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«In the animals world»
24 school
Teacher: Good afternoon, pupils, guests, teachers. Our theme called is “In the animals world”. I know that some of you have pets at home. Am I right?
Pupils: yes, we have.
Teacher: So, what pets are they?
Pupil 1: I have got a cat. Its name is…
Pupil 2: I’ve got a dog. Its name is …
Pupil 3: I’ve got a parrot. Its name is …
Pupil 4: …
Teacher: Do you love your pets?
Do you take care of them?
How do you do that?
Pupil 1: Of course, we love our pets…
Pupil 2: We feed and wash them, walk and play with them.
Teacher: Today we have 2 teams. Introduce your team, please.
Team 1: Our team is “ White Wolves”.
Team 2: Our team is “Black Dogs”.
(учащиеся представляют свои команды).
Teacher: Well, our first task. It’s very easy for you. Just name the animals wild (дикие) or domestic (домашние).
Teacher: Good, now second task for you. Let’s listen the voice animals from computer, and you find what’s voice. If the first team can’t give the answer the second team can do it. So, listen.
Teacher: Well done. And now listen to the description of animals and guess again.
Teacher: That’s enough. Thank you. You know animals very well. And now I want to listen to your stories about your favourite animals or pets. You have 5 -7 minutes.
Teacher: Get ready and tell us about your favourite animal.
(учащиеся готовят устные ответы 5 минут о своем любимом животное или домашним питомце. Затем один участник от каждой команды рассказывает о нем).
Teacher: How wonderful! You know so much about your pets and favourite animals. I am glad. And now your next tasks for you. Look at them. The task is to solve the crossword about animals, of course. You have 10 minutes. Let’s start.
And last task is draw animals from each team.
Teacher: Let’s know. Two teams show, it to us your score. I want to say once more, take care of your pets, take care of wild animals. Don’t forget that all of you are a part of nature, a part of the animals world.