Оргмомент Hello, friends! Glad to see you again! How are you? I am fine, thanks. Sit down, please. Get ready for the lesson. -
Фонетическая зарядка. Проговаривание скороговорки. ( скороговорка отпечатана и вывешена на доске) Let’s work at the difficult sounds. Repeat after me, please Look at the blackboard, please. I want you to read the transcription. На доске в два столбика написаны слова – транскрипция и слово -
Мотивационный этап Вопросы к классу What do those words mean? Do you know their capitals? Саn you show them on the map? Let’s find the capitals of Barbados and Trinidad. What languages do people speak in these countries? Are there any other languages spoken in those countries? Very good. I see you know a lot about English-speaking countries. And what do you know about traditions in these countries? My friends, how do you think what are we going to speak about at our lesson today? Yes, you are right. We are going to learn more about English-speaking world. -
Знакомство с новой лексикой по теме Active Foreign language Official language First (second) language Nationality Population To be situated Cultural Emblem Passive Maple Kiwi English Powerful Advanced A bit Original Australians Отработка лексики продолжается при выполнении упр.30 учебника Guess the meaning of the following words combinations: -
one of the most powerful countries in the world -
one of the most advanced countries in the world -
the third largest population in the world -
the financial and cultural centre -
the second important language -
the second largest country in the world -
the official emblem of .. -
the country consists of two islands -
the official language -
the world’s seventh biggest city Translate from English into Russian * The USA is one of the most powerful countries in the world * New York is the financial and cultural center of the USA * The USA has the third largest population in the world * The USA is one of the most advanced countries in the world * French is the second important language in Canada Translate from Russian into English -
Кленовый лист – официальная эмблема Канады -
Новая Зеландия состоит из двух больших островов -
Соединенное королевство – островное государство -
Физкультминутка Let’s have a little rest. Who will be the PE teacher today? 6. Организация групповой работы (работа с текстом) Now, friends, you will work in groups. I want you to choose the country and find the text about this country in ex. 31. I’ll give you some time. After reading the text you will tell us what new facts you have learned from it На доске – опора для построения высказывания по тексту USE: It is interesting that … I have learned some new facts … First … Second … I didn’t know that 7. Учитель предлагает презентацию «English speaking countries” 8. Аудирование. Учащимся предлагается заполнить таблицу и проверить правильность заполнения прослушиванием текста Now we are going to listen to the information about the English-speaking countries. Look at your cards, please. What missed information should you fill in? -
The full name of the country is Canada. It has no short name. The capital is Ottawa. There are two official language in the country: English and French. -
The full name of the country is Australia. It has no short name. The capital is Canberra. The official language is English. -
The full name of the country is the United States of America. Its shorts names are the USA or the US. The capital is Washington. The official language is English. -
The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The shorts names are the United Kingdom, the UK, Great Britain. The capital is London. The official language is English. -
The full name of the country is New Zealand. The country has no short name. The capital is Wellington. The official languages are English and Maori. 9. Контрольный этап. Today we have learned a lot about English-speaking countries. Correct my statements, please -
The biggest English-speaking country is Australia. -
The capital of New Zealand is Canberra -
People speak German and English in Canada -
Maori people live in Australia -
There is no difference between English in New Zealand and English in the UK -
Australia is an island country Excellent! Now let’s do ex.34. Match the countries and word combinations corresponding to them 10. Рефлексивный этап The aim of our lesson was to learn more information about English speaking countries. Have we reached the aim? What new facts have you learned today? Оценивание ответов учащихся 11. Homework Ex.12 – make a list of international words from ex.31 Ex. 13 – complete sentences with the names of the countries | Hello, teacher! Glad to see you too! Fine, thanks. And you? The thirty three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. (ученики проговаривают скороговорку хором и индивидуально) Ученики по одному читают написанные в транскрипции названия стран и проводят соответствие Greаt Britain The United States of America Australia New Zealand Canada India Trinidad Barbados Ожидаемые ответы These are the names of the countries. The capital of Great Britain is London/ The capital of Australia is Canberra. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. The capital of the USA is Washington. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Delhi is the capital of India. I don’t know the capital of Barbados. Ученики по желанию подходят к карте и показывают страны. Ученики находят столицы – Bridgetown and Port-of-Spain Возможные ответы I think, English Yes, in Canada people speak French. And in New Zealand native people speak Maori. In Britain people speak Scottish in Scotland and Welsh in Wales. Spanish is very popular in the USA. Halloween is a popular holiday in the USA. Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday. Valentine’s Day came to us from Great Britain. In July Americans celebrate Independence Day. I think, about English-speaking countries. Ученики повторяют лексику за учителем, прочитывают слова Одна из самых могущественных стран в мире Одна из самых развитых стран мира Третья страна по количеству населения Финансовый и культурный центр Второй по важности язык Вторая самая большая страна мира Официальная эмблема Страна состоит из двух островов Официальный язык Седьмой по величине город мира США – одна из самых могущественных стран мира Нью Йорк – финансовый и культурный центр США США является третьей страной по количеству населения США – одна из наиболее развитых стран мира Французский – второй важный язык в Канаде Canada is the second largest country in the world The maple leaf is the official emblem of Canada New Zealand consists of two big islands The UK is an island state Один из желающих учеников проводит физкультминутку Stand up! Hands up! Bend to the left! Bend to the right! Bend around! Sit down! Ребята делятся на группы по 2-3 человека, получают бэйджики с названием страны и приступают к чтению текста ( в группах – сильный + слабый ученик) При построении своих высказываний учащиеся могут воспользоваться презентацией. Примерные ответы: We have read the text about Australia. The country occupies the whole continent. It’s interesting that Australia has population only 18 million people. I didn’t know that Australia is called “Oz” or “the Lucky country”. Ученики получают листки с таблицей. Опираясь на текст, вписывают недостающую информацию в таблицу. Работают в группах We should write full and short names of the countries and languages spoken there Full name | Short name | Capital | Language | Canada | | Ottawa | | | | Canberra | | | | Washington | | | The UK | London | English | | | Wellington | | No. the biggest English-speaking country is the Canada. No, the capital of New Zealand is Wellington No, people speak English and French in Canada No, Maori people live in New Zealand No, English in New Zealand differs from English in the UK Выполняют задание: -
Great Britain – an island country -
Australia – a “lucky country -
New Zealand – an upside down country -
The USA – a real melting pot -
Canada – the second largest country in the world Возможные ответы: New Zealand is called “the biggest farm of the world”. Pupils in Australia go to school in February. The emblem of Canada is the maple leaf. |