Plan of the lesson.
The theme: Looking for the sun
The aim: a) Listen, read, study, remember.
b) Complete, ask, talk.
c) Work in pair. Read an interview
With pronunciation and intonation.
The aid: Words
Type : Mixed
Lesson plan.(for 6-th form.)
I.Organization moment.
T S. Good morning.
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- What day is it week?
- Who is absent of your group?
- What is the weather like today?
II.Warm up.
Read the rhyme about day.
T----- all pupils.
III. Presentation. Regular and irregular verbs.
Regular verbs: reach v- ?ол жеткізу, жету
rain [rein]n,v- жауын, жауып т?р
start [sta:t]v-бастау
arrive [?:raiv]v-келу
travel [‘tr?еv? l]-саяхат жасау
Irregular verbs:
Get – жету
Go – бару,ж?ру
Take – алу
Shine – жар?ырау
Leave – кету,тастау
Come – келу
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«тема: Looking for the lesson »
Plan of the lesson.
The theme: Looking for the sun
The aim: a) Listen, read, study, remember.
b) Complete, ask, talk.
c) Work in pair. Read an
With pronunciation and intonation.
The aid: Words
Type : Mixed
Lesson plan.(for 6-th form.)
I.Organization moment.

T S. Good morning.
II.Warm up.
Read the rhyme about day.
T----- all pupils.
III. Presentation. Regular and irregular verbs.
Regular verbs: reach v- қол жеткізу, жету
rain [rein]n,v- жауын, жауып тұр
start [sta:t]v-бастау
arrive [ә:raiv]v-келу
travel [‘trәеvә l]-саяхат жасау
Irregular verbs:
Get – жету
Go – бару,жүру
Take – алу
Shine – жарқырау
Leave – кету,тастау
Come – келу
Practice:Read the the text(Work on a book)
Ex.3.Read,then translate.

1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s6
Complete the chart about the weather in the places that Robert visited.
Places | weather | |
Britain | | |
France | | |
Spain | | |
Africa | | |
| | |
Ex.5.Ask and answer the guestions:
It ______ very bad.
_____ He ________ ________ .
How did he go to Dover?
_______ He _________ ______ ________.
How ______ ______ go ______ Paris?
__________ ________ _________ by ferry.
Practice. Work on an interview. Ex.6.
Interviewer and Robert.
1 S2
Ex.7.Talk to your partner.
What does Robert like about Britain?
Does Robert | Like …..?check up tick or x cross |
The countryside | |
The food | |
The hotels | |
The people | |
The weather | |
The summer | |
The winter | |
Game. Pair work, using questions S1 s2 s3 etc
What do you do when the weather is not ideal?
Ask these questions to your partner.
S1 s2 s3 s4 s5 etc.
Conclusion T S. (Question answer)
Homework: a) Ex 11. Make true sentences from the chart.
b) Do the exercises in the workbook step 3.
Presentation.Regular and irregular verbs
Regular verbs:
Reach – қол жеткізу
Rain – жауын – жауып тұр
Start – бастау
Arrive – келу
Travel – саяхат жасау
Irregular verbs:
Get – жету
Go – бару,жүру
Take – алу
Shine – жарқырау
Leave – кету,тастау
Come – келу
Pay attention and remember it!
Suffixes – ed, after vowel sound
pronounce [d], after consonant sound
pronounce [id] or [t].
Cleaned [d] | Stopped [t] | Counted [id] |
Played Turned Rained showed | Looked Washed Asked watched | Wanted Rounded Pointed started |
12. 2012year 12. | Lesson plan 6 th form |
Theme:Looking for the sun. The aim: a.listen,read,study, remember b.complete,ask,talk in pair. Read and interview with pronuncation and intonation The aid: Words charts guestions Type mixed | Warm – up:Read the rhyme about weather T→all pupils.T→S¹→S²→S³→S4 The spring ..../autumn..../winter.../summer... Presentation:Regular and irregular verbs.Regular verbs:reach – қол жеткізу.rain – жауын жауып тұр,start – бастау,arrive – келу,travel – саяхат жасау. Irregular verbs:get – жету,go – жүру,бару ,take – алу,shine – жарқырау,leave – кету, тастау.come – келу.Pay attlution and remember it! Practice:sound pronouns [ d ] , after consonant. Sound pronouns [ id] or [ t ] Cleaned[d] | Stopped[t] | Counted[id] | played turned rained shoued | Looked Washed Dressed Asked,wached | Wonted, rounded Painted Started | Read the text.Work on a book .(Read a translate). Ex 3 S1→S2→S3→S4→S5→S6 Production:Complete the chart (Ex4) about the weather in the places that .Robert visited Places | Weather | Britain France Spain Africa | ________________ | Ex 5.Ask a answer the guestions. Practise: Work on a book.Ex6 interviewer and Robert S1→S2 Ex 7 talk to your partner .What does Robert like about Britain? Does Robert like...? | Check up v tick or cross x | The countryside The lood The hotels The people | v | Game:Pair work, using guestions. S1→S2→S3 etc.What do you do when the weather is not ideal?Ask there guestions to your partner. Example:When the weather is very hot I go to the swimming pool.S1→S2→S3→S4→S5 etc Conclusion T→S.(guestion, answer)Marks |
Homework: | a.Ex 11 Make true sentences from the chart b.Do the exercises in the workbook step 3. |