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Урок по теме: "На пути к звездам"

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Урок "Создание ситуации успеха при работе над проектом "На пути к звездам"

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«Урок по теме: "На пути к звездам"»

Создание ситуации успеха при работе над проектом по теме:

«На пути к звездам»

Урок английского языка

Учитель Ворновских Ю.В.

Учебник Laser B1

Unit 4 Meet the Stars

Тема урока: “Are Celebrities Happy?”

Класс 7 Б

Время реализации урока: 40 минут

Необходимое оборудование и материалы:

  • компьютер

  • мультимедийный проектор и экран

  • электронная презентация Power Point

  • «документ-камера»

Цель урока: поиск решения проблемной ситуации в процессе написания письма-совета, формирование собственного мнения по проблеме

Ход урока:

  • Организационный этап

Good afternoon, my brilliant and wonderful students! Take your seats. Who is away? I am glad to see you here. I am glad to see our guests. Are you? How are you today? Great! You are fine, I’m fine too. Let’s start our English lesson.

  • Тема урока

(cлайд 1) First of all look at the pictures on the screen. I suppose you recognize all these people.

Let’s name each of them. What is he/she famous for?

e.g.: Ryan Reynolds is famous as an actor.

Selena Gomez is a singer and an actress.

Miley Syrus,

Angelina Jolie,

Brad Pitt,

Robert Downey Junior

Judging by the pictures can you guess the topic of our lesson? Yes! You are right. Today we are going to speak about famous people (celebrities) and their life.

  • Речевая разминка

Last lesson we read about the fans of different celebrities. Today I want to ask you some questions.

  1. Have you ever met a celebrity? (2-3 человека)

  2. Which famous person would you like to meet most? Why? (2-3 человека)

  3. Who’s your favourite celebrity? (2-3 человека)

(слайд 2) As for me my favourite celebrity is Olivia Palermo. I like the way she looks everywhere. She has a talent: she knows how to wear suitable clothes in every situation. She is a fashion icon for me. I follow her account on Instagram and I adore all her photos and looks. Besides, she seems to be modest in spite of the fact she is a huge celebrity.

4. Would you like to be famous? Why/Why not? (2-3 человека)

Для создания ситуации успеха на данном и последующих этапах учитель хвалит детей, используя выражения:

Fantastic! Excellent! Well done! Absolutely right! Great job! Brilliant! etc.

  • Цели урока

Today during the lesson you’ll read about the issues celebrities may have and give advice to them. You’ll see what it is like to be a celebrity. Is it interesting to you?

  • Основной этап (слайд 3)

Now let’s divide into groups of 3 as you sit close to each other: Lera, Slava and Masha – 1 group, Nazar, Vika and Nadya – another group.

      1. In groups of 2-3 try to answer the question:

  • Are celebrities happy? Give reasons.

 Discuss, write down and give a short summary of your answers.

Во время обсуждения (5 мин.) в группах по 2-3 человека ученики кратко записывают причины маркером на белых досках (white boards). Затем один ученик из группы высказывается. Остальные ученики слушают и затем обсуждают.

Do you find his reasons well enough?

Are you satisfied with the reasons he/she gave?

Well done! Congratulations! Let’s clap our hands!

  • Чтение текста по теме

Now open your Students’ Books on p.39. Read the text “Celebrities” to yourselves (слайд 4)

Students, what is the article about?

Does the author of the article think the same as you?

Now you divide into 2 groups – you’re Group A, you’re Group B. (слайд 5)

      1. In groups of 5 brainstorm ideas

about “Advantages of being a Celebrity” for Group A

and “Disadvantages of being a Celebrity” for Group B.

Give at least 3 reasons. Write your ideas on these boards. Get ready to give a short summary of what you’ve written.

Во время обсуждения (5 мин.) в группах по 5 человек ученики кратко записывают преимущества (недостатки) на белых досках (white boards). Затем один ученик из группы высказывается, остальные участвуют в обсуждении.

Do you find the (dis)advantages reasonable?

Now Sasha, Vova and Dasha change your seats with Slava, Masha and Nazar. Again you’re Group A, you’re Group B. Listen to the task for your groups.

      1. In rearranged groups of 5

Now each group gets a letter from a teenager who is a kind of celebrity in his class or school and he or she writes about his or her issue, but it is not finished. You are to discuss the issue and try to think what the ending might be. Finish the letter! (см. приложение 1)

Во время чтения и обсуждения (5 мин.) в группах по 5 человек ученики дописывают письма на бумаге. Затем один ученик из группы читает все письмо. Учитель, используя приспособление «документ-камера», выводит полученный текст письма на экран.

Get ready to introduce your letter.

Is it a problem for Elizabeth (George)?

      1. In the same groups of 5

Exchange your letters now. In your groups try to give the solution to the problem described in the letter. What advice would you give to these teenagers?

Perhaps these questions will help you. (слайд 6) The questions are the same for both groups:

    1. How can the hero change the situation?

    2. Who can help her/him to change it?

    3. What would you do in her/his place?

Discuss in groups and write the answers on your papers. This will be a return letter with advice for a girl or a boy. Get ready to introduce your letter.

Во время обсуждения (7 мин.) в группах по 5 человек ученики пишут письмо-ответ. Затем один ученик из группы читает все письмо. Учитель, используя приспособление «документ-камера», выводит полученный текст ответного письма на экран.

  • Домашнее задание

Are you ready to write a return letter with advice for Elizabeth or George? It’ll be your home assignment for the next lesson.

  • Рефлексия

Was this lesson useful for you?

Now in these papers underline those words that are true. You may sign your paper; you may not sign your paper, as you wish. (см. приложение 2)

Leave these papers on your desks.

  • Выставление оценок

I enjoyed your work during the lesson. That was great. Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye! See you on Saturday)

Приложение 1.


I`m writing to you to seek the advice from you. My name is Elizabeth Potter. I`m 15. I`m a figure skater. Two months ago I took part in the World Junior Figure Skating Competition and took the first prize. It is one of my greatest achievements. But it didn`t happen by chance. I had been training hard before the competition. I was on the seventh heaven after my victory. When I came home from the competition, at the airport I was met by a big number of fans, TV reporters and even the mayor of my city was among them. But at school …


I don’t like the situation around me. I ask for your advice. My name is George Grey. I have been doing tae-kwon-do since the age of 6. I had been training hard since then. Now I am 17. I am the champion of the world in tae-kwon-do. My parents and my coach are always telling about my achievements in sport. I don’t like it. I hate these silly girls with their love and all that stuff. My teachers think I am a genius and give me excellent marks. But…

Приложение 2.


  • На уроке я работал (активно \ пассивно).

  • Своей работой на уроке я (доволен \ недоволен).

  • Урок для меня показался (коротким \ длинным).

  • За урок я (не устал \ устал).

  • Моё настроение стало (лучше \ хуже).

  • Материал урока мне был (полезен \ бесполезен; интересен \ скучен).

  • Домашнее задание (лёгкое \ трудное; интересное \ неинтересное).

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок по теме: "На пути к звездам"

Автор: Ворновских Юлия Владимировна

Дата: 11.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 378055

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