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Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку в 7 классе

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Английский язык, 7 класс


Celebrating the New Year’s

People in different countries celebrate the New Year’s holiday in different ways. Andrew lives in the United States, and Minh lives in Japan. Here is how they celebrate New Year’s.

                                In the United States

Andrew thinks New Year’s is the best holiday of the year. He and his family live in Georgia. On New Year’s Eve, Andrew and his parents and sisters go to his grand-parents’ house for dinner. His cousins are always there, and all the children play games.

Andrew thinks his grandmother is the best cook in the world. She roasts a turkey and bakes corn bread and pumpkin pie.

Every New Year’s Eve the children draw pictures of things they remember doing with their grandparents in the previous twelve months. Once Andrew drew a picture of his grandmother teaching him to dance. Another time, he drew a picture of Grandpa teaching him how to throw a football.

As the time approaches 12:00 midnight, everyone gets a pan and a spoon. They go outside and bang on the pans and shout, “Happy New Year!’’

The next day is for watching football games on TV and resting. Of course, Mom also makes “Hopping John,” a dish made with black-eyed peas. In the South, many people think eating Hopping John on New Year’s Day will bring good luck.


                                                              In Japan

In Japan, everyone has a birthday on January 1st, and that is the day that Minh and her family like best. Like most people in Japan, Minh and her family think that everyone gets a new start on New Year’s Day.

On New Year’s Eve, Minh listens for the bells to ring. Beginning at 12:00 mid-night, the bells chime 108 times. The next day, Minh and her family visit friends and send fancy cards. Minh and her brothers get new kimonos. A kimono is a special type of Japanese clothing that is usually colorful and very beautiful. Minh’s brothers like to fly their kites and spin tops on this day

Minh and her family eat a special meal on New Year’s Day, and the meal always includes mochi, or rice cakes. The New Year’s celebration lasts for 15 days! It ends with the burning of a beautiful decoration made of bamboo, plum, and pine tree branches.

  1. How are the two New Year’s celebrations alike?
          1. The celebrations last one day
          2. Families ring bells on New Year’s Eve.
          3. People stay up until 12:00 midnight on New Year’s Eve.
          4. Everyone sends fancy cards on New Year’s Day
  1. How is Andrew’s celebration different from Minh’s?
              1. Children play games.
              2. Mom makes “Hopping John.”
              3. The family eats a special meal.
              4. The fun begins on New Year’s Eve.
  1. Why do Andrew and his family rest on New Year’s Day?
  1. Eating the “Hopping John” makes them too full to move.
  2. New Year’s Day always comes on a Sunday
  3. They stay up late on New Year’s Eve.
  4. They have to be quiet and not wake the grandparents.
  1. How are Andrew and Minh alike?
  1. They both have brothers.
  2. They both celebrate their birthday on January 1st.
  3. They both like football.
  4. They both like New Year’s Day
  1. What does Minh get each year on New Year’s Day?
      1. a kimono
      2. Hopping John
      3. a kite
      4. pumpkin pie


Fill in the gaps:

  1. At the age  of 11 most children in England go to a ______ school where they stay until they are 16.
  1. junior
  2. grammar
  3. primary
  4. comprehensive
  1. He took a _____ and cut the apple in half.
  1. spoon
  2. fork
  3. knife
  4. cup
  1. ________temperature.
  1. to make
  2. to pressure
  3. to do
  4. to take
  1. You can see the details _______ the computer screen.
  1. at
  2. by
  3. in
  4. on
  1. I’m sorry I’m late. I ______ the bus.
  1. missed
  2. left
  3. lost
  4. passed



Fill in the gaps:

  1. When ______the party?
  1. have you left
  2. do you left
  3. did you left
  4. did you leave
  1. This castle ______ in 1119.
  1. was built
  2. built
  3. is build
  4. was build
  1.  I’ll tell Jane all the news when _______her.
  1. I see
  2. I shall see
  3. I saw
  4. I’ll see
  1. You________take the journal. I don't need it.
  1. shouldn't
  2. may
  3. can't
  4. had to
  1. He _________her for three months.
  1. haven't saw
  2. hasn't saw
  3. hasn't seen
  4. haven't seen
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«Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку в 7 классе»

Английский язык, 7 класс

Celebrating the New Year’s

People in different countries celebrate the New Year’s holiday in different ways. Andrew lives in the United States, and Minh lives in Japan. Here is how they celebrate New Year’s.

