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Modern information technology

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«Modern information technology»

УДК 37.02


КалМГУ им.Б.Б.Городиков, г.Элиста


High-quality modern informative service and processing of information a modern material production and other areas of activity need. The best, practical and universal means of treatment of information is a computer that not only facilitates and accelerates work and professional process, and and especially qualitatively process informative resources. He, also, strengthens intellectual possibilities of man and societies, extends of communication possibilities. Appearance and stormy the uses of modern computers that are the means of modern information technologies, is the irreplaceable constituent of informative society. Computerization and modern information technologies allow to develop a technical base, assist social progress of society, provide the rapid and quality receipt of results of processing of data and information. Modern information technologies are a main and basic constituent Also, modern information technologies allow operatively, reliably and effectively to share information and actively to participate in different telecommunication discussions. Today not a single developing company can present the work without modern computers and information technologies that play an irreplaceable role in the process of doing business and adjusting of external economic relationships with partners

Modern information technologies serve for an analysis and processing of data, exposure of rejections of плановых indexes from an actual result, and, also, give an opportunity to make decision optimization. An important role in development of modern information technologies is occupied by the Internet, that through a computer allows to get the large volumes of necessary information, intermingle with other people through their computers and operatively to send and pass to data the colleagues that are on distant distances. Modern material production and other fields of activity need high-quality modern information service and information processing. The best, practical and universal means of information processing is a computer, which not only facilitates and accelerates the work and professional process, but also especially qualitatively process information resources. It also enhances the intellectual capabilities of the individual and society, expands communication capabilities. The emergence and rapid use of modern computers, which are a means of modern information technology, is an indispensable component of the information society. Computerization and modern information technologies allow to develop technical base, promote social progress of society, provide fast and high-quality results of data and information processing. Modern information technologies are the main and the main component of the information society. They allow to satisfy completely non-material needs of mankind and are irreplaceable in the course of automation of production. Modern information technology can facilitate human labor and are able to speed up the production process many times. Also, modern information technologies allow rapid, reliable and efficient exchange of information and actively participate in various telecommunications discussions. Today, no developing company can not imagine their work without modern computers and information technology, which play an indispensable role in the process of doing business and establishing foreign economic relations with partners. Modern information technologies are used to analyze and process data, identify deviations of planned indicators from the actual result, and also provide an opportunity to make an optimization decision.

An important role in the development of modern information technology is the Internet, which with the help of a computer allows you to receive large amounts of necessary information, communicate with other people through their computers and quickly send and transmit data to colleagues who are at long distances.

Without modern information technologies, the normal and full functioning of the information society and its activities is impossible. The development of IT-technologies helps to increase the efficiency of social production in all spheres. The ability to search, manage, process and share information opens up new horizons, allows you to automate any production processes, improve performance and simplify business management. Modern information technologies should be as accessible as possible to consumers so that they can conduct various operations without time and effort. The organization of quick access to all information resources necessary for the work, guarantees the improvement of economic indicators of enterprises of any sector and the improvement of working conditions for the staff.

According to the type of information processed IT-technology can be divided into the following types:

Data (algorithmic languages, table processors)

Text (word processors and hypertext);

Graphics (GPUs);

Knowledge (expert systems);

Real world objects (multimedia).

Most modern technologies allow using several types of information processing. For example, in text editors it is possible to make tables of data calculation, in tables it is possible to use graphs, etc. However, each method of processing is focused on operations with a certain type of information, so the modification of elements from different areas allows you to create new technologies that are currently used by narrow-profile enterprises, factories and companies. Providing information technologies (it)) This type of IT provides the solution of specific tasks of different level of complexity through the use of certain components and software. Information technologies can be combined on a subject-matter basis, but in such conditions all systems should have a single standard interface for ease of use. Functional information technology (fit) This type of IT is a modification of providing technologies for the directed solution of specific problems. Transition of OIT to fit is carried out by transformation of the generally used tools into special. For example, employees of technical departments may be available to their own providing technology and functional technology other departments. Modern information technology can also be classified by type of user interface. The application interface allows you to implement functional it, and the system contains a set of techniques for interacting with the computer. This set can be implemented by the operating system or its add-ins. Information technologies are subject to the following requirements: Differentiation - the ability to break the whole process into separate phases, stages and actions; Completeness - availability of the whole set of tools that are necessary to achieve certain goals; Regular character-standardization and unification of all stages for the most effective management of information processes. Informatization of society.The introduction of IT in all spheres of human activity is the process of Informatization of society. During this process, specialists in various fields are trained to use all information tools to achieve certain goals. Possession of information, the possibility of its processing and exchange, helps to significantly reduce the financial costs, time and effort to perform certain operations. In modern society, information has become to represent exactly the same value as education, personnel, money and other material values, so its free flow can lead to a significant increase in the standard of living of each person. Quick access to all the necessary data can be obtained by employees of various production areas, as well as doctors, students, scientists and other specialists. New discoveries, wireless control of spacecraft, restoration of the appearance of prehistoric inhabitants of the planet - this is not a complete list of opportunities that people have already learned to use in practice with the help of it. Where to learn about new products from the world of information technology

You can find out what new products have been added to modern information technologies over the past year at the specialized exhibition, which will be held at Expocentre Fairgrounds. At the event, the best Russian and foreign companies will present their innovative solutions in the field of it, visitors will find the latest generation of equipment for various fields of activity, software and other business solutions. It will not be difficult to find the most effective management tools that will help to achieve all the goals.

Information technology-a set of methods, production and software-technological means, United in a technological chain, providing the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information. Information technologies are designed to reduce the complexity of the processes of using information resources.Two It (UNESCO) is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of effective organization of work of people engaged in processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organization and interaction with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems.Three Analyzing the General understanding of information technologies, it can be distinguished that it covers all areas of transmission, storage, perception of information. But in most cases, it is associated with computer technology, as the emergence of computers brought information technology to a new level of development. Computer technology or Information technology (it) is the generic name of the technology responsible for storing, transmitting, processing, protecting, and reproducing information using computers.Four That is, with the advent of a personal computer began a new stage of development of information technology. The main goal of it is to meet the personal information needs of a person, both for the professional sphere and for everyday use. There are certain stages in the development of information technology: In General, information technology is a set of operations that implement the functions of collection, reception, perception, accumulation, storage, processing and transmission of information in the organizational structure using computer technology. The purpose of information technology-quality formation and use of information resources in accordance with the needs of the user. As means of information technology are mathematical, software, information, technical and other means. Information technologies can be used in various fields: education, culture, science, production, military Affairs, etc. Analyzing the classification of information technologies according to the degree of use, it is possible to distinguish computer and non-computer technologies. For example, computer and computer-free technologies, consider the field of education. Computer information technologies that provide educational information include technologies that use computer training programs, multimedia technologies, and distance learning technologies.


1.Draxier, C. and Haddad, A. (2002).  Technologies for Education: Potentials, Parameters and Prospects.  United Nations, Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris 3-17.  Retrieved January 15, 2007, 2.from http://www.knowlednterprise.org.

3.Kwacha, P.Z. (2007).  The Imperative of Information and Communication 4.Technologies for Teachers in Nigeria Higher Education.  Merlot Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 3 (4)

5.Obeng, T.K. (2004).  The Practical Application of ICT to Enhance University Education in Ghana, Hulea University of Technology

6.Ololube, N.P., Ubogu, A.E. and Ossai, A.G. (2007).  ICT and Distance Education in Nigeria, A Review of Literature and Accounts.  International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium.


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Предмет: Дошкольное образование

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Modern information technology

Автор: Ганибекова София Ганибековна

Дата: 14.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 485553

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