The aims: To enlarge students knowledge on the theme brushing up spoken English.
To develop students reading and writing habits and abilities.
To educate the feelings of international friendship and love our country.
The type: competition
The method: question-answer
Visual aids: pictures, photos
Procedure of the lesson
-Good afternoon, dear students, participants and guests! Welcome to our English competition. The competition is between pupils of three forms. The name of competition is “ Knowledge is power” During the competition we will check your knowledge about English and find who know is better. Three teams take part in the competition. Each team consists of four pupils.Let me introduce you with the judges of our competition. Our competition consist of 7 rounds. The captain of each team must answer 10 questions in 1 min.
Each correct answer is putting the 10 points.I believe you will be very active in the game. Good luck and let’s begin our game.If your answer is wrong, the participants of another team can give his variant.
The questions for the first team
1. Where is Kazakhstan situated? (Central Asia)
2. Astana is on the river ____ (Eshim)
3. What parts does the UK consist of?(4 parts )
4. The capital of Great Britain is ….(London)
5. What is the population of Kazakhstan?(About 17 million)
6.Which is the shortest month in a year? (February)
7.What is the second day of the week?(Tuesday)
8.How many minutes are in hour?(60minutes)
9.How many states of America?(50 states)
The questions for the first team
10. What is the Kazakh national drink?(kymyz)
11. Who is the President of America? (Barak Obama)
12.What money is used in Kazakhstan?(tenge)
13.Who is the head of Great Britain?(Queen Elizabeth 2)
14.How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?(14 regions)
15.The capital of America is …. (Washington)
16.Where is the situated Koja Akhmet Yassayui ?(Turkestan)
17.What is the sixth day of the week?(Saturday)
18.How many month are there in the year?(12)
19.Who is the President of our country?(Nazarbaev)
20.Which month celebrated Independence of Kazakhstan?(December)
In this round one of you who gathered fewer points will choose one envelope. There 2 letters in it. A& B. I’ll read you questions & all answers will start with the letter A & B.
Letter A
1. The name of the fruit. (Apple)
2. The name of the month (April)
3. The capital of Kazakhstan.(Astana)
4. The famous Kazakh writer.(Abai)
5. The first letter of the alphabet.(Aa)
6. What cannot we live without (air)
7.One of the Oceans (Atlantic)
Letter B
1. The little child. (Baby)
2. The name of the fruit.(banana)
3. The room where we sleep.(bedroom)
4. An object in the classroom.(blackboard)
5. The antonym of the word “good”(Bad)
6.The capital of Germany (Berlin )
7.The name of school subject (Biology)
8.The lake in Kazakhstan(Balhash)
The III round. I read Kazakh proverbs, you will find missing word and translate it into Russian, Kazakh and English.
1.Әке көрген -оқ жонар, ана көрген -тон пішер.
2.Тас түскен жеріне ауыр
3.Шәкіртсіз- ұстаз тұл
4.Дос -жылатып айтады, Дұшпан- күлдіріп айтады
5.Мектеп-кеме, білім-теңіз
6.Жүз теңген болғанша, жүз досын болсын.
7.Қыз өссе елдің көркі, гүл өссе жердің көркі
8.Денсаулық- зор байлық
9.Әр нәрсенің өз орны бар
10.Өз үйім –өлең төсегім
11.Жылтырағанның бәрі алтын емес
12.Ештен кеш жақсы
13.Балалар өмірдің гүлі (гүлі, flower, цветы)
14.Таумен тау (mountain, тау, гора) қосылмайды, адам мен адам қосылады.
15.Ғасыр өмір сүр, Ғасыр оқы (Оқы, учись, learn
16.Жоқ жомарттың қолын (қолын, рука, hand) байлайды.
17.Байлық (байлық, богатство, rich) мұрат емес, кедейлік ұят емес.
18.Иесі жоқ үй (Үй, дом, house) жетім
19.Білім - күш (күш, power, сила)
The IV – round: Solve the riddles. Riddles are in three Languages. Find the answers and say into three languages.
