Цель: активизация и расширение полученных знаний в устной диалогической речи; воспитание культуры общения и потребности практического использования языка. Задачи: формировать лексико-грамматические навыки диалогической речи, навыки работы в парах. Форма организации деятельности: парная. Деятельность учителя: организует деятельность учащихся по применению полученных знаний, осуществляя дифференцированный подход ( составление диалогов различной степени сложности) помогает, корректирует, направляет. Деятельность учащихся: составляют диалоги по разрозненным предложениям, написанным на отдельных листах бумаги, вложенных в конверты, строят диалогические высказывания, используя новую грамматическую структуру, работают в парах, осуществляют взаимоконтроль, сотрудничают с партнёром. Регулятивные, коммуникативные УУД Примерный текст диалогов: (первый текст- монолог, на случай, если в группе нечётное количество учащихся). Разрезать по пунктирным линиям, перемешать - Дети собирают диалоги, готовятся их инсценировать: Summer holidays. ------------------------------- Summer holiday are coming! ----------------------------------------- We can forget about school! ------------------------------------------------------ We can go for a walk with friends. ------------------------------------------------------ I’m going to ride a bicycle and roller-skate in summer. ---------------------------------------------- Summer holidays are fun! 1. - It’s summer at last! We can forget about school and school rules. ---------------------------------------------- - Yes, we can do a lot of interesting things. We can go to pizza restaurants and cafes! ------------------------------------------------------ - We can go on picnics to the river. What are you going to do on holiday, (имя)? ------------------------------------------------- - I’m going to (город) with my parents. There are many interesting places there. ----------------------------------------------------- - Really? Fantastic! And I’m going to visit my grandparents in ( …). I will help my granny, ride a bicycle and swim in the river а lot. ----------------------------------------------- - Have a nice time, (имя)! -------------------------------------- - Good luck, (имя)! 2. - It’s summer at last! We can forget about teachers and lessons! ------------------------------------------- - Yes, we can go to funfairs and swimming pools. ------------------------------------------------- - I can go to dance lessons. I like dancing very much. (Имя), what are you going to do on summer holiday? ------------------------------------------- - I’m going to (город) with my parents. We can go to shopping centers, cafes and pizza restaurants there. -------------------------------------------- - Great! And I’m going to stay at home, help mum about the house, watch TV and roller- skate . -------------------------------------- - Have fun, (имя)! ------------------------------ - You too, (имя)! 3. - Summer is coming! We have holidays! We can forget about school work and homework. ---------------------------------------------- - Yes, we can go to museums and theatres. ------------------------------------ -We can go to cafes and shopping centers with parents and friends. --------------------------------------------- -I’m going to spend time with my friend (имя). We will play games and watch cartoons. ------------------------------------------------------ -Great! And I’m going to the seaside on holidays. I will swim and relax on the beach a lot. ---------------------------------------------------- -Fantastic! Have a nice time, (имя)! -------------------------------------------------- -Good luck, (имя)! 4. - We have holidays! We can forget about lessons! ------------------------------------------------ - Yes, we can go to cafes and cinemas. ----------------------------------------------------- - We can play and fly a kite all day long. What are you going to do on holiday? ------------------------------------------------- - I’m going to stay at home and go to football practice. --------------------------------------------------- - Fine! I am going to play football, too. Let’s play together! --------------------------------------------- ------------------- 5. - We have summer holidays! We can forget about school! ---------------------------------------------- - Yes, we can play football and swim in the river. --------------------------------------------------- - We can go on picnics and play. -------------------------------------------------- - My friend and I are going to play computer games and watch TV. ------------------------------------------------ -Super! And I’m going to ride a bicycle and roller-skate. ------------------------- -Good luck (имя)! -------------------------------- - Have fun (имя)! 6. - We have summer holidays! --------------------------------------- - Yes, we can play and walk. ------------------------------------------ - I can play with my dog. And you? ------------------------------------------------ - I’m going to visit my grandmother in (город). ------------------------------------------------ - Have a nice time, (имя)! ---------------------------------- - Have fun,(имя)! |