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Конспект урока в игровой форме

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Данный конспект урока является нетрадиционной формой урока а именно- игровой. По средствам деления на команды, учащиеся выполняют различные задания, тем самым отрабатываются и проверяются навыки и умения, сформированные в процессе обучения. Разнообразные задания, подобранные для них, проверяют владение ими как устной, так и письменной речи. Данное мероприятие лучше проводить в конце 1 четверти 2 класса с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. Материалы подготовлены по УМК Верещагиной И.Н.
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«Конспект урока в игровой форме»

Конспект урока-викторины «FairylandThe ABC»

План урока-викторины.

I. Организационный момент.

1.1. Подготовка команд (разделение на команды).

- Let’s split up into teams. The first team is called «Funny toys» and the second «Candies». (Children are pulling the cards with team’s name from the package).

1.2. Представление участников.

- Please, introduce yourself! Who are you? What do you like to do?

«Funny toys»: We’re «Funny toys». We like to play!

«Candies»: We’re «Candies». We like to jump and run!»

II. Основная часть.

2.1. Проверка фонетического навыка аудирования и говорения.

- Let’s start our journey through a magical land with a song «The ABC» (Children are singing it standing). It’s our hymn.


Now I know my “ABC” come on now and sing with me


Mother will be pleased with me now I know my “ABC”.

2.2. Проверка фонетического и лексического навыка говорения.

- Look at the blackboard! What a miracle! It’s a magic apple tree with its wonderful apples.

- Your task: take an apple and pronounce its sound, then say the letter which gives this sound and name as many words as you know with this sound, your team can help you.

For example: sound [t] letter “Tt” words: ten, teddy, train, Tom, telephone…

- The winner is the team which correctly pronounce the sounds and letters, more over, which remembers the words.

Well done!

2.3. Проверка орфографического навыка письма.

- I give you copies with, you see two columns: the big and the little letters. Find the pair of these letters and write them down. Let’s start! Be very attentively! Good luck to you!

2.4. Проверка лексического и грамматического навыка говорения.

- In our «Fairyland – The ABC» even the numbers are magic. Look at the copies and count, one by one.

For example: “Funny toys” 1+1 = ? one and one is two…

“Candies” 3+1 = ? three and one is four…

Thank you for your excellent job!

2.5. Физкультурная минутка.

- Choose one song between these two songs. Your task: sing and show it!

1. “Hello, hello!”

Hello, hello can you clap your hands

Hello, hello can you clap your hands

Can you straight you’re high

Can you touch your toes?

Can you turn around, can you say “Hello”

Hello, hello can you stamp your feet

Hello, hello can you stamp your feet?

Can you straight you’re high

Can you touch your toes?

Can you turn around can you say “hello”?

Hello, hello can you clap your hands?

Hello, hello can you stamp your feet?

2. “Body song”.

Shake, shake, shake your head

Shake your head with me

Shake, shake, shake your head

Shake your head with me!

Wave, wave, wave your fingers

Wane your fingers with me

Wave, wave, wave your fingers

Wave your fingers with me!

Pat, pat, pat your tummy

Pat your tummy with me

Pat, pat, pay your tummy

Pat your tummy with me!

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet with me

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet with me!

Thank you, my dear children, well done!

2.6. Проверка лексического и грамматического навыка монологической речи.

- Work in your teams! Take one picture and try to describe it. Say how many toys and what are they, have Kitty and Tom got? Let’s start, who wants to be the first?

No doubt, you’ve coped with this task!

2.7. Проверка лексического и грамматического навыка диалогической речи.

- In our «Fairyland – The ABC» we’ve got four inhabitants. Now you should ask questions and guess who they are. Two pictures for «Funny toys» and two for «Candies».

For example: Is it a rat? No. Is it a cat? Yes, it’s a cat…

III. Рефлексия (подведение итогов).

- Let’s count your scores. Friendship won. Thank you for your good job. Everybody of you is considerate, creative and hard-working. Do you like our journey through the Fairyland? Do you want to do it again the next time? Now we know its inhabitants: consonant and we’re going to learn vowels, that’s why we will return and we will play and have a good time again! (Take candies)

Let’s take a picture!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока в игровой форме

Автор: Богатова Дарья Сергеевна

Дата: 30.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 271387

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