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The secondaty Education in Kazakhstan

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The secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is reformed within the framework of the national education model. In this regard, the transition from “Education for All” model to “Elective Education” one has been launched. The main point of this model is that educational and vocational programs give priority to needs, demands and interests of a learner. True elective education is provided by a wide range of educational services concerning not only their content and type, but also the form of educational service, the nature and principles of learning. The student must be able to choose not only the specialty area of professional activity, but also academic disciplines, mode of study.

The e-learning, which has been legitimatized, is reasonably included into the national education model oriented to increase affordability of a higher vocational education.

Increased scope of knowledge, increased demand for degree possession requires the development of new methods and means of learning based on modern technological advances. The education informatization is one of remarkable examples of it.

The education informatization is a priority task not in word but in deed and supported by the government of Kazakhstan. It is proved by the State Program of Education Informatization of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved of 22 September 1997 by the Decree of the President: computerization of the higher institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensuring access to the Internet (interdepartmental program “Internet to schools”, in the framework of which the network is deployed such as “Kazakhstan Internet”); introduction of Education Management Information System (the project of Education Management Information System “EMIS”);  development of modern information and communication technologies of learning, etc.

Thus, the state program of education informatization ensured the objective conditions for the development of e-learning as a model of open forms of education.

The principle of resources distribution in the system of open education is the basis for the implementation of individualized 

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«The secondaty Education in Kazakhstan»

Distance Education in Kazakhstan

Gontovaya O.P.

Scientific adviser: Omarova S.P.

Pavlodar College of Service Sector

The secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is reformed within the framework of the national education model. In this regard, the transition from “Education for All” model to “Elective Education” one has been launched. The main point of this model is that educational and vocational programs give priority to needs, demands and interests of a learner. True elective education is provided by a wide range of educational services concerning not only their content and type, but also the form of educational service, the nature and principles of learning. The student must be able to choose not only the specialty area of professional activity, but also academic disciplines, mode of study.

The e-learning, which has been legitimatized, is reasonably included into the national education model oriented to increase affordability of a higher vocational education.

Increased scope of knowledge, increased demand for degree possession requires the development of new methods and means of learning based on modern technological advances. The education informatization is one of remarkable examples of it.

The education informatization is a priority task not in word but in deed and supported by the government of Kazakhstan. It is proved by the State Program of Education Informatization of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved of 22 September 1997 by the Decree of the President: computerization of the higher institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensuring access to the Internet (interdepartmental program “Internet to schools”, in the framework of which the network is deployed such as “Kazakhstan Internet”); introduction of Education Management Information System (the project of Education Management Information System “EMIS”); development of modern information and communication technologies of learning, etc.

Thus, the state program of education informatization ensured the objective conditions for the development of e-learning as a model of open forms of education.

The principle of resources distribution in the system of open education is the basis for the implementation of individualized learning when the student has a real opportunity to choose educational programs and the construct the educational trajectory. New education technologies possess almost unlimited possibilities to construct a distributed learning system organized on the basis of an educational center, which has educational resources ensured by prompt remote access facilities.

The first stage of the project development was the analysis of a foreign language teaching system at the faculty and the system of e-learning in order to organize a foreign language distance teaching and learning process. The e-learning system, based on a variety of educational technologies, offers a great opportunity to improve the effectiveness of a foreign language teaching and learning. New education technologies, based on using global computer networks, instantly connect classrooms and individual learners with native speakers; allow to solve successfully problems of different types of learners’ foreign language speech activity formation such as audio comprehension of a foreign speech as well as reading, speaking and writing. New education technologies application in the process of a foreign language teaching and learning solves many issues raised at educational institutions of Kazakhstan over the last years such as:

  • Isolation from the international community.

  • Lack of ability to communicate with native speakers.

  • Acquiring challenges of scientific-publicistic literature and fiction in a foreign language.

  • Access challenges to the radio and television broadcasted in foreign languages.

Foreign languages e-learning as a mode of faculty academic activity aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • to improve the quality of foreign language comprehensibility;

  • to expand educational opportunities for foreign languages learning;

  • to increase the number of students at the faculty;

  • to deepen the informatization process of foreign languages learning;

  • to increase the effectiveness of information and technical resources use.

Thus, the work in the e-learning system of foreign languages requires new approaches from teachers. Qualified foreign languages teacher should try to understand the technological possibilities of foreign languages e-learning. In this case, it is necessary to bear in mind the fact that technological changes have affected all the aspects of foreign languages teaching techniques, i.e. from definition of the curriculum objectives to planning; from teaching strategies to organize independent educational activity of students to using of specific program software in teaching; from technical training of teachers to the applicability of program software.


  1. Dictionary of Foreign Words. М.: Rus.Lang 1988. P. 401.

  2. New Pedagogical and Information Technologies in Education / edited by. E.S. Polat. М., 2005. 272 p.

  3. Nazarbayev N.A. Kazakhstan - 2030. - Almaty: Bilim, 2001.

  4. Bobienko О.М. Key Professional’s Competency: Development and Assessment Problems. Kazan: Publish. V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin KazSU, 2006. 146 p.

  5. New pedagogical and information technologies / Under the editorship of E.S. Polat - M., 2011

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
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The secondaty Education in Kazakhstan

Автор: Омарова Самал Пауйденовна

Дата: 04.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 288039

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