1.Айдалада ақ отау
Аузы мұрны жоқ отау (жұмыртқа,яйцо, egg )
2.Жұқа тақтай бөлшегі
Ұзындықтың өлшемі (сызғыш,линейка,ruler)
3.Тісі көп, аузы жоқ (тарақ,расческа)
4.Суға салса батпайды, …. (от, fire, огонь) салса жанбайды
5.Аласа ғана бойы бар
Тоғыз қабат тоны бар (қырықабат, капуста, cabbage)
6.A little old woman has 12 children (ай,месяц, months)
7.The teachers write on me with chalk. My face is black. I cannot talk.(Тақта,доска,blackboard )
8. It’s white and sweet (қант,сахар,sugar,)
9. What is found over your head, but under your hat? (шаш, волосы,hair)
10.What are two things you cannot have before breakfast? ( lunch, dinner)
11.What is given to you, but used more by other? (your name)
12.What is white when it is dirty, but black when it is clean? (blackboard).
13. Лежал, лежал, да и в речку побежал (снег, қар, snow, )
14. Длинное хвостище, рыжее волосище, сама хитрища (лиса, түлкi, fox, )
15. Они стоят на месте, но всегда идут (часы, сағат, a clock, ).
V раунд
1. Почемучкам лучший друг,
Им про всё расскажет….(book,кітап, книга )
2. Ткани куплен мне отрез,
Буду шить для куклы (dress платье,көйлек)
3. Друга я узнал секреты,
Он прислал вчера мне….(letter,хат,писмо)
4. Белый конь с доски исчез,
Бой на клетках –это…(chess,шахмат,)
5. День рождения у Кати,
Для друзей сегодня…(party,сауық кеш,вечеринка)
6. Мой братишка-карапузик
Тоже любит слушать…(music,музыка,ән)
7. Не проспать, чтоб на урок,
Мы заводим на ночь…(clock,часы,сағат)
8. Бьётся гром, как набат,
От волнения наше…(heart,жүрек,сердце )
9. От проблем и школьных бед
Разболелась сильно.(head,бас,голова)
10. Пахнет вкусно: жарят лук,
Царь на кухне -это…(cook,повар,аспазшы)
11. Во дворце из белых льдин
Прячет Кая в сказке …(Queen,кароль )
12. Он пишет много, вы читайте.
Детишкам книги пишет (writer,жазушы,писатель)
13. В башмаках опять песок,
Он испачкать может…(sock,шұлық,носки)
14. Нужен всем нам на обед
Пышный, вкусный, свежий.(bread,нан,хлеб)
15. Помыть его не тяжело,
Покрыт линолеумом …(floor,еден,пол)
16. Не болит уж горло Вани,
Чай он пил с цветочным….(honey,бал,медь )
17. Чтоб открылись все замки,
Подобрать к ним нужно…(key,кілт,ключ)
18. Охотников оружие: лук, копьё, гарбун,
У едоков оружие- вилка, нож и…(spoon,скоро, жақын уақытта)
19. Маме очень угодишь,
Если ты помоешь …(dish,посуда,ыдыс)
20. Брата давняя мечта
Семиструнная …(guitar,гитара)
21. Днём и ночью мой сосед
Смотрит, смотрит….(TV set,телевизор )
VI часть. Подскажи слово.
1.At seven o’clock
He finished his….(work,жұмыс,работа)
2.I don’t like to eat porridge,
Give me best an……(orange)
3.I have a mouth and I can talk.
I have two legs and I can …(walk)
4.Birds start to sing,
When it is ……(spring)
5.Snow is falling all around.
Falling, falling on the …(ground)
6.I can tell you all the day
Time to slip and time to ….(play)
VII. ROUND The 7th task find the antonyms and translate it into Russian, Kazakh and English.
I group
1. Fast-slow
2. Clean-dirty
3. Good-bad
4. Quite-noisy
II group
1. Small-big
2. Safe-dangerous
III group
Conclusion. Dear teachers and participants Our competition is over. You are very smart and bright. You know everything.Let’s listen at our jury
I hope you enjoyed the holiday and now it’s time to listen to your results (all the pupils are given certificates and medals. Thank you very much for the holiday. Good bye!
Our winner is the team
Good bye See you soon!