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Устройство на работу: интервью

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«Устройство на работу: интервью»





«Иностранный язык делового общения»

2 курс, 3 семестр

Тема: «Устройство на работу: интервью»


Филанович Е.Н.



№ учебной группы 21Дб дата 18.10.2018

Тема раздела по календарно-тематическому плану: «Сфера профессионального трудового общения» /(24 часа)

Тема учебного занятия №: ______12__ «Устройство на работу: интервью» / (2 часа)

Тип учебного занятия: Развитие умений

Цели учебного занятия:

Обучающая: развитие умения монологической речи

Развивающая: развитие способности к анализу, формулировке выводов, планированию своего высказывания

Воспитательная: воспитание культуры работы в группах и парах, воспитание культуры поведения во время интервью

Методическая: доказать эффективность использования наглядности для активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся

Межпредметные связи: практическая фонетика, практическая грамматика, психология

Оборудование: презентация PowerPoint, видеозапись, раздаточный материал

Ход учебного занятия

№ этапа

Этап учебного занятия Содержание этапа Примечание


Организа-ционный момент

Hello, guys. How are you? What did we study at the previous lessons? What should we do at first if we look for a job? What associations do you have when you hear the word ‘exam’? Choose the words to describe your feeling:

• I feel panic.

• I have sweating palms

• Sometimes I have a headache.

• I feel stress.

• It’s a pleasure for me.

It’s a real trial for me.

• It’s very challenging.

• It’s a good possibility to entertain.

Do you agree these words express a person’s feelings when he or she at a job interview? What should a job-seeker do in order to feel more confident and more relaxed at a job interview?

Preparation is a key to a successful job interview. So I’d like to invite you to the workshop “How to shine at a job interview”. I hope that it would be useful for you because in the future you will have to get through lots of job interviews.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы преподавате-ля


Проверка д/з. Вве-дение нового материала (предъявле-ние монолога-образца)

My question is why do companies use job interviews? Use the following prompts will help you answer these questions:

  • To get to know job applicants and find out more about them

  • Learn about their work experience and skills

  • To see if he or she is a suitable candidate for an open position

  • Because it’s an opportunity for jobseekers to get a job and present themselves in a positive way

My dear participants, in order to get ready for our seminar, you hometask was to read some texts. What are they about? Let’s revise the key vocabulary connected with the topic of our seminar. Match the following words with their definitions or synonyms.(Exercise 1).


  1. A job applicant – d) a job seeker

  2. To Look for a job – f) to hunt for a job

  3. To Create a good impression – g) to form / make a good impression

  4. To Interview – h) to hold an interview, asking someone questions

  5. An interviewer – i) a person who asks questions at a job interview

  6. To Jot down – c) to write a short piece of information quickly

  7. To concentrate on smth.– j) to focus on smth.

  8. To make an effort – a) to attempt to achieve smth.

  9. To stress smth – b) to give special importance to smth

  10. To do one’s best – k) to try as hard as you can to do smth.

  11. Keenness – l) the quality of being enthusiastic

  12. Give smb. a hard time – e) to treat someone badly or cause problems for them

  13. Exaggerate – m) to represent smth as being better, larger

  14. Compulsive – o) very difficult to stop or control

  15. Concise – n) brief but comprehensive

Now find the context in which these words and expressions are used in the text.

Which tips concerning a job interview do you know now? What do’s and don’t can you name?

Фронтальная, индивидуаль-ная работа. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы преподавате-ля и самостоятель-но выполняют упражнение: соотносят слова из текста с дефинициями


Введение нового материала

Let’s go on our seminar. I suggest you expanding a list of do’s and don’t. Read the following statements and fill in the table. Do it in pairs (Exercise 2).


Dos :

• Turn off your phone

• Treat all people you meet with respect and politeness. Administrative assistants and receptionists also have first impressions and often share their opinion with interviewers.

• Respond questions with specific examples (using successful stories or examples of skills)

• Prepare questions to ask an interviewer.

• Tell the truth and be honest

• Shake hands, smile and make eye contact, look at a person asking a question

• Dress nicely, be clean and tidy

• Mind your body language


• Falsify application materials because dishonesty gets discovered

• Complain about a prior job, boss or co-worker

• Wear casual clothes

• Use ‘fillers’ (um, like…, you know…), avoid slang

• Be overconfident and arrogant

Парная, фронтальная


В парах читают предложения, заполняют таблицу: что следует/не следует делать во время собеседова-ния.


Работа с видео

Well-done, my dear participants. Now I think you know a lot about how to shine at a job interview. You can be experts in this issue. You task is to watch a video where a girl is applying for a position of Sales Director in the company called WebWare.

Before watching, match the words to their definitions. (Exercise 3)


1. Picky – d) Being difficult to please

2. To pull smth off – a) To achieve smth impressive, succeed

3. Temperament – b) A dominant quality that characterizes someone

4. Challenging – e) Difficult, testing one’s abilities and forces

5. Rewarding – c) Providing satisfaction

6. To move on –i) To leave a job

7. Voluntary work – f) Work that is done without being paid

8. Current position – g) The present job

9. Technicalities – h) Technical details in a contract

10. Diversify – j) To make smth more varied

11. A managee – k) A person who works for you

12. To get along with smb. – l) To have a friendly relationship with smb

Watch the video, read the statements and decide if they are true or false. (Exercise 4)


1. F

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F

6. T

Look at the script and find the words from the previous exercise in the context.

