one doesn’t fit.

  • amusement park
  • hotel


  • guest

art gallery



  • take a tour

sleeping bag


  • go hiking



relax on the beach

go to the theater

travel agent

go sightseeing

go swimming

go shopping

explore the wilderness

Read the article from a student newspaper   Write the number of each boldfaced word in the article next to its definition.

Read the article from a student newspaper

Write the number of each boldfaced word in the article next to its definition.

  • travel by carrying your belongings in a bag on your back
  • inexpensive places to stay where guests can rent a bed and share a common bathroom, kitchen and lounge.
  • enjoy yourself very much
  • go away to a place where you can forget your problems, work, etc.
  • with limited money to spend
  • something that happens to you
  • meet and learn about
  • using very little money
Let’s talk

Let’s talk

  • What’s your best vacation memory?
  • What’s your worst vacation memory?
  • What countries would you like to visit?
  • What countries would you not like to visit?
My last vacation destination Topics Questions Weather Your destination What’s the weather like in ….? Best time of year Activities   What’s the best time of the year to visit? Sights What could you do there?     What sights could you see there?   Lodging   Where could you stay?   Cost   Was it expensive to travel there? Could you travel on a budget? People   Who will enjoy this vacation? (adventurous travelers, students, older travelers, families, singles, couples)  

My last vacation destination




Your destination

What’s the weather like in ….?

Best time of year



What’s the best time of the year to visit?


What could you do there?



What sights could you see there?




Where could you stay?




Was it expensive to travel there? Could you travel on a budget?



Who will enjoy this vacation? (adventurous travelers, students, older travelers, families, singles, couples)


  • Choose one of your last vacation destinations to present your peers.
  • It can be any kind of vacation – adventurous, relaxing, exciting, educational or on a shoestring.
  • Answer the questions and fill in information about your vacation in the chart .


  • Join the breakout room
  • Tell your groupmates about your last vacation destination
  • Use the information from the chart
  • Maintain grammar accuracy: past and present tenses
  • Use a wide range of topical vocabulary
  • Answer the questions from your peers
  • Listen to the other students’ talk
  • R ecord the meeting
Home task: Place I wish to visit Make a decision about which vacation destination you want to present your peers. It can be any kind of vacation – adventurous, relaxing, exciting, educational or on a shoestring. After you make decision, answer the questions and fill in information about your place in the chart. Make a travel poster about your destination that includes as much of the information in the chart as possible. Get photos of your vacation place to include. Make your poster on https://www.canva.com/ or https://padlet.com/ (go to https://padlet.com/ gallery to see the examples)  Topics Questions Weather Your destination What’s the weather like in ….? Best time of year   What’s the best time of the year to visit? Activities Sights What can you do there?     What sights can you see there? Lodging   Where can you stay?   Cost   Is it expensive to travel there? Can you travel on a budget? People   Who will enjoy this vacation? (adventurous travelers, students, older travelers, families, singles, couples)  

Home task: Place I wish to visit

  • Make a decision about which vacation destination you want to present your peers.
  • It can be any kind of vacation – adventurous, relaxing, exciting, educational or on a shoestring.
  • After you make decision, answer the questions and fill in information about your place in the chart.
  • Make a travel poster about your destination that includes as much of the information in the chart as possible. Get photos of your vacation place to include.
  • Make your poster on https://www.canva.com/ or https://padlet.com/ (go to https://padlet.com/ gallery to see the examples)




Your destination

What’s the weather like in ….?

Best time of year


What’s the best time of the year to visit?



What can you do there?



What sights can you see there?



Where can you stay?




Is it expensive to travel there? Can you travel on a budget?



Who will enjoy this vacation? (adventurous travelers, students, older travelers, families, singles, couples)


Home task: speaking part Join the breakout room Present your travel poster to your classmates. Use the information from the chart Maintain grammar accuracy: future and present tenses Use a wide range of topical vocabulary  Answer the questions from your groupmates. Listen to the other students’ presentation vote for the best vacation. Explain your choice.

Home task: speaking part

  • Join the breakout room
  • Present your travel poster to your classmates.
  • Use the information from the chart
  • Maintain grammar accuracy: future and present tenses
  • Use a wide range of topical vocabulary
  • Answer the questions from your groupmates.
  • Listen to the other students’ presentation
  • vote for the best vacation. Explain your choice.

  • R ecord the meeting
3-minute pause Stop and reflect on the concepts and ideas introduced during the lesson. I changed my attitude about … I am more aware of … I was surprised about … I tried … I felt … Reflection

3-minute pause

Stop and reflect on the concepts and ideas introduced during the lesson.

  • I changed my attitude about …
  • I am more aware of …
  • I was surprised about …
  • I tried …
  • I felt …


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка урока

Автор: Kerimbayeva Raushan

Дата: 08.06.2022

Номер свидетельства: 609159

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