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В гостях у сказки - внеклассное мероприятие

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  1. Вступительное слово учителя
  2. Инсценирование волшебной сказки «Three little kittens»







На сцену выбегают дети в костюмах и масках: « I am Mother-cat. I have three kittens: This is a pie.It is for my nice kittens. Come to me, my dear.»



AUTHOR: The three little kittens

                    Lost their mittens,

                     And they began to cry

1st KITTEN: Oh, Mother dear,

2nd KITTEN: We very much fear

3rd KITTEN: (crying)

That we have lost our mittens!

Cat: Lost  your mittens!

You naughty kittens!

Then you will have no pie.

The kittens go away.

AUTHOR: The three little kittens

                    Found their mittens,

                    And they began to cry.

The Kittens run in


Oh, Mother, dear,

1st KITTEN (showing the mittens)

See here,

2nd KITTEN(showing the mittens)

See here,

3rd KITTEN(showing the mittens)

See, we have found our mittens.

Cat:Oh, you’re good kittens!

        Put on your mittens,

        And you will have some pie.

    Give them pies.

But I smell a mouse close by.

(All together): We smell a mouse close by. Good-bye!

The Cat and Kittens leave the stagу





 3.Дети ( в масках и костюмах)показывают сказку « The wolf  and three little kittens»


A room in the Cat’s house. The Cat and her three Kittens are sitting at the table. She is reading a book to them.

Cat(rising): Children, I am going to buy something for supper. You  must be good and sit still, or the Wolf will hear you.

She puts on her hat and coat, takes a basket and goes away. And the three Kittens sit still and try  to be very good.

BLACK  KITTEN: I shall read sit very still.

GREY KITTEN: I shall write and sit very still.

WHITE KITTEN: I shall look out of the window and sit very still.

The Wolf comes up to door and sit very still.

The Wolf comes up to the door and looks through the key-hole/

            WOLF (to himself):Big Cat is not at home. I shall go into the house and eat up all her kittens. What a good supper I shall have!

 He knocks at the door.

KITTENS: (all together): Who is that?

WOLF: It’s me, your mouther. Open the door.

WHITE KITTEN: Show me your  paw through the window.

The  Wolf shows his paw through the window.

WHITE KITTEN; This is not Mother ‘s paw. Mother’s paw is white, and your paw is black. I shall not open the door to you.

In a minute the Wolf comes to the door again and knocks

KITTENS(together); Who is that?

WOLF: It’s me,your mother. Open the door.

KITTENS: Show us your paw.

The Wolf shows them his paw through the window; it is wrapped in a handkerchief and it is white this time.

KITTENS:Show us your  paw

The Wolf shows them his paw through the  window; it is wrapped in a white handkerchief and it is white this time.

KITTENS: Your paw looks very white, but  your voice is not sweet. You are not our mouther.

WOLF(to himself): What can I do to make my voice sweet?Oh, I know, I shall eat sugar and my voice will be sweet.

He takes out of his pocket some pieces of sugar, eats them up and knocks at the door again.

KITTENS: Who is that?

WOLF( in a sweet voice); It ‘s me, your mother. Open the door.

KITTENS: That is Mother! That is Mother! Let’s open the door.

They open  the door. The  Mother! Let’s open the door. They open the door.

They open the door.

They open the door. The Wolf  rushes in.

WOLF: Ha, ha!  It’s not your mother. It’s me, the Wolf. I shall eat you up, dear kittens! Tne three little Kittens, screaming, run about the room to hide. Black Kitten hides in the wardrobe. Black Kitten hides behind a chair. White Kitten hides in wardrobe. Grey Kitten hides under the table. The Wolf is angry because he does not see the Kittens. He begins to look for them.

WHITE KITTEN: Ha, ha,Big Wolf, you don’t see us.

GREY KITTEN: Hay, Big  Wolf, you cannot eat us up.

BLACK KITTEN; Go home, Bad Wolf: you will have no supper.

The Cat’s voice is heard from the street.

 CAT:My little kittens, open the door to your mother.

The Cat’s voice is heard from the street.

