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Twelve Months

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«Twelve Months»

3сынып Сабақ №2


Сабақтың тақырыбы: « 12 months »

Сабақтың мақсаттары:

Білімділік мақсат: Тақырып бойынша оқушыларға жаңа сөздер мен дыбыстардың

дұрыс айтылуын және ауызекі сөйлеуге үйрету, мәтіндегі жаңа

ақпараттармен таныстыру

Дамытушылық мақсат: Монолог, диалог түрінде сөйлеу қабілеттерін

қалыптастыру, шығармашылыққа баулу, сыни ойлау

дағдысы мен коммуникативтік дағдысын жетілдіру.

Тәрбиелік мақсат: Оқушылардың рухани дүниетанымдық көзқарасын қалыптастыру, бос уақыттарын дұрыс ұйымдастыруға және мәдениеттілікке тәрбиелеу.

Сабақтың типі: Аралас сабақ

Сабақтың түрі: Жаңа сабақты меңгерту

Сабақтың әдісі: Сто стратегиялары: «терминдермен болжау», « галереяға саяхат», « семантикалық карта», «автор орындығы», диалогтік, монологтік әдіс, өзін-өзі бағалау

Болжамданған нәтиже: Оқушылар жаңа сөздер мен дыбыстарды үйреніп, оқу мен жазу, ауызекі сөйлеу қабілеттері қалыптасады, мәтінмен өз бетінше жұмыс жасау дағдысы дамиды, жас ерекшелігіне сай өз ойын еркін жеткізе білуге үйренеді, өзін-өзі бағалай алады.

Сабақтың көрнекілігі: интерактивті тақта, суреттер, маскалар, СД, кестелер, қима қағаздар, лингафон,бағалау жұдызшалары.

Пәнаралық байланыс: дүниетану

Plan of the lesson

I Organizational moment

  1. Greeting, duty’s report (1m)

  2. Psychological training “What season like me?”(1m)

  3. Dividing the students into 2 groups with snowflake and flower (1m)

  4. Phonics (1m)

II Checking up the homework

2.1. Description of the own pictures “My school” (3m)

-travelling to the gallery (1m)

2.2. Presentation (1m)


III New theme

3.1. Presentation of the new theme (терминдермен болжау)

Lexical: a drama club, an actor/actress, to invite (1m)

3.2. Work with the text (7m)

- listening comprehension “A school play” p.30 ex.1

- reading the text

- answer the questions


3.3. Invitation to a drama club (4m)

-read an invitation

-role play about seasons: Buratino and Malvina (dialogue)


3.4. Working with the new words (5m)

-look at the picture and guess what play it is

-learning the new words

-listen to the rhyme

IV Consolidation

4.1. Working with a group

Group A: Put the months in right order (3m)

Group B: Put the months in alphabet order (3m)

Look at the screen match the months to the seasons!

Marking the groups

4.2.Dividing the students into the level groups with colorful cards

1st level: - listening comprehension w/b ex.3

2nd level: - complete the semantic map w/b ex.4

3rd level: -write the name of the season w/b ex.2 (6m)


4.3. Guess riddles (1m)


V Conclusion

5.1.Writing: An essay “My favourite season” (5m)

“The chair of author”

VI .Estimation (1m)

to count the smiles and mark the children

VII Homework (1m)

1. draw your favourite season and write about it

2. w/b p.24, ex. 1

Plan of the lesson

I Organizational moment

1.1.Greeting, duty’s report

T:Good afternoon children! How are you? P:We are fine thank you, and you? T: I’m fine, thank you.

T: Who is on duty today? P: I’m on on duty today.T: What date is it today? P: It’s the 19th of November

T:What day of the week is it today? P: It’s Thursday.

1.2.Psychological training “What season like me?”(1m) Children, say what season do you like? Summer or winter? I’ve got on my hand snowflake and flowers come to me and choose.

