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Урок по теме My family

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Обобщающий урок по теме My family направлен на закрепление основной лексики и  грамматической структуры I have. Работа проходит по учебнику Кузовлева и по программе ФГОС.  Дети в конце урока представляют свои проекты, где рассказывают о своей семье. Урок насыщен разнообразными формами, такие как фронтальная работа, работа по карточкам, индивидуальная работа. В конце урока проходит рефлексия, где ребята выбирают смайлик того цвета, который соотвествует их проделпнной работе на уроке.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Открытый урок My family»

Урок по английскому языку

Тема: My family

Класс: 2

Тип урока: обобщение

Цели урока: обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Семья»



  1. Уметь рассказывать о семье, используя структуру Ihave

  2. .Закрепить лексику по теме «Семья»


  1. Способствовать развитию интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка;

  2. Развивать умение вести беседу;

  3. Формировать логическое мышление учащихся в процессе монологической речи.


  1. Воспитывать доброжелательность, вежливость, умение прийти на помощь товарищу при его затруднениях в ходе учебного процесса;

Оборудование: презентация PowerPoint, ноутбук, медиапроектор, карточки с заданием

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

-Good afternoon, children! How are you?(Слайд 1)

- Lookattheblackboard. Назовите буквы алфавита на слайде.

- Какое слово можно составить из этих букв?

- Теперь назовите тему нашего урока.

III. Фонетическаязарядка

- Read the sounds on the blackboard and then guess the words which have these sounds. (Слайд 2)

[fa:] – (father) [peə] – (parents) [rΛ] – (brother) [ðə] – (mother, father, brother, [sI] – (sister) [fæ] – (family) [t∫I] – (children).

- Let’s read all the sounds and the words once again.

IV. Речеваяразминка

- Have you got a family?

-Is your family big or small?

-What is your father's name?

-What is your mother's name?

-What is your father?

-What is your mother?

-Have you got any sisters or brothers?

-How many sisters have you got?

-Have you got grandparents?

-Have you got any pets?

-What is your hobby?

- What poems about a family do you know? Letusrecitethem. (Учащиеся читают наизусть стихотворения по теме «Семья»).

1) My Family.

This is my father,

this is my mother,

This is my brother Paul.

This is my sister, this is my brother,

How I love them all.

2) Mother, father, sister, brother.

Hand in hand with one another.

3) Good night, father!

Good night, sister!

Good night, mother!

Good night, brother!

Kiss you little son!

Good night, everyone!

4) A Happy Family.

I love mother, she loves me.

I love sister, she loves me.

We love daddy, yes siree.

We love brother, yes siree.

He loves us and so you see,

He loves us and so you see,

We are a happy family.

We are a happy family.

V. Работа по теме урока:


- Вы получите карточки, нужно поставить нужную букву и прочитать слово. (Слайд 4)

- Найдите спрятанные слова:


(Слайд 5,6)

VI. Физминутка

VII. Работа по теме:

- Найдите соответствие слово к картинке (Слайд7)

- Распределите слова в 2 столбика: мужской род и женский род (Слайд 8)


Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain.This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw on sand. We are very friendly!


Рефлексия: Выберите смайлик и прикрепите его на доску, оцените свою работу



1) My Family.

This is my father,

this is my mother,

This is my brother Paul.

This is my sister, this is my brother,

How I love them all.

2) Mother, father, sister, brother.

Hand in hand with one another.

3) Good night, father!

Good night, sister!

Good night, mother!

Good night, brother!

Kiss you little son!

Good night, everyone!

4) A Happy Family.

I love mother, she loves me.

I love sister, she loves me.

We love daddy, yes siree.

We love brother, yes siree.

He loves us and so you see,

He loves us and so you see,

We are a happy family.

We are a happy family.

Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain [greit britn]. This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young [jan] and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw [dro] on sand[send]. We are very friendly!

Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain [greit britn]. This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young [jan] and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw [dro] on sand[send]. We are very friendly!

Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain [greit britn]. This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young [jan] and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw [dro] on sand[send]. We are very friendly!

Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain [greit britn]. This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young [jan] and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw [dro] on sand[send]. We are very friendly!

Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain [greit britn]. This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young [jan] and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw [dro] on sand[send]. We are very friendly!

Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain [greit britn]. This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young [jan] and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw [dro] on sand[send]. We are very friendly!

Hello! My name is Mike. I’m from Great Britain [greit britn]. This is my family. I have a Mother and a Father. I have a Sister Alice. She is three. I have a Grandpa and a Granny. They are very kind! I have an Uncle and an Aunt. They are young [jan] and nice. My Mum and the Sister Alice like to draw [dro] on sand[send]. We are very friendly!

Впишите пропущенную букву


_ _nt






Впишите пропущенную букву


_ _nt






Впишите пропущенную букву


_ _nt






Впишите пропущенную букву


_ _nt






Впишите пропущенную букву


_ _nt






Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

If I If I

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a dad?

Have you got a dad?

If I If I

Have you got a dad?

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

If I If I

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a dad?

Have you got a dad?

If I If I

Have you got a dad?

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

If I If I

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a dad?

Have you got a dad?

If I If I

Have you got a dad?

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a mum?

If I If I

Have you got a mum?

Have you got a dad?

Have you got a dad?

If I If I

Have you got a dad?

Просмотр содержимого презентации

au a u i o a o










brother grandma grandpa aunt uncle grandmother father mother grandfather sister











Mother  mummy mum Father daddy papa Grandmother  grandma granny Grandfather grandpa


mummy mum


daddy papa


grandma granny



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок по теме My family

Автор: Соколинская Анна Анатольевна

Дата: 13.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 103771

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