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Education in GB and Kazakhstan

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Form: 8

Textbook: English 8 (T.D. Kuznetsova, P.G. Kozlov)

Unit 5: “Education”

Theme of the lesson: Education in GB and Kazakhstan

Type of the lesson:

Lesson developing communicative skills.

Time limit: 45 min.


Students should be able:

  • to use the words from the active vocabulary, find synonyms, antonyms, guess the meaning of the words, using the definition
  • to develop their skills in audition, retelling, correcting the sentences about the education
  • to develop interest and respect for the education

Materials Required:

  • textbook English 8 by T.D. Kuznetsova, P.G. Kozlov
  • interactive board
  • activity shirts with the tasks
  • record of the text for audition

Used technologies:

  • Different level teaching



At this lesson all the tasks are presented in three levels, students can choose the tasks in any level, according to their abilities.

Level A- for advanced students

Level B- for students with intermediate skills

Level C- for students with sub-intermediate skills

There are five 11th form students (assistants) at the lesson, which will check the student’s works and then evaluate them.


I. Organization moment.

Teacher: Good morning, dear students!

It is a final lesson about the education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan and today we sum up our knowledge on this theme. Each task is presented in three levels and you can choose any level according to your abilities.

II. Warm up.

There are  some  words-assistants at the slide. Students should recollect the poem. Students practice  the pronunciation in pairs and individually.  The poem is known from the previous lessons.






  1.  Vocabulary

Students get a card with the task. When they are ready, their tasks are checked by the assistants.


Level A

Vocabulary drill:

– the process of teaching or leaning, usually in a school or college (education).

– to go to school (attend).

– a school for children between 3 and 5 years old. (nursery school)

–a school for children between the ages 5 to 11. (primary school)

–a school for children between the ages of 11 to 18.(secondary school)

– a set of clothes that school children wear so that they all look the same (school uniform).

– a class for young children usually aged around 5, that prepare them for school (kindergarten).

– grade – one of the twelve years you are at school in the USA. (grade)

–a set of lesson about a subject. (course)

Level B

Give synonyms

Nursery school = kindergarten, mixed school = co-educational, teaches’ room = staff room, to sit at exam = to take an exam, not to pass an exam = to fail

Give the opposite meaning:

To be at school # to leave school, independent school # state school, boys’ (girls’) school # mixed school.

Level C

Match the words with their translations

Attend, science, comprehensive, core subjects, private, curriculum, secondary education, study, наука, посещать, общеобразовательный, главные предметы, частный, программа обучения, среднее образование, обучаться



  1. Audition

Students listen to the record of the text twice and then do the task.

Education in Kazakhstan

  1. Before going to school, children attend kindergartens until they are six or seven.
  2. Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of seven, when children go to primary school.
  3. The secondary stage begins from the 5th form when children start studying a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Sci­ences and others.
  4. Examinations are taken at the end of the 9-th and the 11-th forms.
  5. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges.
  6. Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Ka­zakhstan. There are specialized secondary schools with intensive study of a certain subject, for example Foreign Languages, Literature, Physics and others.
  7. There are also specialized art, music, ballet and sport schools for gifted children and special schools for handicapped children.
  8. Secondary education in our country is free of charge. Among secondary schools there are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums most of them are private.
  9. There are institutes, schools of higher education, universities and academies among higher educational institutions.
  10. In 1992 Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted the western model - a 4 years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and a 2 years course of study with getting the Master's degree after graduation.
  11. In order to enter a higher educational institution young people have to take an entrance examination.

Only those who successfully pass entrance testing are admitted free of charge. In other cases education is given on the commercial basis.

Level A

Translate into English

  1. Обязательное образование начинается в нашей стране в возрасте семи лет, когда дети идут в начальную школу.
  2. Экзамены сдаются в конце 9 и 11 классов.
  3. Некоторые дети могут покинуть школу после 9-ой класса и продолжить их образование в профессионально-технических или технических школах или колледжах.
  4. Помимо средних школ есть другие типы школ в Казахстане.

Level B

True or false

  1. The secondary stage begins from the 6th form when children start studying a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Sci­ences and others.
  2. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges.
  3. In 1999 Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted the western model.
  4. In order to enter a higher educational institution young people have to take an entrance examination.


