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Викторина по теме: Англо-говорящие страны

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Викторина составлена по материалу УМК "Enjoy English -7",  по теме раздела 2: "Англо-говорящие страны".

(What do English-speaking people think about their countries) 

1.The second important language in New Zealand.

2.The capital of the UK….

3.The capital of the USA…

4.….has the 3rd largest population in the world.

5.The capital of the New Zealand….

6.…..is an island state.

7.…is called “the lucky country”

8.The USA`s motto is…..

9. What language is English made from?

10.…“the world`s biggest farm”

11.It lies between the Indian and the Pacific ocean.

12.English which is spoken in New Zealand is called…

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«Викторина по теме: Англо-говорящие страны »

English-speaking countries

English-speaking countries

What are the most powerful countries in the world?
  • What are the most powerful countries in the world?
One of the most advanced countries in the world?
  • One of the most advanced countries in the world?
The second important language in New Zealand. The capital of the UK…. The capital of the USA… … .has the 3 rd largest population in the world. The capital of the New Zealand…. … ..is an island state. … is called “the lucky country” The USA`s motto is…..  What language is English made from? …“ the world`s biggest farm” It lies between the Indian and the Pacific ocean. English which is spoken in New Zealand is called…
  • The second important language in New Zealand.
  • The capital of the UK….
  • The capital of the USA…
  • … .has the 3 rd largest population in the world.
  • The capital of the New Zealand….
  • … ..is an island state.
  • … is called “the lucky country”
  • The USA`s motto is…..
  • What language is English made from?
  • …“ the world`s biggest farm”
  • It lies between the Indian and the Pacific ocean.
  • English which is spoken in New Zealand is called…
It`s twice smaller than France and Spain. … occupies the whole continent. What is the difference between a film and a movie? When it is summer in Europe, it is winter in… … has three of the worlds longest rivers. … .is the world`s seventh biggest city. It`s a real melting pot. It is famous for butter, cheese, meat. Where does the school year start in winter? The official emblem of Canada is… … .the financial center of the USA.
  • It`s twice smaller than France and Spain.
  • … occupies the whole continent.
  • What is the difference between a film and a movie?
  • When it is summer in Europe, it is winter in…
  • … has three of the worlds longest rivers.
  • … .is the world`s seventh biggest city.
  • It`s a real melting pot.
  • It is famous for butter, cheese, meat.
  • Where does the school year start in winter?
  • The official emblem of Canada is…
  • … .the financial center of the USA.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Викторина по теме: Англо-говорящие страны

Автор: Клеменчук Дарья Сергеевна

Дата: 12.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 142953

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