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Урок по теме "Еда"

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Цель урока: Контроль усвоения и активизация пройденного лексико- грамматического материала.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

• формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи;

• формирование грамматических навыков (употребление местоимений SOME и ANY в речи);

• отработка произносительных навыков.

2. Развивающие:

• продолжать развивать умение общаться на иностранном языке;

• строить высказывание по образцу и самостоятельно;

• развивать навыки аудирования и чтения.

3. Воспитывающие:

• прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;

• воспитывать умение работать самостоятельно;

• воспитывать умение вежливо обращаться с людьми.

Технологии: игровая, здоровьесберегающая, ИКТ.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, дидактический материал.

Ход урока

1.  Организационный момент.
  Учитель:  Good morning, dear girls and boys!
– I am Glad to see you. How are you?
Учитель: My name is Natalia Petrovna and I will be your teacher today.

Teacher: What is the date today?

Today is the … of February.

What day is it today?

It is … today.

Who is absent today?

… is (are) absent.

What is the weather like today?

It is warm (cold) today.

Do you like the weather?

Yes, I do. I like the weather.

Is it autumn now?

No, it isn’t. It is winter now.

What is your favorite season?

I like …, because it is … in … (I can swim, I can ski and skate …)

– Now I want you to smile. So, please, look at each other and say “cheese”. That’s good. Children, listen to me and say what are we going to speak about.

If we have much food                                             Food
It is very good.                                                     I like bread
Cheese for breakfast                                            I like cheese
Coffee, ham and toast.                                         Mother, mother
Butter you can add                                               Give me please
Oh, it’s really not bad.

Children: We are going to speak about food.
– Yes, today we have a lesson on the topic «Food». First of all we’ll repeat the words. Then we will remember the pronouns some and any, countable and uncountable nouns, do the exercises and answer the questions.

2Определение темы и целей урока

Учитель: And now let’s start our work.

Учитель:  - Now Let’s train our tongues and practice the English sounds. Look at the screen carefully and repeat after me (повторяем звуки).  (звуки Слайд 2)

3. Речевая зарядка.

Учитель: Now, let`s discuss some questions according to our topic(по карточкам Do you like cheese? Do you like butter? etc)     

4. - Look at the screen and say: What is this?   (слайд 4)

        Find the odd one out.

1. cucumber, tomato, carrot, bread.                2. cheese, water, butter, ice cream.

3. chocolate, onion, ice cream, sweet.            4. juice, coffee, tea, cake.

5. pear, potato, fish, plum.

5. Тренировка материала: повторение местоимений SOME and AN Y. Ознакомление с местоимениями SOME и ANY.

T: Now look at the screen, please.

Сегодня, ребята, мы с вами познакомимся с неопределёнными местоимениями SOME и ANY.

В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях SOME обычно заменяется на ANY.

 Tell me please, when do we use some and when any? Now look at the sentences and fill in the gaps with SOME and ANY.

- They have … milk.

- My aunt doesn’t read … newspapers.

- Do you have … questions?

- We need … eggs and … milk.

- He doesn’t have … water.

- I have … potatoes.

- Do you buy … butter?

- Kate doesn’t have … water in the cup.

6. Физминуткa

T: Are you tired, children? Let`s have a rest.

Look at me and do what I say.

Stand up, hands up,

Hands to the sides,

Bend left, bend right,

Hands on hips,

Hands down, sit down.

7.   Let is repeat countable and uncountable nouns. And now the task for you is to write the words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns. Don’t forget to add –s (-es) with countable nouns.

Bread, apple, water, cheese, sugar, egg, orange, carrot, meat, tomato, porridge, hamburger, sweet, milk, potato, butter.

8. Writing.

- Open your notebooks, write the date, class work. Look at the screen. In this exercise you must put the words in the right order to make sentences.

