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Сказочное представление "По страницам любимых сказок"

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Это сказочное представление по мотивам любимых сказок народов мира вводит в удивительный мир известных персонажей. Робин Гуд, Красная Шапочка,Золушка,Белоснежка,Алиса и Кролик, Красавица и Чудовище приходят в волшебный мир детства. Всё представление идёт на английском языке и позволяет привлечь к участию в утреннике большое число учащихся.

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«Сказочное представление "По страницам любимых сказок" »




Действующие лица:

Ведущий, Робин Гуд, король Ричард Львиное Сердце, Золушка, Поэт, леди Мария, Ромео и Джульетта, няня Джульетты, Алиса, Кролик, Белоснежка, Красная Шапочка, леди Годива, Красавица и Чудовище.

Играет музыка. Ярмарка. Действующие лица заходят с двух сторон, идут в противоположные стороны, расходятся к ярмарочным лоткам. Из толпы выходит Поэт, музыка становится тише.


  • Oh, I wouldn’t have ever dreamt of meeting the Poet here! What is it that brought you to the fair, my friend?


  • English traditions – that’s what I am searching for.


  • Well, I guess, you have chosen the right place.


  • Oh, that good, old England! The dwelling-place of noble knights, daring and cunning commoners, beautiful ladies and insidious villains. Your heroes are unforgettable, your legends are immortal. And where else on Earth would you see so many vivid folk characters, human joys and sorrows, smiles and tears, if not among people? A fair is an ideal place for a poet longing to get into the sacrament of a fairy-tale.

(музыка становится громче, Поэт возвращается назад и наталкивается на Робин Гуда).


  • Oh, Robin!

Robin Hood:

  • Hush, hush! Do you want to send me to the galley? The sheriff of Nottingham has put a big price on my head – 500 pounds. And be sure, there might be those who are eager to earn a little money.


  • But those are only the wealthy who hate you. Those are they who always fall a prey to you in Sherwood Forest. Besides, a fair is an improper place for the noble.


  • Oh, don’t say that. Prince John has eyes and ears everywhere. This quack is too vigilant. His brother, the true king of England, Richard the Lionheart, is about to come back from the crusade and that means the end to Sir John’s sweet life. I can’t wait to see that.

(Подходит Человек в черном плаще. Это Ричард Львиное Сердце)


  • Excuse me. You have mentioned Richard the Lionheart.


  • Well, what do you have to do with it, I wonder? And by the way, has no one taught you to take off your headgear when talking to noble people?

(Сдергивает капюшон с головы Ричарда)

  • Oh, Good God! Your Majesty! But… What are you doing here? Is it proper for the valiant monarch to wander about the city streets without any escort or carriage?


  • Think well who you are talking to, you dirty tramp! I’ve just returned from the crusade and have not been to the castle yet. What i really wish is to see how my people live without me and that’s what my plain dress is for.


  • Oh, Your Majesty! Can i say that Prince John…

Richard: (interrupting him)

  • One more advice, man. Never, never denounce a regal person. I have learnt everything already. And you’d better go back where you came from before you get into trouble. It’s time for me to go – the day of reckoning has come.



  • The King has come back! Long live the King! Why not following his advice, Robin?


  • Oh, no. Not now. I’m to wait for Lady Maria. Haven’t you seen her by the by?

(Оглядывается в поисках Леди Марии и наталкивается на Золушку. Она падает, бьют часы. Робин помогает Золушке встать и все видят, что она в одной туфельке.)


  • Oh, I’m so sorry, haven’t I hurt you?


  • Not in the least, don’t worry, it’s all right. But I’m in such a hurry.


  • But where are you hurrying to, Cinderella, darling?


  • Well, I was at the ball in the king’s palace. That was really miraculous – the splendid palace, wonderful music and the sweet sweet Prince. I am so tired…


  • Can I do anything for you, dear Cinderella?


  • Yes, please, if you see Prince tell him… No, don’t tell him anything. The tale is to find its own end.

(Золушка уходит.)


  • That’s true. A tale always finds the end of its own. Sometimes it’s better not to know it beforehand. For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

(голоса из толпы)

  • Romeo!

  • Juliet! Where are you?


  • At what o’clock tomorrow shall I send to you?


  • At the hour of nine.


  • I will not fail. ‘Tis twenty years till then. I have forgotten why did I call you back.


-Let me stand here till thou remember it.


  • I shall forget to have you still stand here. Remembering how I love the company.


  • And I’ll still stand to have thy still forget. Forgetting any other home but this.


  • Sweet, so would I.

Yet I shall kill you with much cherishing.

Good night, good night!

Parting is so sweet sorrow!

That I will say good night till it be tomorrow.


