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Young people and types of music

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«Young people and types of music »

Grade: 8 Date:

The theme: Unit III. The Youth


The aims:

Тәрбиелік: Оқушыларды эстетикалық тәрбиеге баулуда музыкалық шығармаларды енгізу, жеке тұлғаны қалыптастыруда музыканың маңызы зор екенін түсіндіру. Оқушыларды бір-біріне деген сыйластыққа, сүйіспеншілікке тәрбиелеу.

Білімділік: Жаңа тақырып бойынша жаңа лексиканы ауыз-екі сөйлеуде, жеке дара жұмыс барысында меңгерту, Майкл Джексон жайлы мағлұмат беру. Музыка түрлері, музыка арқылы берілетін сезімдерді бақылау.

Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың жағымды сезімдерін дамыту, олардың музыка саласындағы танымдық қызығушылығын арттыру.

Visual aids: signal cards, presentation

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

Teacher: Good morning pupils! I’m glad to see you.
Who is on duty today? What date (day) is it today?
Who is absent today?
II. Phonetic drill: Teacher: Let’s train our body. (1 min)

III. Checking the homework: Your homework was to revise the previous lesson.

At first listen to the song and try to guess:

Who is the singer? (Pupils listen to the song “Only you”)

What do you know about Elvis Presley? (Pupils fill in the diagram)

IV. New lesson. 1. Types of music. Ok, let’s begin new theme. I’ll give you signal cards and at the end of the lesson you’ll put marks to yourselves Look at the blackboard and say types of music:

2. Guessing the singer: Look at the picture and guess the star.

Do you know him?

What do you know about his biography?

How do you think what does unite these two kings? (Elvis and Michael)

3. New words: Look at the blackboard and repeat and try to translate the words:

Performance -қойылым

unforgettable – есте қаларлық

typical teenager – қарапайым жасөспірім

compensate - толықтыру

exotic pets – экзотикалық жануарлар

plastic operations – пластикалық операциялар

numerous scandals – мыңдаған жанжалдар, ұрыс-керіс

mass media – информациялық құралдар

performer – қоюшы

4. Reading. Ex: I (1) – read the text “The King of Pop Music” and translate it.

He was born in August 29, 1958. He became one of the most popular actors of his time. His performances were unforgettable. Michael Jackson became famous at the age of 10 when his first hit “I want you back” appeared in 1969, but he wasn’t a typical teenager. In fact he had no childhood because his father made him work hard.

In his house “Neverland” Michael Jackson tried to compensate for the childhood he had lost. There were many legends about him. Exotic pets, plastic operations, numerous scandals with the mass media increased his fame. But for millions of his fans he was always the king of Pop Music, one of the greatest singers, dancers, video makers and performers Pop Music has ever seen. Michael Jackson died in June 25, 2009.

5. Answering the questions. Ex.: I (2) answer the questions:

  1. What do you know about Michael Jackson?

  2. Tell us as much as you can about other actors/actresses.

  3. Who is your favourite actor/actress? Why?

  4. What impact does pop music (classical music, rock’n roll) make on you?

  5. What music do you prefer?

6.Discussing. Are you for or against classical music? Study the following argu­ments and develop the ideas.


  1. Classical music gives the listeners a keen sense of delight and pleasure.

  2. Classical music has a deep intellectual appeal.

  3. Classical music has a strong effect: it ennobles the listener, makes him better and more humane.

  4. Classical music supports the ideas of good.

  5. Classical music creates a special spiritual world for the listener which enriches his life and makes him happy.


  1. Classical music is a complicated art: it's difficult to find one's way into it.

  2. Most people don't like or understand it. It's not a popular art.

  3. The very length of most classical music pieces can send any listener to sleep.

  4. People want the kind of music to which they can dance or just talk to friends. It should be simple, cheerful and up-to-date.

V. Round Off: Reflexion: Describe our today’s star in a form of Thinkwain.

6. Homework. Your homework is to learn the new words and write a short essay about your attitude to classical music.

7. Marks. You have worked well today. Let’s put marks. I’ll give you good marks. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Young people and types of music

Автор: Мухамеджанова Дина Мырзалиевна

Дата: 15.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 156025

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