Level C

Read the sentences and tick those, which you’ve listened in the text

  1. Before going to school, children attend kindergartens until they are six or seven.
  2. I attend school between 8.30 and 3.30.
  3. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges.
  4. When I arrive at school, I go to the Tutor Room for Registration at 8:30.
  1. Rest

T: And now let’s have a rest and play. You have 1 part of the sentence. Find the second part of your sentence, asking your classmates.

Students walk around the classroom doing this task.

If Jack doesn’t work hard,                                          he  will fail the exam.

Mary won’t enter the university                               if she doesn’t finish school successfully.

Chris will be the best student in class                      if he has a good progress.

If Sam fails his exam,                                                   he will pass it again.

If I study ecology                                                 I will know how to protect our environment

If we are environment-educated people we’ll be able to preserve flora and fauna of our country

  1. QUIZ

There are five questions in each level. Students choose the level and answer the questions to the assistants.

Level A

  1. What type of secondary school will you choose if you live in England? Why?
  2. Who goes to private schools?
  3. Do schools in Kazakhstan differ greatly from comprehensive schools?
  4. What do you think about English secondary schools?
  5. Should our government pay much more attention to the secondary education?

Level B

  1. Would you like to have school uniform?
  2. What do pupils study at secondary school?
  3. What different kinds of schools are there in England and in Kazakhstan?
  4. How to get better results in learning?
  5. What subjects are taught at your school?

Level C

  1. How long does primary education lasts?
  2. What are the “core” subjects?
  3. When do children go to junior school?
  4. What are the types of secondary school in England?
  5. How long do children study at infant school?
  1. Speaking

There are six topics at the slide. Students choose any topic and do the task.

Level A

Tell about one of the types of schools.

Level B

Correct the sentences about the types of schools

  1. In Great Britain children go to school when they are seven.
  2. Primary education lasts for five years.
  3. If students go to grammar school they will not have a good education.
  4. Modern schools are most popular in England.
  5. Boys and girls study together at private schools.

Level C

Read and translate the paragraph about any topic

(“English 8” p.145)

  1. Evaluating.

At the end of the lesson assistants give marks to the students, according to the list.

Evaluating list






Mark for the lesson

Student 1






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«Education in GB and Kazakhstan»

Form: 8

Textbook: English 8 (T.D. Kuznetsova, P.G. Kozlov)

Unit 5: “Education”

Theme of the lesson: Education in GB and Kazakhstan

Type of the lesson:

Lesson developing communicative skills.

Time limit: 45 min.


Students should be able:

  • to use the words from the active vocabulary, find synonyms, antonyms, guess the meaning of the words, using the definition

  • to develop their skills in audition, retelling, correcting the sentences about the education

  • to develop interest and respect for the education

Materials Required:

  • textbook English 8 by T.D. Kuznetsova, P.G. Kozlov

  • interactive board

  • activity shirts with the tasks

  • record of the text for audition

Used technologies:

  • Different level teaching

At this lesson all the tasks are presented in three levels, students can choose the tasks in any level, according to their abilities.

Level A- for advanced students

Level B- for students with intermediate skills

Level C- for students with sub-intermediate skills

There are five 11th form students (assistants) at the lesson, which will check the student’s works and then evaluate them.


  1. I. Organization moment.

Teacher: Good morning, dear students!

  1. It is a final lesson about the education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan and today we sum up our knowledge on this theme. Each task is presented in three levels and you can choose any level according to your abilities.

  2. II. Warm up.

There are some words-assistants at the slide. Students should recollect the poem. Students practice the pronunciation in pairs and individually. The poem is known from the previous lessons.

  1. Vocabulary

Students get a card with the task. When they are ready, their tasks are checked by the assistants.

Level A

Vocabulary drill:

– the process of teaching or leaning, usually in a school or college (education).

– to go to school (attend).

– a school for children between 3 and 5 years old. (nursery school)

–a school for children between the ages 5 to 11. (primary school)

–a school for children between the ages of 11 to 18.(secondary school)

– a set of clothes that school children wear so that they all look the same (school uniform).

– a class for young children usually aged around 5, that prepare them for school (kindergarten).

– grade – one of the twelve years you are at school in the USA. (grade)

–a set of lesson about a subject. (course)

Level B

Give synonyms

Nursery school = kindergarten, mixed school = co-educational, teaches’ room = staff room, to sit at exam = to take an exam, not to pass an exam = to fail

Give the opposite meaning:

To be at school # to leave school, independent school # state school, boys’ (girls’) school # mixed school.

