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Презентация к уроку "Мой любимый фильм" (8 класс)

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Презентация к уроку "Мой любимый фильм" (8 класс)

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«Презентация к уроку "Мой любимый фильм" (8 класс)»

YULIA She does not play with dolls, she plays people…


She does not play with dolls,

she plays people…

In 19 february 2009 a new Russian film appeared on the screen. It was «Yulia». It is horror, thriller.

In 19 february 2009 a new Russian film appeared on the screen. It was «Yulia». It is horror, thriller.

The director of this movie is Aleksandr Strizhenov.

The director of this movie is Aleksandr Strizhenov.

Starring: Darya Balabanova plays the role of Julia Majewskaya.


Darya Balabanova plays the role of Julia Majewskaya.

Starring: Marat Basharov plays the role of Andrei Belov, literature teacher.


Marat Basharov plays the role of Andrei Belov, literature teacher.

Starring: Oksana Lavrentieva plays the role of Lera.


Oksana Lavrentieva plays the role of Lera.

Starring: Alexandra Dykhne plays the role of Nastya Litvinovich.


Alexandra Dykhne plays the role of Nastya Litvinovich.

Description Andrei Belov moved with his family in a provincial town. There he begins to work as a teacher of literature and notes that his class is something wrong.


Andrei Belov moved with his family in a provincial town. There he begins to work as a teacher of literature and notes that his class is something wrong.

Gradually man’s life turns into a nightmare. And the blame for this girl Julia, who wants him to marry her mother.

Gradually man’s life turns into a nightmare. And the blame for this girl Julia, who wants him to marry her mother.

The end of the movie sad, because Julia kills teacher. On the girl’s conscience is a lot of killing.

The end of the movie sad, because Julia kills teacher. On the girl’s conscience is a lot of killing.

But perhaps this is not the end…

But perhaps this is not the end…

Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация к уроку "Мой любимый фильм" (8 класс)

Автор: Ефремова Анна Станиславовна

Дата: 13.07.2022

Номер свидетельства: 611067

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