1. eat, in the morning, porridge, I

2. She, milk, with, coffee, drink, does not

3. hamburgers, they, with, like,cheese

4. We, eat, for breakfast, do not, salad, fish, or

5. For supper, would, I, orange, like, juice

6. Does not, Kate, mineral, drink, water

9.  Reading

- Look at the blackboard. There are some good manners for you. Read them and translate.

- Never read while eating.

- Don’t put your elbows (локти) on the table.

- Don’t speak with your mouth full.

- Don’t lick (облизывать) your spoon.

- Use a napkin to wipe (протирать) your lips and hands.

- Behave yourself.

- Be polite.

- Sit straight.    

10.  Учитель: The next task will be speaking about your favourite food and drinks.

 - What is your favourite food?

- My favourite food is…(meat, sweets…)

- What do you like to drink?

- I like to drink …(milk, juice…)

11. Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух.

Учитель: Match the proverbs with their equivalents.

  • Tastes differ.
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  • The appetite comes with eating.
  • Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge.
  • Аппетит приходит во время еды.
  • Кашу маслом не испортишь.
  • О вкусах не спорят.
  • Кто по яблоку в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает.

12. Воспитательный аспект. Развитие патриотизма и воспитание уважения к старшему поколению.

Учитель: Many people take sandwiches to the picnic. What holiday will be in February?

Учащиеся: Defender`s  Day!

Учитель:  Yes. You are right. But we know that all people won’t be able to celebrate this holiday. Because they were killed. Because they died of starvation. Many years in Leningrad only one slice of bread was breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole family. We must remember them. We should be thankful to them.

13.  Игра «What is missing»

T.: We continue to work with the words about food. Let’s play the game for attention. The game is called «What is missing». Look and try to remember the food. What is missing? That’s right.      

14.  T.: I want you to agree or disagree with my statements.

– You don’t like pudding (P1. I disagree with you. I like pudding)
– You ate biscuits yesterday. (…)
– Your mother has sausages every day. (…)
– Your mother prepares dumplings very often. (…)
– Your father likes mayonnaise very much. (…)

15.  Practice writing

Put the letters in the correct order to make up words

Likm-milk, lats-salt, geg-egg, taem-meat, eppla-apple, sehece-cheese, pous-soup

16.  Group the words into 4 categories

Fruit  vegetables  drinks  other

Bananas, tomatoes, oranges, apples, coffee, cheese, carrots, lemon, potatoes, milk, tea, fish, meat, cola, salt, porridge, pepsy, egg, soup, bread.

 17.  Рефлексия.

T.: What did we do at the lesson today?
    – Did you learn something new?
    – Was it interesting at the lesson?
    – What did you like at the lesson?


   - Let’s  try to value your impressions after  our    lesson. (анкетирование)

  1. During the lesson I worked actively / passively.
  2. At the lesson I`m (not) pleased with my work.
  3. The lesson for me seemed to be short / long.
  4. My mood became better / worse.

 18.  Подведение итогов урока.

 - Dear children! Our lesson is coming to the end. You were very active today. I am very glad of your work. Thank you.

   - The lesson is over. Goodbye!

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Урок по теме "Еда"»

Тема урока: Food

Цель урока: Контроль усвоения и активизация пройденного лексико- грамматического материала.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

• формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи;

• формирование грамматических навыков (употребление местоимений SOME и ANY в речи);

• отработка произносительных навыков.

2. Развивающие:

• продолжать развивать умение общаться на иностранном языке;

• строить высказывание по образцу и самостоятельно;

• развивать навыки аудирования и чтения.

3. Воспитывающие:

• прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;

• воспитывать умение работать самостоятельно;

• воспитывать умение вежливо обращаться с людьми.

Технологии: игровая, здоровьесберегающая, ИКТ.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, дидактический материал.

Ход урока

1.  Организационный момент.
  Учитель:  Good morning, dear girls and boys!
– I am Glad to see you. How are you?
Учитель: My name is Natalia Petrovna and I will be your teacher today.