In the United States

Andrew thinks New Year’s is the best holiday of the year. He and his family live in Georgia. On New Year’s Eve, Andrew and his parents and sisters go to his grand-parents’ house for dinner. His cousins are always there, and all the children play games.

Andrew thinks his grandmother is the best cook in the world. She roasts a turkey and bakes corn bread and pumpkin pie.

Every New Year’s Eve the children draw pictures of things they remember doing with their grandparents in the previous twelve months. Once Andrew drew a picture of his grandmother teaching him to dance. Another time, he drew a picture of Grandpa teaching him how to throw a football.

As the time approaches 12:00 midnight, everyone gets a pan and a spoon. They go outside and bang on the pans and shout, “Happy New Year!’’

The next day is for watching football games on TV and resting. Of course, Mom also makes “Hopping John,” a dish made with black-eyed peas. In the South, many people think eating Hopping John on New Year’s Day will bring good luck.

In Japan

In Japan, everyone has a birthday on January 1st, and that is the day that Minh and her family like best. Like most people in Japan, Minh and her family think that everyone gets a new start on New Year’s Day.

On New Year’s Eve, Minh listens for the bells to ring. Beginning at 12:00 mid-night, the bells chime 108 times. The next day, Minh and her family visit friends and send fancy cards. Minh and her brothers get new kimonos. A kimono is a special type of Japanese clothing that is usually colorful and very beautiful. Minh’s brothers like to fly their kites and spin tops on this day

Minh and her family eat a special meal on New Year’s Day, and the meal always includes mochi, or rice cakes. The New Year’s celebration lasts for 15 days! It ends with the burning of a beautiful decoration made of bamboo, plum, and pine tree branches.

  1. How are the two New Year’s celebrations alike?

          1. The celebrations last one day

          2. Families ring bells on New Year’s Eve.

          3. People stay up until 12:00 midnight on New Year’s Eve.

          4. Everyone sends fancy cards on New Year’s Day

  1. How is Andrew’s celebration different from Minh’s?

              1. Children play games.

              2. Mom makes “Hopping John.”

              3. The family eats a special meal.

              4. The fun begins on New Year’s Eve.

  1. Why do Andrew and his family rest on New Year’s Day?

  1. Eating the “Hopping John” makes them too full to move.

  2. New Year’s Day always comes on a Sunday

  3. They stay up late on New Year’s Eve.

  4. They have to be quiet and not wake the grandparents.

  1. How are Andrew and Minh alike?

  1. They both have brothers.

  2. They both celebrate their birthday on January 1st.

  3. They both like football.

  4. They both like New Year’s Day

  1. What does Minh get each year on New Year’s Day?

      1. a kimono

      2. Hopping John

      3. a kite

      4. pumpkin pie


Fill in the gaps:

  1. At the age of 11 most children in England go to a ______ school where they stay until they are 16.

  1. junior

  2. grammar

  3. primary

  4. comprehensive

  1. He took a _____ and cut the apple in half.

  1. spoon

  2. fork

  3. knife

  4. cup

  1. ________temperature.

  1. to make

  2. to pressure

  3. to do

  4. to take

  1. You can see the details _______ the computer screen.

  1. at

  2. by

  3. in

  4. on

  1. I’m sorry I’m late. I ______ the bus.

  1. missed

  2. left

  3. lost

  4. passed


Fill in the gaps:

  1. When ______the party?

  1. have you left

  2. do you left

  3. did you left

  4. did you leave

  1. This castle ______ in 1119.

  1. was built

  2. built

  3. is build

  4. was build

  1. I’ll tell Jane all the news when _______her.

  1. I see

  2. I shall see

  3. I saw

  4. I’ll see

  1. You________take the journal. I don't need it.

  1. shouldn't

  2. may

  3. can't

  4. had to

  1. He _________her for three months.

  1. haven't saw

  2. hasn't saw

  3. hasn't seen

  4. haven't seen

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку в 7 классе

Автор: Галина Васильевна Понетайкина

Дата: 11.03.2022

Номер свидетельства: 602013

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