CAT: Children, where are you?

The Wolf runs away.In comes the Cat.

CAT;Children,where are you?

The KITTENS  come out and speak all at once.

BLACK KITTEN: Oh, Mother, the Wolf is here.

WHITE KITTEN : The Wolf wanted to eat us up.

GREY KITTEN: But he didn’t see us.

My dear children, I am very happy that you are such brave,strong kids Она их целует и дает им фрукты.




The Fox  and the Crane appear before the curtain on the opposite sides  of the stage and meet in the center.

FOX; Good morning, my dear friend.

GRANE: Good morning, Foxy.

FOX: How  are you? I Haven’t seen you seen you for ages.

GRANE: Thank you, I am all right.

FOX: I am so glad to see you. Come and have dinner  with me, my dear.

GRANE: Oh, thank you!

They go away together.


The  Fox’s house. A table and two chairs stand in the middle of the room.

FOX:Here is my home. Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute.

The  Grane  sits at the table. The Fox puts a plate with porridge on the table.

FOX: Help yourself, dear. The porridge is very good.

The Crane pecks at the porridge with her sharp bill, but she cannot get a bit.

FOX:I hope you like the porridge,my dear, I have cooked it myself.

The Crane continues to peck from the plate. At the same time the Fox begins to lap  up the porridge and soon there is nothing left  

FOX: Sorry, my dear Crane, but I have nothing else to give you.

CRANE; Thank you all the same,I’ve had enough. Come and have dinner with me. Good-by.


The Crane’s room with a table  and two chairs in the middle. The Crane is busy preparing dinner. There is  a knock at the door.

CRANE: Come in.

FOX: Good afternoon,Crane.

CRANE; Oh, Foxy, glad to see you. You are just in time for dinner.

The Fox sits at the table and the Crane gives him some soup in jug with a narrow neck.

CRANE; Help yourself to the soup, my friend.

The Fox licks the jug, but he cannot get at the soup. The Crane laughs and pecks all the soup away.

CRANE:Sorry, my friend, but I have nothing else to give you.

FOX; I am very hungry.

Crane: I was hungry after your dinner, too.Good-bye, dear friend.

FOX: We are no longer friends with you.

He runs out of the room.


У обезьянки a monkey была подружка a fog лягушка и сестричка a fox лисичка  и были друзья a big a bear медвежонок,a pig поросенок, a black cat –черный кот  и козленок – a goat  a mouse –мышонок, а cock петушок, a mouse –мышонок, a cock- петушок, a hen- курочка  и их ребенок a chick-цыпленок и жили они в лесу in the wood  и были так хороши они в лесу in the wood  и были так хороши very goat а возле озера near the lake жила большая змея a big snake

The seasons.

 Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

I have a little dog

And his name is Jack

His head [hed] is white [wait]

And his ears are black


 К нам в гости пришли персонажи любимых сказок ;histen to me and say what  they are?отгадай me  и скажите, кто они?

  1. This is a girl. She is a small girl. She has got a nice dress and a red cat on.

She has got grandmother.She often goes to see her.(A red-cap Who is this?

  1. He  is funny,kind, likes honey. Has many friends, lives in the forest He is very friendy. He is full of ideas(winie-the –POOH)
  2. He is brave and  strong. He lives in the forest among animals. They love him too. He is clever, he is  found of nature( mowgli)
  3. Gena is not a boy. It is a crocodile. He is big, long, dark green and funny. Gena is a very clever crocodile. It can sing Gena has a friend. Cheburashka he is very kind Gena and Cheburashka are good friends.
  4. What are they?

Lariska is not a girl. It is ared, guick, sly  fox. Lariska likes hens chickens, cocks. Is lariska  a kind fox? No,it isnt’t What is it/


7 Посмотри на картинку. Скажи, кому из героев сказок принадлежат эти предметы.


