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"Let's play "

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Урок английского языка в 3 классе разработан в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС с целью развития навыков чтения, выполнения разноуровневых задания по чтению, отработки грамматических правил употребления 

Date: 22.10.2015 year

Grade: 3b

Theme: Let’s play

1. To develop the pupils  skills in writing, speaking,   reading;
2.To give the new words connecting with this theme and practice it;
3.To teach the pupils interest the   English lesson.

Accessories: computer, Interactive board, flashcards,  cards, pictures.
                                       The procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment:

Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity
- Good, morning children! - Good morning, good morning!
Good morning too you
Good morning and teacher
How are you?
- I’m very well, thank you! And you? - We are fine.
- Sit down, please
- Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
- What day is it today? - Today is…
- What date is it today? - Today is the …………
Divide the class into 2 groups.
II. Warm up: “Knees, shoulders, toes” watch in video and sing.

Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We ‘re going to repeat all the materials. So, the aim of our lesson is to get as much.

III. Checking up homework

IY. Review the materials:

  1. “ABC”sing a song. Alphabet.
  2. Complete the missing numbers.1 – 10.

    I group                                        II group

1,.,3,.,5,.,7,.,9,..                    0,.,2,.,4,.,6,.,8,.,10.

  1. “Target” English trainer
  2. Help the Barsik
  3. Find the correct write words
  4. Write the names of pictures
  5. Transcription
  6. Complete the diagram: “Food”; “Hobby”
  7. Answer the questions
  8. Names of the week

Y.   Production. Assessment of children.

What do you learn on this lesson?

Which words? Which rules?

YI. Conclusive stage: 1. Marks;

                                   2. Home task:

To learn the vocabulary for lexical dictation.


The lesson is over, good-bye!

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«"Let's play "»

Date: 22.10.2015 year

Grade: 3b

Theme: Let’s play

1. To develop the pupils skills in writing, speaking, reading;
2.To give the new words connecting with this theme and practice it;
3.To teach the pupils interest the English lesson.

Accessories: computer, Interactive board, flashcards, cards, pictures.
The procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment:

Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity
- Good, morning children! - Good morning, good morning!
Good morning too you
Good morning and teacher
How are you?
- I’m very well, thank you! And you? - We are fine.
- Sit down, please
- Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
- What day is it today? - Today is…
- What date is it today? - Today is the …………
Divide the class into 2 groups.
II. Warm up: “Knees, shoulders, toes” watch in video and sing.

Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We ‘re going to repeat all the materials. So, the aim of our lesson is to get as much.

III. Checking up homework

IY. Review the materials:

  1. “ABC”sing a song. Alphabet.

  2. Complete the missing numbers.1 – 10.

I group II group

1,.,3,.,5,.,7,.,9,. . 0,.,2,.,4,.,6,.,8,.,10.

  1. “Target” English trainer

  2. Help the Barsik

  3. Find the correct write words

  4. Write the names of pictures

  5. Transcription

  6. Complete the diagram: “Food”; “Hobby”

  7. Answer the questions

  8. Names of the week

Y.   Production. Assessment of children.

What do you learn on this lesson?

Which words? Which rules?

YI. Conclusive stage: 1. Marks;

2. Home task:

To learn the vocabulary for lexical dictation.


The lesson is over, good-bye!

Date: 23.10.2015 year

Grade: 8a

Theme: Charles Dickens

Aims: Repetition and improvement of students' knowledge on the topic " Charles Dickens".

1) Ensure that during the consolidation of the students vocabulary lesson on the subject.

2) To promote the formation of respect for the surrounding world.

3) To develop the skills of reading and speaking.

Accessories: computer, Interactive board, flashcards, cards, pictures.
The procedure of the lesson.
1. Organization moment:

Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity
- Good, morning children! - Good morning, good morning!
Good morning too you
Good morning and teacher
How are you?
- I’m very well, thank you! And you? - We are fine.
- Sit down, please
- Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
- What day is it today? - Today is…
- What date is it today? - Today is the …………
Divide the class into 2 groups.
II. Warm up

Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about the Charles Dickens. So, the aim of our lesson is to get as much.

III. Checking up homework
Abai Kunanbaev: 1. His life;

2. Learn by heart one of his poem into English;


IY. New materials:

  1. Working with new words;

  2. Reading the text;

  3. Working with exercises at the book.

Y.   Consolodation of new material:

a) Working with exercises

ExI.p53. Read the text and use the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

Be – was; create – created; move – moved; go – went; work – worked; begin – begun; marry – married; have – had; die – died.

ExII.P53. Answer the questions:

  1. What was Charles Dickens?

  2. Where was Charles Dickens from?

  3. When was he born?

  4. When did his family move to London?

  5. What did he do when he was twelve?

  6. When did Charles Dickens begin his career as a writer?

  7. Who did he marry?

  8. How many children did he have?

  9. What were some of his stories? Have you read any of them?

  10. When did he die?

  11. Why do you think Charles Dickens is popular today?

ExIIp54. Speak about one of the books that you have read.

YI.Feed back.Production. Assessment of children.

What do you learn on this lesson?

Which words? Which rules?

Names of the works Charles Dickens.

ExIY.p54. Fill in the crosswords “Writers” with the words on the theme “Outstanding writers of the UK and Kazakhstan”.

YI. Conclusive stage: 1. Marks;

2. Home task:

ExIIIp54. Write an essay about your favourite writer according to the plan:


2.Main part


To learn the vocabulary for lexical dictation.


The lesson is over, good-bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Let's play "

Автор: Канатова Айман Канатовна

Дата: 14.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266174

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