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Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple

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The Plan of the lesson

Date: 12.02.15

Subject: English

Form: 9 “A,?,B,V”

Theme: Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple

The aims of the lesson:

  • To learn to use grammars in speech.

Objectives of the lesson:

Practical: vaccinate oral communication skills, to teach them not just to memorize and reproduce knowledge, and be able to apply them in practice, to consolidate the material covered, using modern information technology in the process of developing games in English.

Educational: to increase pupil’s vocabulary

Developing: to develop attention, memory, language, thinking; hearing the voice of students to form and educate speech etiquette and culture of communication in the classroom.

Upbringing: to enlarge interest in a foreign language.

Type of the lesson: consolidation

Methods of the lesson: Individual work, group work,

Visual aids: - Books ( Cambridge “English in Mind”)

                     - didactic materials

                     - Video and audio materials

Inter subject connection: Kazakh and Russian language

Literature: English in Mind, Cambridge 2013

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«Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple »

The Plan of the lesson

Date: 12.02.15

Subject: English

Form: 9 “A,Ә,B,V”

Theme: Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple

The aims of the lesson:

  • To learn to use grammars in speech.

Objectives of the lesson:

Practical: vaccinate oral communication skills, to teach them not just to memorize and reproduce knowledge, and be able to apply them in practice, to consolidate the material covered, using modern information technology in the process of developing games in English.

Educational: to increase pupil’s vocabulary

Developing: to develop attention, memory, language, thinking; hearing the voice of students to form and educate speech etiquette and culture of communication in the classroom.

Upbringing: to enlarge interest in a foreign language.

Type of the lesson: consolidation

Methods of the lesson: Individual work, group work,

Visual aids: - Books ( Cambridge “English in Mind”)

- didactic materials

- Video and audio materials

Inter subject connection: Kazakh and Russian language

Literature: English in Mind, Cambridge 2013

The procedure of the lesson:

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity



II. Brainstorming

III.Checking up the home task




physical minute

V. Reflection


VII.Home task


-Good morning children!

-Thank you! Sit down please

- I'm well. and you?.

2.Talking on duty

-Who is duty today?

-Who is absent?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

  • What is the Presen Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple?

  • When we use it?

What was your home task for today?

  • Who is ready?

well, let’s continue our lesson. Today our theme is “PPC and PPS”. .

  • We use PPC to talk about situation which started in the past and are still continuing now.

I/you/we/they- have been+Ving. I/you/we/they haven’t been+Ving

He/she/it-has+Ving has she/he/it been +Ving

  • We use PPS to show that an action is now completed

Ex 4 ( b ) p 76 circle the correct words

Ex 4 ( c ) p 76 complete the sentences. Use the PPC or PPS

  • Play a game

Ex 5 ( b ) p76. Read about the pop star Dilnaz Akhmadieva and answer th questions

Ex 6 ( a,b, ) p 77

  • What can say today’s lesson?

  • Was it interesting?

  • Whad did you understand?

Well, let's evaluate today's lesson.

5- , 4-, 3-

Extra reading p 81. Translate and retell the text

Good bye children! you may go!

- Good morning teacher!

- How are you?

- we are fine!

-I am on duty today

-All are present

-Today is the _____

- today is the ______

-Children give an answer according to the guestion

  • May I?


P3,4,5,6,7,8 etc..








5 min

6 min





Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple

Автор: Журтбаева Айжан Куралбаевна

Дата: 07.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198663

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