  • Tomorrow we’ll be together. I’m looking forward to seeing it …


  • Juliet, it’s time to go home!


  • I’m coming, nurse. See you tomorrow, my sweetheart.

(Ромео и Джульетта целуются и разбегаются в разные стороны)


  • Love is magnificent. Look! Here’s one more happy couple!

(Выходят Красавица и Чудовище. Они вальсируют по сцене.)


  • You are so wonderful!


  • It’s in you that I saw the beauty imperceptible to others: the beauty of your heart, the beauty of your soul.


  • I love you so much!


  • I love you.


  • Yes, love works wonders. It reveals the most beautiful and unknown in our hearts. True love can overcome any difficulties. Time has no power over it.

(Выбегает Кролик с часами. Он смотрит на часы, они внезапно звенят.)


  • Oh, god! I’m late! I’m late for a very important date!

(убегает. Выбегает Алиса.)


  • Excuse me, Sir. Haven’t you seen the White Rabbit here?


  • Where are you hurrying, Alice? How are you getting on?


  • If the Queen sees that the roses are white, no one will know what it will be. No one will have any idea of what it might be! She’ll never spare us and she’ll give an order to behead us all.

Rabbit (выбегает, пробегает мимо Алисы и поэта):

- Good God! I’m late! I’m so late!

( Убегает )


  • I have to go. Otherwise I’ll lose sight of him again. Bye!

( Выходит Робин Гуд, ведя под руку плачущую девушку. Это Белоснежка. Она всхлипывает. )


  • They … They… There were the seven of them. They have run away. And I’ve been left alone. What shall I do?


  • Now, now. Take it easy. We’ll certainly find your hooligans.

(Выбегают два гномика.)


  • Oh, here they are! And where are the rest? Take me to them. Hurry up!

(Они уходят. Робин оглядывается и видит Красную Шапочку, покупающую пирожки.)


  • Hey, girl! Who are so many pies for?


  • That’s Red Riding Hood! Haven’t you recognized her, Robin?

Red Riding Hood:

  • Trying to buy food for the whole Sherwood Forest, and not forget about my Granny.


  • Isn’t it scaring to walk alone in the forest full of brigands?

Red Riding Hood:

  • Oh, no, I’ve got a trusty defender.


  • Oh, it’s good to be me!

(Волк берет Красную Шапочку под руку, и они уходят)


  • Wow, something must have changed in this fairy-tale, upon my word!


  • Lady Maria! Where is Lady Maria? Good God, where is she?

(Выходит Леди Мария)

Lady Maria:

  • Are you looking for me, Robin?


  • Ah, there you are! Where have you been?

Lady Maria:

  • King Richard the Lionheart has come back from the crusade and there is such mess in the castle! A lot of problems will be solved in Nottingham today, I think.


  • Yah, people set sweet hopes on His Majesty. Enormous taxes have made our life unbearable!


  • Oh, if legends could recur!

Lady Maria:

  • Yes, there is a legend … Once upon a time in order to save people from enormous taxes, Lady Godiva performed a feat of valour.

(Приглушается свет, на сцену медленно выходит Леди Годива, закутанная в прозрачную кисею, и медленно как во сне, идет вдоль сцены. Народ на ярмарке стыдливо и удивленно отворачивается.)

  • When Lady Godiva again and again begged her husband to take pity on the poor, he grew furious and shouted out that he would release people from paying taxes, only if she rode along the city streets and up to the market-place, absolutely naked. And she agreed. Thus, the news traveled fast about the town, and not a single citizen appeared in the streets on that very day. Everybody stayed at home, unwilling to defile the honour of his or her rescuer.

(Начинает играть музыка. На сцену парами выходят все действующие лица – Ромео и Джульетта, Красавица и Чудовище, Красная Шапочка с Волком, Алиса с Кроликом, Белоснежка с Гномами, Золушка с Ричардом, Робин Гуд и Леди Мария, Леди Годива и Поэт. Все красиво в танце проходят по сцене и становятся полукругом, в центре остается только Поэт.)


  • The world is really the greatest mystery, and the wonderful kingdom of wonders lies behind the locked door. There is no need either to try to explain what the world is all about, or to reveal it in most whimsical cases. And no doubt, there exist Cinderella and Robin Hood, the Beauty and the Beast, but the thing is that they look rather different in real life than in a fairy-tale. But those who got acquainted with them in early childhood will always be able to recognize them, no matter how they are dressed or what they look like.

Love the fairy-tales and don’t be afraid to believe in them!

Good-bye, my friends, be happy!

(герои сказок раскланиваются и расходятся по залу.)


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Сказочное представление "По страницам любимых сказок"

Автор: Жердева Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 30.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 235295

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