1. Teddy Bear


3 Touch your heard along with me.(2 РАЗА)


clap your heards along with me.(2 РАЗА)


Stamp your feet along with me (2 РАЗА)

  1. 9 Подведение итогов
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Просмотр содержимого документа
«В гостях у сказки - внеклассное мероприятие»

  1. Вступительное слово учителя

  2. Инсценирование волшебной сказки «Three little kittens»







На сцену выбегают дети в костюмах и масках: « I am Mother-cat. I have three kittens: This is a pie.It is for my nice kittens. Come to me, my dear.»


AUTHOR: The three little kittens

Lost their mittens,

And they began to cry

1st KITTEN: Oh, Mother dear,

2nd KITTEN: We very much fear

3rd KITTEN: (crying)

That we have lost our mittens!

Cat: Lost your mittens!

You naughty kittens!

Then you will have no pie.

The kittens go away.

AUTHOR: The three little kittens

Found their mittens,

And they began to cry.

The Kittens run in


Oh, Mother, dear,

1st KITTEN (showing the mittens)

See here,

2nd KITTEN(showing the mittens)

See here,

3rd KITTEN(showing the mittens)

See, we have found our mittens.

Cat:Oh, you’re good kittens!

Put on your mittens,

And you will have some pie.

Give them pies.

But I smell a mouse close by.

(All together): We smell a mouse close by. Good-bye!

The Cat and Kittens leave the stagу

3.Дети ( в масках и костюмах)показывают сказку « The wolf and three little kittens»


A room in the Cat’s house. The Cat and her three Kittens are sitting at the table. She is reading a book to them.

Cat(rising): Children, I am going to buy something for supper. You must be good and sit still, or the Wolf will hear you.

She puts on her hat and coat, takes a basket and goes away. And the three Kittens sit still and try to be very good.

BLACK KITTEN: I shall read sit very still.

GREY KITTEN: I shall write and sit very still.

WHITE KITTEN: I shall look out of the window and sit very still.

The Wolf comes up to door and sit very still.

The Wolf comes up to the door and looks through the key-hole/

WOLF (to himself):Big Cat is not at home. I shall go into the house and eat up all her kittens. What a good supper I shall have!

He knocks at the door.

KITTENS: (all together): Who is that?

WOLF: It’s me, your mouther. Open the door.

WHITE KITTEN: Show me your paw through the window.

The Wolf shows his paw through the window.

WHITE KITTEN; This is not Mother ‘s paw. Mother’s paw is white, and your paw is black. I shall not open the door to you.

In a minute the Wolf comes to the door again and knocks

KITTENS(together); Who is that?

WOLF: It’s me,your mother. Open the door .

KITTENS: Show us your paw.

The Wolf shows them his paw through the window; it is wrapped in a handkerchief and it is white this time.

KITTENS:Show us your paw

The Wolf shows them his paw through the window; it is wrapped in a white handkerchief and it is white this time.

KITTENS: Your paw looks very white, but your voice is not sweet . You are not our mouther.

WOLF(to himself): What can I do to make my voice sweet?Oh, I know, I shall eat sugar and my voice will be sweet.

He takes out of his pocket some pieces of sugar, eats them up and knocks at the door again.

KITTENS: Who is that?

WOLF( in a sweet voice); It ‘s me, your mother. Open the door.

KITTENS: That is Mother! That is Mother! Let’s open the door.

They open the door . The Mother! Let’s open the door. They open the door .

They open the door.

They open the door. The Wolf rushes in.

WOLF: Ha, ha! It’s not your mother. It’s me, the Wolf. I shall eat you up, dear kittens! Tne three little Kittens, screaming, run about the room to hide. Black Kitten hides in the wardrobe. Black Kitten hides behind a chair. White Kitten hides in wardrobe. Grey Kitten hides under the table. The Wolf is angry because he does not see the Kittens. He begins to look for them.

WHITE KITTEN: Ha, ha,Big Wolf , you don’t see us.

GREY KITTEN: Hay, Big Wolf, you cannot eat us up.

BLACK KITTEN; Go home, Bad Wolf: you will have no supper.

The Cat’s voice is heard from the street.

CAT:My little kittens, open the door to your mother.

The Cat’s voice is heard from the street.

CAT: Children, where are you?

The Wolf runs away.In comes the Cat.

