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«Урок по английскому языку в 6-А классе : «Health and Fitness»»
Урок по английскому языку в 6-А классе : «HealthandFitness»
Цель: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «HealthandFitness» Задачи урока: Образовательные - обобщение лексического материала по теме «HealthandFitness»; - обобщение грамматического материала (условные предложения 2 типа); - развитие навыков говорения, чтения, письма. Развивающая - развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме - развитие творческих способностей учащихся; - развитие памяти, внимания , мышления.
Воспитательная - воспитание здоровых привычек и культуры здорового образа жизни; - воспитание умения работать в сотрудничестве.
Тип урока: обобщающий урок
Оборудование: раздаточный материал по теме «Еда» проекты детей
{C}1. Greeting and Aim Hello,boys and girls! Today our lesson is devoted to a very important problem. As you know some people are healthy , some people are unhealthy. Health is the most precious thing in people’s life. We can’t buy health , but we can do a lot to keep it. Today we are going to do some interesting exercises, to role-play some situations, to guess crosswords, etc.
{C}2. Warming up. Brainstorming. Речеваязарядка Let’s say what is healthy and what is unhealthy. {C}- I exercise 3 times a week. {C}- I eat at McDonalds every day. {C}- I eat fruit and vegetables every morning. {C}- I wash my hands before breakfast. {C}- I watch TV 7 hours a day. {C}- I take a shower in the morning. {C}- I drink Coca-Cola with every meal. {C}- I listen to very loud music. {C}- I visit a doctor regularly. Фонетическаязарядка Let’s remember some problems about health. Some of you will get the beginning of the proverb and the other the end. You must find your pair. {C}1) {C}Good health is above wealth. {C}2) {C}Live not to eat but eat to live. {C}3) {C}An apple a day keeps a doctor away. {C}4) {C}Healthy mind in a healthy body.
(выходят к доске и соединяют получившиеся пословицы).
II. Основная часть урока
1 Говорение учащихся о вредной еде. {C}2. Check on Homework Projects about healthy life ( some pupils). 2. Vocabulary Practice Диалогическая речь учащихся .Ситуация в суши-бар.
Видео о правилах поведения за столом. 3. Relaxing Видео с выполнением физ упр.
4. Grammar Practice ( Повторение грамматического материала «Условные предложения 2 типа)
Выполнение закреплящ упр 4-5 с.71
III. Заключительнаячастьурока 1) Homework Ex. 5, p.143 project « You and Your Health» 2) Summarizing Let’s make the conclusion to our work. You have shown you knowledge, you know some proverbs, some medical definitions, you can have a talk with a friend about food. And I hope that you will take care of your health not only at the lesson but also in everyday life.
Do you know if you are really healthy? To help you to learn if it is so, answer this questionnaire Tick “Yes” or “No”
Questions Yes No 1. Do you begin your day with morning exercises, do it regularly and with a great pleasure? 2. Do you spend a lot of time out of doors every day? 3. Do you refuse from bad habits (smoking, drinking, snacking between meals or eating after 6 p.m.)? 4. Do you limit your time you spend in front of the television and the computer? 5. Are you sporty? Do you go in for sport or join a sports club? 6. Do you keep to a healthy balanced diet? 7. Do you have a hobby? Count your points. One point for each answer “Yes”.
7 points: You are quite healthy. 3–6 points: Not bad, but be attentive to your health. 0–2 points: Oh, dear! Change your lifestyle. You should think about your future!