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Nature`s English

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Данная книжка является  английский язык природы. Котором дети с помощью  английского изучает природоведению.

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«Nature`s English»

«Nature’s English»    By Ismanova Dilorom 2017

«Nature’s English»

By Ismanova Dilorom


FOREWORD    Natural science is world science. Therefore, to solve environmental problems it is better to use the well known language among the whole world to learn about it. This language is English. Students will learn and practice the world experience in improving our environment by increasing the knowledge and skills on the environment in English language exercises .Also, students will be able to develop and improve environmental culture through English language exercises which is more interesting and effective.  KIRISH QISMI  Tabiatshunoslik- dunyo fani. Shunday ekan, uni o`rganish, undagi ekologik muammolarga yechim topish uchun deyarli butun dunyo aholisga  ma`lum tildan foydalanish afzal. Ushbu til ingliz tilidir. O`quvchilar ingliz tili mashg`ulotlarida atrof-muhit haqidagi bilim va ko`nikmlarini oshirib borsalar ekologiyamizni yaxshilashda jahon tajribasini o`rganishlari, tatbiq qilishlari qulay bo`ladi .Qolaversa, o`quvchilarda ekologik madaniyatni shakllantirish,oshirish ingliz tili mashg`ulotlari orqali bir muncha qiziqarli va samaraliroqdir.


Natural science is world science. Therefore, to solve environmental problems it is better to use the well known language among the whole world to learn about it. This language is English. Students will learn and practice the world experience in improving our environment by increasing the knowledge and skills on the environment in English language exercises .Also, students will be able to develop and improve environmental culture through English language exercises which is more interesting and effective.


Tabiatshunoslik- dunyo fani. Shunday ekan, uni o`rganish, undagi ekologik muammolarga yechim topish uchun deyarli butun dunyo aholisga  ma`lum tildan foydalanish afzal. Ushbu til ingliz tilidir. O`quvchilar ingliz tili mashg`ulotlarida atrof-muhit haqidagi bilim va ko`nikmlarini oshirib borsalar ekologiyamizni yaxshilashda jahon tajribasini o`rganishlari, tatbiq qilishlari qulay bo`ladi .Qolaversa, o`quvchilarda ekologik madaniyatni shakllantirish,oshirish ingliz tili mashg`ulotlari orqali bir muncha qiziqarli va samaraliroqdir.

Photos from first held trainings on this program in “ILM” educational center. “ ILM” o’quv markazida o`tkazilgan mazkur dasturining ilk sinov mashgʻulotidan lavhalar

Photos from first held trainings on this program in “ILM” educational center.

ILM” o’quv markazida o`tkazilgan mazkur dasturining ilk sinov mashgʻulotidan lavhalar

First goals of this trainings:

First goals of this trainings:



Let’s to meeting!  Fill in the blanks

Let’s to meeting! Fill in the blanks

Read the text and translate. Surrounded- Layer- Atmosphere- Remained- Heavily- Chilly-

Read the text and translate.







What also you know about the AIR?

What also you know about the AIR?

Uses of air:

Uses of air:

Colour this water drop

Colour this water drop

To learn by heart new words

To learn by heart new words

What is the environment?  When we talk about  our  environment we mean everything in the world around us which can affect our lives. When we talk about  the  environment we mean everything in the world around us that surrounds and affects all life on earth, including the air, food chains, the water cycle, plants, animals and other humans

What is the environment?

When we talk about  our  environment we mean everything in the world around us which can affect our lives.

When we talk about  the  environment we mean everything in the world around us that surrounds and affects all life on earth, including the air, food chains, the water cycle, plants, animals and other humans

Say! Witch one of these are your favourite activity?

Say! Witch one of these are your favourite activity?

  • Saving water
  • Walking or ride
  • Using less power
  • Reusing
  • taking carry bag to shopping
  • Plant
  • Reducing robbish
  • Sorting rubbish
Eco-sings. Write these sings   1__________________________ 2__________________________ 3__________________________ 4__________________________ 5__________________________ 6__________________________

Eco-sings. Write these sings







Eco-sings Write your opinions. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Write your opinions.




  • Eco-alphabet
  • Let`s to meeting!
  • Weather and seasons
  • Describing the four seasons
  • About the air
  • Uses of air
  • Why do we need water?
  • The need for water
  • Why we need trees
  • Saving trees
  • Parts of plant
  • Nature trails
  • What is the environment?
  • Respect for the environment
  • Caring for the environment
  • How can we help environment?
  • Sort it out!
  • Let`s make Earth a better place
  • Safety measures
  • Easy ecology
  • Eco-sings

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс

Nature`s English

Автор: Исманова Дилоромхон Бахтиёр кизи

Дата: 06.04.2018

Номер свидетельства: 465300

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