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We are learning English .

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X. Conclusion.

T: Have you understood the lesson?                                                                                                                               P: …                                                                                                                                                                                T: Ok, everybody stand up, the lesson is over, thank you for your work. Good-bye!                           P: Good- bye, teacher!

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«We are learning English .»


Date: 23.01.15


The Theme: The team of the lively and quick - witted

The Aims: 1. Тақырып бойынша оқушылардың білімдерін жүйелеу.

2. Оқушылардың байқау, есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.

3. Ағылшын тіліне қызығушылықтарын арттыру.

The type: game

Visual aids: screen, computer, cards, pictures and etc.

The procedure of the competition

I. Organization moment

Good day, dear boys and girls, teachers and guests! I am glad to see you.

Welcome to our game. Today we have a wonderful lesson. The theme of our lesson is “The team of the lively and quick - witted”. The motto of our lesson is

“Tell me and I forget,

Teach me and I remember,

Involve me and I learn”

The Chinese proverb

The participants of our game are the boys and girls of the 5A and 5Ә forms.

During our game you can see the habits and skills of pupils in writing and speaking. I hope it will be an interesting and exciting competition.

  • And of course the competition will be judged by our jury. Let me introduce you with judges of our competition. There are: ....

Let’s greet them!

  • Now I will introduce you with the process of the game. Our game has 8 rounds.

1. “Introduction”

2. “Wordsalad”

3. “Numerals Bingo”

4. “Baiga”

5. “Codered sentences”

6. “Polyglot”

7. “Riddles”

8. “First think then speak”

9. Who is the quickest?

Now, let’s start.

  1. The first round


The captain of two teams will introduce us themselves.

5A: I am a captain of the 1st team. My name is …. My surname is … I am a student. Our team is called “Friends”, because the man cannot live without the friend.

Our motto is “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold.”

5Ә: I am a captain of the 2nd team. My name is …. My surname is … I am a student. Our team is called “Knowledge”, because knowledge is power. Our motto is “Live and learn.”

    1. Now, we come to the second round of our competition: “Wordsalad”

At this round I will read the letters at the screen you must to make from them the words. The winner will be the team that gives the right words and does it quicker than other the team. For each correct answer you will get 10 points. (Сөздердің әріптері араластырып жазылған. Сайыскерлер әріптерді дұрыс құрап сөздерді қалпына келтіру керек. Қай топ сөзді 1-ші және дұрыс құраса сол топ ұпай алады.)

IV. And now let’s begin our third round which is called “Numerals Bingo”

Each participant receives a sheet of paper with numerals. I name numbers in English in any order and delete in my sheet of paper the named number. If this number is available in your section, you delete it. The player, who the first will delete all 9 numbers, loud declare about and say “Bingo”, and he will become winner, he loud reads 9 numbers all.

(Әр сайыскерге сандар жазылған қағаз таратылады. Мұғалім сандарды ағылшын тілінде кез келген ретте атайды және өз қағазынан аталған сандарды сызып отырады. Сайыскерлер де өз торларындағы аталған сандарды сызып отырады. Барлық 9 санды сызған ойыншы қатты дауыстап «Бинго» дейді. Сол ойыншы жеңімпаз саналады. Ол 9 санды дауыстап оқиды.)











VI. The fourth round is “Baiga

V. The fifth round is called “Codered sentences”

Construct the sentence from the first letters of pictures.

(Суреттердің 1-ші әріптерінен сөйлем құрастырыңдар.)

y a I e.

I m n.

6. The sixth round is called “Polyglot”

7. The seventhth round is called “Riddles”

1.Отан оттан да …

2. Ананың сүті …

3.Бала … бал.

4.Көз қорқақ, … батыр.

5...... is a friend indeed.

6East or West home is …...

7.Live .......

8 … is power.

  1. It`s red and sweet, and it`s good to eat. (an apple)

  2. I`m black and red and blue.

I draw a picture for you. (a pencil)

  1. I can tell you all the day,

Time to sleep and time to play. (the clock)

  1. My nose is long,

My tail is short,

I`m an ______ (an elephant)

  1. There is a season,

When days are cool,

When we eat apple,

And go to school. (autumn)

6.What teaches without talking?(a book)

8. The eighth round is called “First think then speak”

1) The capital of Kazakhstan is.......
2) The national money of Kazakhstan is ……....
3) The residence of president is....
4) The monument Astana is....
5) Almaty is famous for it` s....
6) Tokhtar Aubakirov and Talgat Musabaev are ……..

7) Roza Rymbaeva and Makpal Zhunusova are ……...
8) Abai Kunanbaev and Shakarim Kudaiberdiev are ……..

9) The 1st of December is ……..
10 ) The Kazakh national holiday is ……….

9. The ninth round is called Who is the quickest?

  • mynameisaselIam11Ihaveanaunthernameisannasheisateachershehastwosonsandadaughtertheyliveinavillagethereisabigschoolinavillageitisaverygoodschool.

  • My name is Asel. I am 11. I have an aunt her name is Anna. She is a teacher. She has two sons and a daughter. They live in a village, there is a big school in a village, it is a very good school.

X. The conclusion

Dear friends! It’s a pity but our competition has just finished. Thank you for coming and taking an active part in the games.

«Гимназия сыныптары және шағын орталығы бар № 21 жалпы білім беру орта мектебі» ММ

Theme: We are learning English.

Орындаған: Темирова. А.Б

Тлегенова .А

Сынып: 5

Ақтау 2015ж

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

We are learning English .

Автор: Темирова Айзада Бакбергеновна

Дата: 03.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 247599

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