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Открытый урок по английскому языку для 9-го класса, разработанный лично учителем по учебнику Т.Аяповой 

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The plan of the lesson

Form: 9 A

Date: 11 February, 2014

The theme: “Trains”

The aims: 1. To teach students to take information from the text and work creating.

2. To develop students abilities in speaking , listening and writing.

3. To bring them up the interesting of the history of transports.

Visual aids: Tables of grammar, pictures

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment.

    1. Greeting: Hello, students!

Hello, teacher !

Teacher: I’m glad to see you!

Pupils: So do we!

Teacher: I don’t worry about your answers today.

Pupils: Neither do we.

    1. Announcement of the theme and aims:

II.Warm-up: To repeat the prepositions: Ex. 8 p. 121

By, in, for, on

By car, bus, taxi, plane, sea, ship, bike;

In a bus, a train, an elevator, a car;

For a walk, a drive, a ride, a run, a swim;

On a subway, a cruise, a tour, an outing, foot, a bike, a plane

III.Checking homework: Ex. 2 p. 119 - P.1 – P2

IV. New theme: 1. Repetition the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Write in the right form. ( Showing the grammar table)

Train is (cheap) than plane. – it is comparative form

Train is (comfortable) than bus. – it is comparative form

Train is the (good) transport. – it is superlative form

Teacher: And we will speak today about Train

2. Writing: Ex.1(a) p.122 – to write.

At first read about taxi then write about train.

3. Speaking: Ex 1 (b) – P1-P3

4. Writing: Ex.3

1. In our town the taxi is (comfortable) but (expensive) .

2. The taxi is (safe) and (clean) .

3.The bus is (uncomfortable) , (crowded) and (slow).

4. Introduction new words:

Before reading getting to know some words:


Orient – шығыс

Railway – темір жол

Line - линия, жол

Route –жол, маршрут

Carriages – пассажир вагондары

Speed – жылдамдық

Verbs and adjectives:

Join – байланыстыру

Spend – жарату

Luxurious – люкс

Enjoy – пайдалану

High - жоғары

5. Dividing the class into 2 groups.

Reading: Ex.4 p. 123

The first group:”The orient Express”

The second group: “High-speed trains”

6. “Cinquain”

The first line

1 word: noun

The second line

2 words: adjectives

The third line

3 words: verbs

The fourth line

Phrase or sentence

The fifth line

1 word-synonym; noun

7. Answer the questions:

To the second group:

1. Who was the builder of The Orient Express?

2. How did he build it?

3. When was the first journey of The Orient Express?

To the first group:

  1. In which countries the high-speed trains are used? Why?

  2. What is the speed of France TGV ?

  3. What was looking forward British people?

V. The Sum.

1. What about we said today?

2. Would you like to travel by High-speed trains?

VI. Homework : Ex.4 – to read and translate;

Ex. 7 – to make questions.

VII. Farewell: Your marks are …

The lesson is over.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс


Автор: Думшебаева Кульмира Маратовна

Дата: 16.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 327096

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