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Music and musical instruments

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To develop students’ speaking, reading and retelling skills;  to develop  students’ interest in research works.

Musical Instruments

The great majority of musical instruments fall readily into one of six major categories: bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family, the first four of which form the basis of the modern symphony orchestra. 

The four principle orchestral string instruments are (in descending order of overall pitch) the violins (usually divided into two sections, playing individual parts), the violas, the cellos and the double basses

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«Music and musical instruments »

Form: 9 “a”

The theme of the lesson: Music and musical instruments / Present perfect continuous, Present perfect simple

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: to enlarge students’ knowledge on the theme, to enrich

students’ lexicon through new vocabulary.

Developing: To develop students’ speaking, reading and retelling skills; to

develop students’ interest in research works.

The type of the lesson: combined

Inter-subject connection: sport , geography

Methods of teaching: explaining, showing.

The equipment: an interactive board, cards, stickers, marking cards, pictures

Literature: Cambridge / English in Mind / SB2/ WB2

The procedure of the lesson:



Teacher’s word

Pupils’ word


2 min

5 min

5 min

10 min

5 min

8 min min

5 min

2 min

3 min

I. Organization moment

II. Checking up the home task

III. Vocabulary work

IV. Explaining new material

V. Warm up

VI. Reading

VII. Speaking

VIII. Marking

IX. Home task

X. The end of the lesson

Good morning, boys and girls!

Nice to meet you!

How are you?

Tell me please, what date is it today?

Who is on duty today?

Are you ready to work?

Let’s check up your homework

(teacher checks the homework by asking in oral form)

Music and musical instruments / Present perfect continuous, Present perfect simple

Musical Instruments of Kazakhstan


 Dombra – Kazakh two-stringed plucked musical instrument. It is used as accompanying, solo and main instrument in the Kazakh traditional music.Do...

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Kazakh shan-kobyz

 Shan-kobyz is the ancient Kazakh reed musical instrument. The instrument is made of the wooden plate, in the middle of which there is a reed. The thre...

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 Kobyz might be considered one of the widely-spread musical instruments of the Kazakh people. Kobyz is the bow instrument.Kobyz is made of the whole wo...

EX 3b p 61WB

Read the text

EX 3c p 61 WB

EX 3c p 61 WB

The lesson is over.

Good bye!!!!!

- See you on next lesson.

Good morning, teacher!

We are fine, thank you!

Today is the 20th of February

I am on duty today

Yes, we are

Today our home task was EX 2c 3a p 61 WB

Musical Instruments

The great majority of musical instruments fall readily into one of six major categories: bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family, the first four of which form the basis of the modern symphony orchestra. 

The four principle orchestral string instruments are (in descending order of overall pitch) the violins (usually divided into two sections, playing individual parts), the violas, the cellos and the double basses.

a normally silver-plated (or in more extravagant cases, gold), narrow-bored instrument, held horizontally just under the mouth, and activated by blowing air across an aperture at one end of the instrument.

a narrow-bored wooden instrument descended from the medieval shawm, held vertically, and activated by means of placing the end-positioned double-reed in the mouth, and blowing under high-pressure so as to force air between the two bound reeds, causing them to vibrate. Other members of the oboe family include the lower pitched cor anglais (or English Horn), and (far more rarely) baritone oboe and heckelphone (bass oboe)..

like the oboe usually wooden, played vertically and held in the mouth, but with a wider bore and consisting of a single reed which when activated vibrates against a detachable mouthpiece.

as the name would suggest, the bass member of the woodwind family, and by far the largest, especially its lower-pitched relation, the extremely bulky double or contra-bassoon.

Brass instruments are also activated by blowing into them, although instead of using a form of reed over which the mouth is placed, the lips are placed against or inside the cup of a metal mouthpiece, and made to vibrate against its inner rim. In order of descending pitch, these are:

one of the most ancient of all instruments.

French horn
another ancient instrument, descended from the use of animals' horns (hence the name) in pre-historic times.

descended from the medieval sackbutt, it is the only popular orchestral wind instrument which operates without the use of a valve or key system.

not unlike the French horn in basic construction, only more oval in shape and much bigger.

timpani or kettle drum, xylophone, glockenspiel, tubular

Indefinite pitch
triangle, gong, castanets, whip, rattle, anvil, tambourine, cymbals (struck and clashing), and a variety of drums (side, tenor, bass, tabor, bongo etc.).

mostly instruments emanating from the 17th/18th centuries where a series of stretched and tuned strings are plucked by a quill or plectrum (e.g. harpsichord, virginal, spinet).

where the strings are actually hit, either by a tangent (e.g. 17th/18th century clavichord), or hammers (e.g. piano, celesta).

They’ll bring their diaries to write the hometask

Good bye!!!!!!!

The 20th of February

Music and musical instruments / Present perfect continuous, Present perfect simple

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Music and musical instruments

Автор: Серикбаева Актокты Абдулхановна

Дата: 26.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 244193

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