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№ 1 мектеп гимназиясы

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Мен, Касымова Айгерим Серикбол?ызы 1994 жылы 9-шы маусымда Талды?ор?ан ?аласында д?ниеге келдім. 2001 жылы 1 сынып?а барып оны 2009 жылы бітірдім. 2009 жылы Сар?ан Гуманитарлы? колледжіні? студенті атандым. 2014 жылы о?уды ая?тап, осы жылы а?ылшын тілі п?ніні? м??алімі болып ж?мыс жасаймын. Т?рмыс ??рма?анмын.Биыл ж?мыс жаса?аныма екінші жыл болды. ?з маманды?ым ?зіме ?атты ?найды

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«№ 1 мектеп гимназиясы»


Сабақтың тақырыбы: HEALTH
Сабақтың мақсаты:
1. Жалпы алған мағлұматтарды еске ала отырып оқушының ой - өрісін дамыту
2. Оқушылардың шығармашылық қабілеииерін арттыра отырып, іскерлік қабілетін дамыту
3. Жас жеткіншектерді әлеуметтік дені сау өмір сүруіне тәрбиелеу.
Сабақтың көрнекіліктері: плакат, дидактикалық материалдар, слайдтар, компьютер
Қолданылатын әдіс: Жобалау әдісі

Сабақтың барысы:
I. Organization moment
T: I am glad to see you. Today we’ll have a very unusual lesson. You can see sayings and pictures. It’ll help you during the lesson. You can use them. How do you think, what theme can you choose:
Our Lifestyle
Welness. Lifestyle.
Ch: Health
T: Yes, you are right. And “Health” is the main problem.
II. T: In the past being healthy meant not to be sick. Today people are becoming aware of more complete idea of health. Will you match the definitions and the words characterizing types of health?

1. Physical health a) is the way build your relationship and establish contacts with people
2. Mental health b) is a condition of your body
3. Social health c) is the way you feel about yourself and how you handle your problems

T: So define the types of health
P1: Physical health is a condition of your body
P2: Mental health is the way you feel about yourself and how you handle your problems
P3: Social health is the way build your relationship and establish contacts with people
T: Yes you are right

III. Listening.
a) T: The next task is listening. Look at the pictures and listen to the dialogues and put the numbers of the dialogues next to the pictures.
T: Listen to the first dialogue.
1. – What’s the matter, Emma?
- I’ve got a headache.
- Oh, dear. Well, sit down and have a rest.

2. – Where’s Dan?
- He is bed.
- Why? What’s the matter with him?
- He has got a temperature.
- Oh dear

3. - Aren't you playing tennis today, Victoria?
- No,! don't feel well.
- Oh dear. What's the matter'. '
- I've got stomachache
4.. - I think you are getting a cold, Claire. You can't go to school like that. Go back bed.
- OK, father

5. This is Mrs. Harries. Here. Michael can't come to school today. He has got a sorethn and he can't talk.

6. - What's the matter, Gamie?
- I've got a toothache. Dad's phoning the dentist for me. It's an emergency.
T: Put the number. Have you finished? Let me check up.
P1: The first picture is a headache. She has got a headache.
P2: The second picture is the flu. He has got a temperature.
P3: The third picture is stomachache. She has got stomachache.
P4: The fourth picture is a cold. She has got a cold.
P5: The fifth picture is a sore throat. He has got a sore throat.
P6: The sixth picture is a toothache, He has got a toothache.
T: Very good.

IV. Make up a diagramme
T: Now, you will work at the computer. Take your seats, please. You know Kazbek and Arai are the best students and they will have a special task. Speak about the patient's problems, diagnosis and treatment.
Look at the monitor and make sentences. If you are ready let's start. I'll give you 1 minute.
Say what the doctor usually does when she comes to visit the patient. You may use the words. (chest and lungs, blood pressure, temperature, pulse, to take the medicine regularly, to take this medicine).
Have you finisited? I'll check up your answers. Take your seats, please. Come to the blackboard. All of you look at the blackboard.
Eg: When the doctor comes to visit my mother, she usually asks her to breathe deeply.
Pi: When the doctor comes to visit the patient, she usually listens her chest and lungs.
P2: When the doctor comes to visit the patient, she usually takes her blood pressure.
P3: When the doctor comes to visit the patient, she usually takes her temperatures.
P4: When the doctor comes to visit the patient, she usually feels her pulse.
P5: When the doctor comes to visit the patient, she usually tells her to take the medicine regularly.
P6: When the doctor comes to visit the patient, she usually asks her how many times a day to take this medicine.
Answers: P1: She was taken ill. She had a high temperature. She felt sick and giddy. She had a headache. She had the flu. She takes pills and mixture three times a day.

Назар аударыңыз! Жасырын мәтінді көру үшін сізге сайтқа тіркелу қажет.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

№ 1 мектеп гимназиясы

Автор: Касымова Айгерим Серикбол?ызы

Дата: 16.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 306374

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