What is the date today?

Today is the … of December.

What day is it today?

It is … today.

Who is absent today?

… is (are) absent.

What is the weather like today?

It is warm (cold) today.

Do you like the weather?

Yes, I do. I like the weather.

Is it autumn now?

No, it isn’t. It is winter now.

What is your favorite season?

I like … , because it is … in … (I can swim, I can ski and skate …)

– Now I want you to smile. So, please, look at each other and say “cheese”. That’s good. Children, listen to me and say what are we going to speak about.

If we have much food Food
It is very good. I like bread
Cheese for breakfast I like cheese
Coffee, ham and toast. Mother, mother
Butter you can add Give me please
Oh, it’s really not bad.

Children: We are going to speak about food.
– Yes, today we have a lesson on the topic «Food». First of all we’ll repeat the words. Then we will remember the pronouns some and any, countable and uncountable nouns, do the exercises and answer the questions.

2Определение темы и целей урока

Учитель: And now let’s start our work.

Учитель:  - Now Let’s train our tongues and practice the English sounds. Look at the screen carefully and repeat after me (повторяем звуки). (звуки Слайд 2)

3. Речевая зарядка .

Учитель: Now, let`s discuss some questions according to our topic(по карточкам Do you like cheese? Do you like butter? etc)     

4. - Look at the screen and say: What is this? (слайд 4)

Find the odd one out.

1. cucumber, tomato, carrot, bread. 2. cheese, water, butter, ice cream.

3. chocolate, onion, ice cream, sweet. 4. juice, coffee, tea, cake.

5. pear, potato, fish, plum.

5. Тренировка материала: повторение местоимений SOME and AN Y (cлайды 5-9) . Ознакомление с местоимениями SOME и ANY.

T: Now look at the screen, please.

Сегодня, ребята, мы с вами познакомимся с неопределёнными местоимениями SOME и ANY.

Местоимение SOME (несколько, какое-то количество) употребляется в утвердительных предложениях.


I have some friends. – У меня есть несколько друзей.
I have some coffee. – У меня есть (какое-то количество) кофе.

В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях SOME обычно заменяется на ANY.

Местоимение ANY в вопросительных предложениях переводится как сколько-нибудь, какой-нибудь.


Do you have any books? – У тебя есть (какие-нибудь) книги?
Do you have any coffee? – У вас есть (сколько-нибудь) кофе?

В отрицательных предложениях местоимение ANY переводится как никакой.


I don’t have any friends. – У меня нет (никаких) друзей.
I don’t have any coffee. – У меня нет (никакого) кофе.

- Now we remember the pronouns some and any. Tell me please, when do we use some and when any? Now look at the sentences and fill in the gaps with SOME and ANY.

- They have … milk.

- My aunt doesn’t read … newspapers.

- Do you have … questions?

- We need … eggs and … milk.

- He doesn’t have … water.

- I have … potatoes.

- Do you buy … butter?

- Kate doesn’t have … water in the cup.

6. Физминуткa

T: Are you tired, children? Let`s have a rest.

Look at me and do what I say.

Stand up, hands up,

Hands to the sides,

Bend left, bend right,

Hands on hips,

Hands down, sit down.

7. Let is repeat countable and uncountable nouns. And now the task for you is to write the words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns. Don’t forget to add –s (-es) with countable nouns.

Bread, apple, water, cheese, sugar, egg, orange, carrot, meat, tomato, porridge, hamburger, sweet, milk, potato, butter.

8. Writing.

- Open your notebooks, write the date, class work. Look at the screen. In this exercise you must put the words in the right order to make sentences.

1. eat, in the morning, porridge, I

2. She, milk, with, coffee, drink, does not

3. hamburgers, they, with, like,cheese

4. We, eat, for breakfast, do not, salad, fish, or

5. For supper, would, I, orange, like, juice

6. Does not, Lizzy, mineral, drink, water

9. Reading

- Look at the blackboard. There are some good manners for you. Read them and translate.