Level C

Match the words with their translations

Attend, science, comprehensive, core subjects, private, curriculum, secondary education, study, наука, посещать, общеобразовательный, главные предметы, частный, программа обучения, среднее образование, обучаться

  1. Audition

Students listen to the record of the text twice and then do the task.

Education in Kazakhstan

  1. Before going to school, children attend kindergartens until they are six or seven.

  2. Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of seven, when children go to primary school.

  3. The secondary stage begins from the 5th form when children start studying a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Sci­ences and others.

  4. Examinations are taken at the end of the 9-th and the 11-th forms.

  5. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges.

  6. Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Ka­zakhstan. There are specialized secondary schools with intensive study of a certain subject, for example Foreign Languages, Literature, Physics and others.

  7. There are also specialized art, music, ballet and sport schools for gifted children and special schools for handicapped children.

  8. Secondary education in our country is free of charge. Among secondary schools there are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums most of them are private.

  9. There are institutes, schools of higher education, universities and academies among higher educational institutions.

  10. In 1992 Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted the western model - a 4 years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and a 2 years course of study with getting the Master's degree after graduation.

  11. In order to enter a higher educational institution young people have to take an entrance examination.

Only those who successfully pass entrance testing are admitted free of charge. In other cases education is given on the commercial basis.

Level A

Translate into English

  1. Обязательное образование начинается в нашей стране в возрасте семи лет, когда дети идут в начальную школу.

  2. Экзамены сдаются в конце 9 и 11 классов.

  3. Некоторые дети могут покинуть школу после 9-ой класса и продолжить их образование в профессионально-технических или технических школах или колледжах.

  4. Помимо средних школ есть другие типы школ в Казахстане.

Level B

True or false

  1. The secondary stage begins from the 6th form when children start studying a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Sci­ences and others.

  2. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges.

  3. In 1999 Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted the western model.

  4. In order to enter a higher educational institution young people have to take an entrance examination.

Level C

Read the sentences and tick those, which you’ve listened in the text

  1. Before going to school, children attend kindergartens until they are six or seven.

  2. I attend school between 8.30 and 3.30.

  3. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges.

  4. When I arrive at school, I go to the Tutor Room for Registration at 8:30.

  1. Rest

T: And now let’s have a rest and play. You have 1 part of the sentence. Find the second part of your sentence, asking your classmates.

Students walk around the classroom doing this task.

If Jack doesn’t work hard, he will fail the exam.

Mary won’t enter the university if she doesn’t finish school successfully.

Chris will be the best student in class if he has a good progress.

If Sam fails his exam, he will pass it again.

If I study ecology I will know how to protect our environment

If we are environment-educated people we’ll be able to preserve flora and fauna of our country

  1. QUIZ

There are five questions in each level. Students choose the level and answer the questions to the assistants.

Level A

  1. What type of secondary school will you choose if you live in England? Why?

  2. Who goes to private schools?

  3. Do schools in Kazakhstan differ greatly from comprehensive schools?

  4. What do you think about English secondary schools?

  5. Should our government pay much more attention to the secondary education?

Level B

  1. Would you like to have school uniform?

  2. What do pupils study at secondary school?

  3. What different kinds of schools are there in England and in Kazakhstan?

  4. How to get better results in learning?

  5. What subjects are taught at your school?

Level C

  1. How long does primary education lasts?

  2. What are the “core” subjects?

  3. When do children go to junior school?

  4. What are the types of secondary school in England?

  5. How long do children study at infant school?

  1. Speaking

There are six topics at the slide. Students choose any topic and do the task.

Level A

Tell about one of the types of schools.

Level B

Correct the sentences about the types of schools

  1. In Great Britain children go to school when they are seven.

  2. Primary education lasts for five years.

  3. If students go to grammar school they will not have a good education.

  4. Modern schools are most popular in England.

  5. Boys and girls study together at private schools.

Level C

Read and translate the paragraph about any topic

(“English 8” p.145)

  1. Evaluating.

At the end of the lesson assistants give marks to the students, according to the list.

Evaluating list






Mark for the lesson

Student 1






Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Education in GB and Kazakhstan

Автор: Нуралиева Загира

Дата: 17.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 306823

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