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Викторина по английскому языку на тему "Великобритания"

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«Викторина по английскому языку на тему "Великобритания"»

Викторина №1 по теме «Великобритания».

Первый раунд

1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

  1. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  2. Great Britain

  3. England

  4. Scotland

2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

  1. one

  2. two

  3. three

  4. four

3. What is the capital of the United Kingdom?

  1. Cardiff

  2. Dublin

  3. London

  4. Belfast

4. What is the symbol of England?

  1. bald eagle

  2. Britannia

  3. rose

  4. thistle

5. Big Ben is …?

  1. an animal in the zoo

  2. a horse

  3. a clock

  4. a famous name

6. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of …

  1. four streets

  2. five streets

  3. six streets

  4. seven streets

7. What is a Piccadilly Circus?

  1. a circus

  2. a square

  3. a street

  4. a house

8. Great Britain is divided into …

  1. two parts

  2. three parts

  3. four parts

  4. five parts

9. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is …

  1. the Tower of London

  2. the White House

  3. the Windsor Palace

  4. the Buckingham Palace

10. England is in …

  1. Europe

  2. Africa

  3. America

  4. Asia

11. Westminster Abbey is …

  1. the chappel

  2. the monastery

  3. the inn

  4. the famous Royal Church

12. The symbol of this country is a thistle; its patron saint is St. Andrew

  1. England

  2. Wales

  3. Scotland

  4. Northern Ireland

13. What is the capital of Wales?

  1. London

  2. Cardiff

  3. Belfast

  4. Edinburgh

14. What is the largest part of the UK?

  1. England

  2. Scotland

  3. Wales

  4. Northern Ireland

15. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

  1. London

  2. Cardiff

  3. Belfast

  4. Edinburgh

Второй раунд

Игра со зрителями «Достопримечательности Лондона».

Look at the screen and guess what it is. (Студенты отгадывают достопримечательности Лондона. После того как они отгадали, появляется краткая информация о данном изображении.)

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square was built in 1830 and is used to be home to thousands of pigeons. There is the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson there.

The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben

The Houses of Parliament was built in 1840. It is the seat of the British government. The Houses of Parliament contain the bell Big Ben. Big Ben is the biggest and the most famous clock in Britain.

Tower Bridge

The Tower Bridge, named after its two impressive towers, is one of London's best known landmarks. This Victorian Bridge is now more than 100 years old.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace was built in 1702 by the Duke of Buckingham as his London home. Now it is the London home of the Queen.

The Tower of London

For a long time the Tower of London was a fortress, a prison and a royal palace. Now it is a museum.

The British Museum

The British Museum was founded in 1753. Now it is the national museum of antiquities.

National Gallery

National Gallery, one of the principal art galleries in Britain, is located in Trafalgar Square. The gallery was built in 1834. 

Викторина №2 по теме «Великобритания»

Ведущий: Good afternoon!

I am glad to see you at “Who? What? When? Where?”

You have got already information about Great Britain: its people, customs, traditions, way of life, sights. We have read books, watched films. Before we start our quiz let’s watch a presentation. (Идет показ презентации). And now it’s time to know learnt more than others about Great Britain.

At the blackboard you can see 4 tables “Who?”, “ What?”, “When?”, “Where?” with 9 squares in it. They are numbered. Each number means a question. Your team chooses a number and answers a question. Remember that you should give a full answer. Besides in each table there is one square which contains not one but three questions! This square is called “SURPRISE!” If you can’t answer the question your opponent can give the answer and get additional point. Let’s start our quiz.

  1. Проведение викторины.

Команды представляют себя. Жребий определяет, кто начинает игру.

Оформление на доске:


















































  1. Who is the main character at CHRISTMAS? (Santa Claus)

  2. Who lived in Sherwood Forest and fought against the sheriff of Nottingham? (Robin Hood)

  3. Who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”? (W. Shakespeare)

  4. Who is the head of state in Great Britain? (the queen)

  5. Who is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? (Elizabeth, П)

  6. Who does the real power in Britain belong to? (the Prime Minister)

  7. Whose statue is on the top of the column? (Admiral Nelson)

  8. Who was “The Iron Lady”? (M. Thatcher)

  9. Who lives in 10 Downing Street? (The Prime Minister)

  10. Who is the Scotland poet? (Robert Burns)

  11. Who lived in 221b Baker Street? (Sherlock Holmes)

WHAT – questions

  1. What is another name for the British Flag? (The Union Jack)

  2. What colour is the British flag? (white, red, blue)

  3. What is the name or the river in London? (The Thames)

  4. What is the main square in London? (Trafalgar Square)

  5. What is the full name of Great Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

  6. What is the 1st day of the week according to the English calendar? (Sunday)

  7. What is the symbol of England? (a red rose)

  8. What colour are London buses? (red)

  9. What river does London stand on? (the Thames)

  10. What is a traditional British dish? (pudding)

  11. What colour are London taxis? (black)


  1. When is St Valentine’s Day celebrated? (14th of February)

  2. When is the queen’s real birthday? (21st of April 1926)

  3. When is Halloween celebrated? (31st of October)

  4. When do English people usually drink tea? (at 5 o’clock)

  5. When can you see the flag over the Queen’s Palace? (when she is at home)

  6. When there was the Great Fire in London? (1666)

  7. When is the queen’s official birthday? (2nd Saturday in June)

  8. When is Christmas celebrated? (25th of December)

  9. When was W. Shakespeare born? (1564)

  10. When is April Fool’s Day celebrated? (1st of April)

  11. When was the TITANIC Disaster? (1912)


  1. Where does British Parliament seat in London? (The Houses of Parliament)

  2. Where can you hear a bagpipe? (Scotland)

  3. Where was W. Shakespeare born? (Stratford-upon-Avon)

  4. Where is the Queen’s residence? (Buckingham Palace)

  5. Where is Loch Ness? (Scotland)

  6. Where can you see many famous paintings? (The National Gallery)

  7. Where is the Thames situated? (London)

  8. Where is the Poets’ Corner situated? (Hyde Park)

  9. Where is the UK situated? (on the British Isles)

  10. Where do men wear kilts? (in Scotland)

  11. Where is the monument to Admiral Nelson? (in Trafalgar square)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Викторина по английскому языку на тему "Великобритания"

Автор: Корнева Юлия Геннадьевна

Дата: 20.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 360866

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