CAT;Children,where are you?

The KITTENS come out and speak all at once.

BLACK KITTEN: Oh, Mother, the Wolf is here.

WHITE KITTEN : The Wolf wanted to eat us up.

GREY KITTEN: But he didn’t see us.

My dear children , I am very happy that you are such brave,strong kids Она их целует и дает им фрукты.




The Fox and the Crane appear before the curtain on the opposite sides of the stage and meet in the center.

FOX; Good morning, my dear friend.

GRANE: Good morning, Foxy.

FOX: How are you? I Haven’t seen you seen you for ages.

GRANE: Thank you, I am all right.

FOX: I am so glad to see you. Come and have dinner with me, my dear.

GRANE: Oh, thank you!

They go away together.


The Fox’s house. A table and two chairs stand in the middle of the room.

FOX:Here is my home . Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute.

The Grane sits at the table. The Fox puts a plate with porridge on the table .

FOX: Help yourself, dear. The porridge is very good.

The Crane pecks at the porridge with her sharp bill, but she cannot get a bit.

FOX:I hope you like the porridge,my dear, I have cooked it myself.

The Crane continues to peck from the plate. At the same time the Fox begins to lap up the porridge and soon there is nothing left

FOX: Sorry, my dear Crane, but I have nothing else to give you.

CRANE; Thank you all the same,I’ve had enough. Come and have dinner with me. Good-by.


The Crane’s room with a table and two chairs in the middle. The Crane is busy preparing dinner. There is a knock at the door.

CRANE: Come in.

FOX: Good afternoon,Crane.

CRANE; Oh, Foxy, glad to see you. You are just in time for dinner.

The Fox sits at the table and the Crane gives him some soup in jug with a narrow neck.

CRANE; Help yourself to the soup, my friend.

The Fox licks the jug, but he cannot get at the soup . The Crane laughs and pecks all the soup away.

CRANE:Sorry, my friend, but I have nothing else to give you.

FOX; I am very hungry.

Crane: I was hungry after your dinner, too.Good-bye, dear friend.

FOX: We are no longer friends with you.

He runs out of the room.


У обезьянки a monkey была подружка a fog лягушка и сестричка a fox лисичка и были друзья a big a bear медвежонок,a pig поросенок , a black cat –черный кот и козленок – a goat a mouse –мышонок , а cock петушок, a mouse –мышонок, a cock- петушок, a hen- курочка и их ребенок a chick-цыпленок и жили они в лесу in the wood и были так хороши они в лесу in the wood и были так хороши very goat а возле озера near the lake жила большая змея a big snake

The seasons.

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

I have a little dog

And his name is Jack

His head [hed] is white [wait]

And his ears are black


К нам в гости пришли персонажи любимых сказок ;histen to me and say what they are?отгадай me и скажите , кто они?

  1. This is a girl . She is a small girl. She has got a nice dress and a red cat on.

She has got grandmother.She often goes to see her.(A red-cap Who is this?

  1. He is funny,kind, likes honey. Has many friends, lives in the forest He is very friendy. He is full of ideas(winie-the –POOH)

  2. He is brave and strong . He lives in the forest among animals. They love him too. He is clever, he is found of nature( mowgli)

  3. Gena is not a boy. It is a crocodile. He is big, long, dark green and funny. Gena is a very clever crocodile. It can sing Gena has a friend. Cheburashka he is very kind Gena and Cheburashka are good friends.

  4. What are they?

Lariska is not a girl. It is ared, guick, sly fox. Lariska likes hens chickens, cocks. Is lariska a kind fox? No,it isnt’t What is it/

7 Посмотри на картинку. Скажи, кому из героев сказок принадлежат эти предметы.


1. Teddy Bear


3 Touch your heard along with me.(2 РАЗА)


clap your heards along with me.(2 РАЗА)


Stamp your feet along with me (2 РАЗА)

9 Подведение итогов

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

В гостях у сказки - внеклассное мероприятие

Автор: Шабанова Клавдия Тихоновна

Дата: 01.07.2016

Номер свидетельства: 336782

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