- Never read while eating.

- Don’t put your elbows (локти) on the table.

- Don’t speak with your mouth full.

- Don’t lick (облизывать) your spoon.

- Use a napkin to wipe (протирать) your lips and hands.

- Behave yourself.

- Be polite.

- Sit straight.   

10.    Read the statements on the screen and say true or false.  (Cлайд № 9)

* All foods are good for you.

 *  Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy.

*    Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat.

*    Sweets, chips and coke keep you healthy.

*    You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.

  11. Учитель: Well done! The next task will be speaking about your favourite food and drinks.

- What is your favourite food?

- My favourite food is…(meat, sweets…)

- What do you like to drink?

- I like to drink …(milk, juice…)

12. Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух.

Учитель: Match the proverbs with their equivalents.

  • Tastes differ.

  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  • The appetite comes with eating.

  • Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge.

  • Аппетит приходит во время еды.

  • Кашу маслом не испортишь.

  • О вкусах не спорят.

  • Кто по яблоку в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает.

13. Воспитательный аспект. Развитие патриотизма и воспитание уважения к старшему поколению.

Учитель: Many people take sandwiches to the picnic. What holiday will be in February?

Учащиеся: Defender`s Day!

Учитель:  Yes. You are right. But we know that all people won’t be able to celebrate this holiday. Because they were killed. Because they died of starvation. Many years in Leningrad only one slice of bread was breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole family. We must remember them. We should be thankful to them .

14. Игра «What is missing»

T.: We continue to work with the words about food. Let’s play the game for attention. The game is called «What is missing». Look and try to remember the food. What is missing? That’s right.

15. T.: I want you to agree or disagree with my statements.

– You don’t like pudding (P1. I disagree with you. I like pudding)
– You ate biscuits yesterday. (…)
– Your mother has sausages every day. (…)
– Your mother prepares dumplings very often. (…)
– Your father likes mayonnaise very much. (…)

16. Творческое задание. Работа в группах.

  Учитель: And now I have a special task for you. You need to make and draw healthy menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Work in groups


T.: Let’s do project. Now you will compose your menu.
– What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, supper.

(Работа по группам. Группы выбирают продукты по своей теме, один уч-ся из группы защищает проект)

P.: We usually have …, …, …,

a) for breakfast.       1 группа.
b) for lunch.             2 группа.
c)  for supper.          3 группа.

T.: What food can help us to be healthy?
Read the sentences on the screen.

Garlic prevents heart disease.
Onion is good for our nerves.
Milk strengthens our bones.
Banana is good for our muscles.
Carrots are good for our eyesight.

T.: So, eat wisely (мудро). If you eat a balanced diet you will feel great, look great and always be healthy.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

17. Practice writing

Put the letters in the correct order to make up words

Likm-milk, lats-salt, geg-egg, taem-meat, eppla-apple, sehece-cheese, pous-soup

18.  Group the words into 4 categories

Fruit vegetables drinks other

Bananas, tomatoes, oranges, apples, coffee, cheese, carrots, lemon, potatoes, milk, tea, fish, meat, cola, salt, porridge, pepsy, egg, soup, bread.

 19. Рефлексия.

T.: What did we do at the lesson today?
– Did you learn something new?
– Was it interesting at the lesson?
– What did you like at the lesson?


   - Let’s  try to value your impressions after our    lesson. (анкетирование)

  1. During the lesson I worked actively / passively.

  2. At the lesson I`m (not) pleased with my work.

  3. The lesson for me seemed to be short / long.

  4. My mood became better / worse.

 20. Подведение итогов урока.

 - Dear children! Our lesson is coming to the end. You were very active today. I am very glad of your work. Thank you.

   - The lesson is over. Goodbye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок по теме "Еда"

Автор: Муханова Наталия Петровна

Дата: 19.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 393549

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