    1. .Dividing the students into 2 groups with snowflake and flower (1m)

“Snowflakes” you are winter and “Flowers” you are summer. Now kids today we work in two groups and in pairs. I hope you are all right and are ready to work hard at our lesson.There is a marking paper at the blackboard. I’ll give you smiles after every tasks for your right answer. When you have: 7-6 smiles-“5”

5-4 smiles-“4”

    1. smiles- “3”


Let’s do the phonetic drill. Look at the screen and repeat after me!

[ei]-rainy ,April ,May

[e]- yellow, September

[Ͻ]-autumn, August, warm

[әu]-cold, November ,October

[dᵹ]-January, June, July

[ch]- March

II Checking up the homework

2.1. Description of the own pictures “My school”

Your homework was to draw your school or to make the presentation and write about it. So show me your pictures. Who comes the first ? Stick your picture and describe it!

2.2. Presentation

I know that Uldana made the presentation? Uldana come here and show your presentation!


III New theme

3.1. Presentation of the new theme (терминдермен болжау)

T: Well done! Children we are going to read the text, look at the screen and try to guess what about is the text? P: concert , P2 :school hall,P: drama club.Yes, the text is about a drama club. Have we got a drama club in our school? What club have we got in our school? P:….

Lexical: a drama club, an actor/actress, to invite . Try to guess the words!

3.2. Work with the text Listen to the text

Listen to the text. Read the text one by one please! Answer for my questions .T: What club have they ?How many plays have they every year? What they have for their plays?


3.3. Invitation to a drama club Children from drama club have sent us the Invitation. I’ll read you it. “ A school drama club! Want to be an actor/actress?

Our drama club is for you! On Mondays and Saturdays

we meet in the school hall at 3:00 p.m.”

Do you want to go there? Imagine that we are in the drama club. Let’s role play! I’ve got masks : Buratino’s and Malvina’s You must make a play : ask and answer about your favourite seasons.

1 group: Buratino 2 group: Malvina

B:Hello! M: Hello!

P1:HI! P1: Hi!

B: How are you? M:How old are you?

P2: I’ fine thank you P2: I’m 9

B:Whats your name? M: What ‘s your favourite season ?

P3: My name is Symbat P3: My favourite season is autumn

B: What season do you like? M: What season is it now?

P4: I like Summer.And you? P4: It’s autumn.

B: I like winter

Marking Well done! You were good actor and actress

3.4. Working with the new words

-look at the picture and guess what play it is P: “12 months”

-learning the new words. Now say the 12 months in Kazakh! Do you want to learn them in English? Then look at the screen and repeat!

-listen to the rhyme

IV Consolidation

4.1. Working with a group. We work in group:

Group A: Put the months in right order

Group B: Put the months in alphabet order

Look at the screen match the months to the seasons!

Marking the groups

4.2.Dividing the students into the level groups with colorful cards: red, blue, yellow

1st level: - listening comprehension w/b ex.3

2nd level: - complete the semantic map w/b ex.4

3rd level: -write the name of the season w/b ex.2


4.3. Guess riddles

T: Now let’s guess riddles

This is the season

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year tree.(Winter)

This is the season

When birds make their nests,

This is the season

We all like best. (Spring)

This is the season

When boating, swimming

All the day

We sing a merry song

On a sunny day.(summer)

This is the season

When fruit is sweet,

This is the season

When school friends meet. (Autumn)


V Conclusion

5.1.Writing: An essay “My favourite season” Open your copy books and write an essay “My favourite season” Then you may read it on the hot chair.

“The hot chair ” Well done! Today you were very active. I liked your work.

VI .Estimation

Count the smiles and mark yourself. Tell me how many smiles have you got?

VII Homework Open your diary and write the home work:

1. draw your favourite season and write about it

2. w/b p.24, ex. 1

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Twelve Months

Автор: Есмаханбетова Бекзат Куанышевна

Дата: 10.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 390231

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