Do you agree that this interview is successful? Watch the video again, pay attention to Sarah’s behaviour, her answers to the questions and the way she looks. Using the information from the texts and the table “Dos and Don’ts” prove that this interview is successful. Work in groups. Use the following phrases to express your opinion:

To our mind, this interview is successful…

In our opinion, Sarah is a good example to follow because…

We think that Sarah will get this job because…

You task is to watch a video where a guy is applying for a position of Sales Director in the company called WebWare.

Before watching, match the words to their definitions.

  1. CEO – c) An abbreviation of the most important person in a company

  2. Fluent – a) Being able to speak a language easily and quickly

  3. Pull one’s weight - b) To do one’s full share of work

  4. To close a deal – d) To make a deal

  5. Stepping stone - e) A stage that helps to achieve a goal

Watch the video, read the statements and decide if they are true or false. (Exercise 6)


  1. F

  2. T

  3. F

  4. T

  5. F

Look at the script and find the words from the previous exercise in the context.

Do you agree that this interview isn’t successful? Watch the video again, pay attention to Daniel’s behaviour, his answers to the questions and the way he looks. Use the information from the texts and the table “Dos and Don’ts”. Prove that this interview isn’t a good example. This task is for Group 1. Group 2, your task is to give some tips to Daniel which he can use at his next job interview. Work in groups. Use the following key expressions:

It would be better /nice for him to …

Next time he should / shouldn’t …

It’s necessary to … if he wants to get a job.

We highly recommend him to … , it will help him to form a good impression.

Групповая, фронтальная,парная работа


смотрят видео, выполняют упражнения в парах, отвечают на вопросы преподавате-ля по видео в группах.


Подведение итогов, рефлексия. Предъявле-ние д.з.

Let’s sum it up. I suggest you finding out what skills do you have now. Choose the statements describing what you can do after the workshop “How to shine at a job interview”.

  1. I know how to behave at a job interview.

  2. I can give some tips to my friend if he or she is going to a job interview.

  3. I know what kind of clothes to choose.

  4. I will be able to answer possible questions.

  5. I know how to prepare for a job interview.

Can you give some tips to your friends how to shine at a job interview? Your hometask is to hold a seminar and give some tips to people who are going to get through a job interview.

Индивидуальная работа. Учащиеся отмечают, какие знания и навыки они приобрели на занятии.

Exercise 1. Match the following words to their definitions.

  1. A job applicant

  1. To attempt to achieve smth.

2. To look for a job

b) To give special importance to smth

3. To create a good impression

c) To write a short piece of information quickly

  1. To interview

d) A job seeker

  1. An interviewer

e) To treat someone badly, cause problems

  1. To jot down

f) To hunt for a job

  1. To concentrate on smth

g) To form / make a good impression

  1. To make an effort

h) To hold an interview, asking someone questions

  1. To stress smth

i) A person who asks questions at a job interview

  1. To do one’s best

j) To focus on smth.

  1. Keenness

k) To try as hard as you can to do smth.

  1. Give smb. a hard time

l) The quality of being enthusiastic

  1. Exaggerate

m) To represent smth as being better, larger

  1. Concise

n) Brief but comprehensive

  1. Compulsive

o) Very difficult to stop or control

Exercise 2. Read the following statements and fill in the table.



  • Turn off your phone

  • Wear casual clothes

  • Prepare questions to ask an interviewer

  • Treat all people you meet with respect and politeness. Administrative assistants and receptionists also have first impressions and often share their opinion with interviewers.

  • Complain about a prior job, boss or co-workers

  • Respond questions with specific examples (using successful stories or examples of skills)

  • Be overconfident and arrogant

  • Tell the truth and be honest

  • Falsify application materials because dishonesty gets discovered

  • Use ‘fillers’ (um, like…, you know…), avoid slang

  • Dress nicely, be clean and tidy

  • Mind your body language

Exercise 3. Match the words and phrases to their definitions.

  1. Picky

  1. To achieve smth impressive, to succede

  1. To pull smth off

  1. A dominant quality that characterizes someone

  1. Temperament

  1. Providing satisfaction

  1. Challenging

  1. Being difficult to please

  1. Rewarding

  1. Difficult, testing one’s abilities and forces

  1. To move on

  1. Work that is done without being paid

  1. Voluntary work

  1. The present job

  1. Current position

  1. Technical details in a contract

  1. Technicalities

  1. To leave a job

  1. Diversify

  1. To make smth more varied

  1. A managee

  1. A person who works for you

  1. To get along with smb.

  1. To have a friendly relationship with smb

Exercise 4. Read the statements and decide if they are true or false:

1. Sarah works at a school for children with learning difficulties.

2. Sarah wants to get a new job because her current position is not challenging.

3. Sarah had a problem with one of her managees.

4. She had experience of living abroad.

5. She studied at university in India.

6. Before the interview, Sarah prepared a question.

Exercise 5. Match the words and phrases to their definitions.

  1. CEO

  1. Being able to speak a language easily and fluently

  1. Fluent

  1. To do one’s full share of work

  1. Stepping stone

  1. An abbreviation of the most important person in a company

  1. Pull one’s weight

  1. To make a deal

  1. To close a deal

e) A stage that helps to achieve a goal

Exercise 6. Read the statements and decide if they are true or false:

  1. Daniel is good at rock climbing.

  2. Daniel thinks that he should be working in a bigger than Networld.

  3. The interviewers are impressed Daniel’s confidence.

  4. The interviewers aren’t impressed by Daniel’s management skills.

  5. Daniel is fluent in Mandarin (Chenese).

Ссылки на видеоматериал: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRiaznQevTA


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Устройство на работу: интервью

Автор: Филанович Екатерина Николаевна

Дата: 15.09.2019

Номер свидетельства: 519762

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