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Урок английского языка по теме "Моя школа" в 4 классе

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Данный урок- это урок-экскурсия. Он является повторительно-обобщающим по теме "Школа" и развивает монологическую речь учащихся. 

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Просмотр содержимого документа

Класс 4

Тема. Моя родная школа

Цель. Способствовать формированию коммуникативной компетентности при повторении и обобщении материала по теме School Life.

Задачи. Совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме, активизировать лексику в устной речи по теме, развивать интерес к изучаемому языку, воспитывать уважительное отношение к своим учителям и одноклассникам, формировать мотивацию к учебе.

Тип урока: урок-экскурсия.

Оснащение: учебник Верещагиной О.В. для 4 класса, презентация к уроку.

Ход урока

  1. Начало урока

  1. Оргмомент. Приветствие учителя. Проверка готовности учащихся.

  2. Постановка цели и задач урока.

Dear pupils, do you remember Alan and his new school? Yu have read this text at home (Home Reading, Lesson 5). Alan likes his new school and you? Let’s compare his school and ours.

  1. Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания. Фронтальный опрос.

Why does Alan like his classrooms?

When do the classes begin and when do they over?

Where do the pupils have lunch?

What subjects do they have on the timetable?

What’s their uniform?

What are the school rules?

Повторение изученного четверостишия о школе

We are together every day.

Together, girls and boys.

Together work, together play,

Together make some noise!

  1. Основная часть.

  1. Вступительное слово учителя.

Now let’s pass over to our school. Our task is to tell some facts about our school and to showour classes and our rooms. Let’s begin our excursion.

  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

P 1: Welcome to our school! (Слайд 1) We are on the ground floor now. It has three long corridors. On the right we can see the classrooms and to the left there is a recreation with the stage for meetings and concerts. (Слайд 2) We often have school parties and concerts here. We like to sing and dance.

P2: Along the corridor there is a long cloakroom. (Слайд 3) We leave our coats, hats, boots here.

P3: To the left of the entrance there are two workshops for girls. (Слайд 4) And at the end of the corridor there is a big gym. We have Physical Training lessons here. We do exercises, play basketball, volleyball and other sport games here.

P4: We go upstairs to the first floor. On the left you can see a large dining room. We have meals during the brakes here. The students on duty help to lay and clean the tables. We like to eat cakes with a cup of tea, rolls, sweets, meat, fish with vegetables ad fruits.

P1: To the right of the dining room there is a library with reading room in it.

  1. Ролевая игра «Библиотекарь»

Слова ученика-библиотекаря: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! You will need many books during your school life. Be good to books. They are your friends. They will help you to learn much. I would like you to know some rules.

  1. Don’t lose books!

  2. Don’t tare pages!

  3. Wash your hands before reading!

  4. Don’t make “dog’s ears” in books!

  5. Don’t cut out pictures in books.

  6. Don’t color pictures in books!

You’re welcome to our school library! We have got a lot of English books too.

P2: Opposite the library there is a teacher’s room with the timetable and the desks for teachers. (Слайд 5,6)There are many subjects on our timetable: English, Maths, History, Geography, Handicraft, PE, Music, Biology. Arts, Computing. They are very interesting and important. We have four terms.

P3: Let’s visit Physics classroom, (Слайд 7) Biology classroom, Classrooms of Russian and Literature, Maths Classroom (Слайд 8)Computing classroom (Слайд 9) where students learn to work on computers and make programs on subjects.

  1. Фронтальная тренировка лексики по теме.

P4: We go to the second floor. And we are in the English classroom (Слайд 10)


Our classroom is best of all,

With green flowers and clean walls,

With the windows which are wide,

And the pupils who are bright!

P4: Our classroom is comfortable and always clean. There are 18 desks in it. The teacher’s table is near the window. There are three windows in our classroom with are white. There are nice pictures on the walls. There are many books in the bookcases. We like our classroom.

Учитель: And what do we do in English classes? Look at the board and say it. (На доске написаны слова to study, to learn, to write, to read, to draw, to repeat, to speak, to tell, to translate. Ученики составляют предложения с этими словами.)

  1. Работа с домашним текстом с правилами поведения в школе.

Учитель: Lets discuss Alans school rules (Дети называют правила поведения в школе из текста Домашнего чтения) Do you like them?

  1. Физкультпауза, просмотр видео (мультфильм «Маша и Медведь», фрагмент 11 серии «1 сентября»)

Учитель: Let’s see what’s wrong with Masha in the cartoon about her.

  1. Обсуждение просмотренного мультфильма. Фронтальная беседа. Тренировка модального глагола must, mustnt.

  2. Хоровое разучивание стихотворения об английском языке (стихотворение показано на проекторном экране)

What d’you like to do best of all,

At your English lessons?

To read texts, and that’s all.

I like to do it best of all!

What must you do, and do best of all

At your English lessons?

Learn my English and that’s all.

I like to do it best of all!

I can read, I can write

I can speak English too.

I like learning English

And what about you?

  1. Заключительная часть.

  1. Рефлексия. Ответы на вопросы.

Do you like our school? Why?

What did you like most of all in our lesson? Why?

  1. Заключительное слово учителя.

Lessons are over.

You can play hopscotch.

Do you like to play?

I would like to watch!

Our lesson is over. Your marks are “good” and “excellent”. I am very pleased with your work!

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Our school

Our school

Concert Hall

Concert Hall





Teachers’ Room

Teachers’ Room



Physics Classroom

Physics Classroom

Maths Classroom

Maths Classroom

Computing Classroom

Computing Classroom

English Classroom

English Classroom

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка по теме "Моя школа" в 4 классе

Автор: Ермощенко Светлана Васильевна

Дата: 09.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 437997

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