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Конспект урока по английскому языку в лингафонном кабинете по теме "Еда" .

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Приветствие учителя.

T Создает эмоционально-благоприятную атмосферу для предстоящей деятельности. Определяет готовность учащихся к работе.

T Good morning boys and girls.

How are you?

I’m very well, thanks. I am glad to see you.Sit down, please. There are some guests here. Good morning dear guests. Welcome to our lesson. I hope you’ll enjoy our work.

As usual we start our lesson with some questions.

What is the date today?

What day of the week is it today?   What can you say about the today’s weather?  

What do you think about the tomorrow’s weather?

 PP: отвечают на вопросы, описывают погоду.

 Look at the screen. We are going to watch a short video right now and I hope  - then you can guess the topic of our today’s lesson. Put on your headphones.

 PP: учащиеся слушают вступительное слово учителя и просматривают видеоролик. http://englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik5.html

TМотивирует на предстоящую деятельность, организуя работу с английскими пословицами. Подводит к определению темы урока с помощью видеоролика. Сообщает цель урока.

Who can name our lesson? What are your suggestions? (Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения и версии).(открываю доску) Read, please the theme of our today’s lesson: “What is the weather like?”  What does it mean?

At our  lesson today we’re going to speak about different types of weather, about clothes you wear in different weather? So the theme of our lesson is “What is the weather like”.

2.Основная часть урока: Listening, acting the dialogue.

The weather might be different. I think you know the saying – “There is no bad weather – there is bad clothes.” What does it mean?

- Of course, we wear different clothes in different weather and in different places. When you choose your clothes,  how do you do it?

What does your choice depend on? Let’ listen to the dialogue, it’s about the wather and clothes (ex.4 p.99) You see the document in the window, save it on your desktop. Open the document, which is on your desktop. It is called dialogue 6 form. (разослать документ через опцию – задания для последующего редактирования)

 Listen to the dialogue and follow the text. (Приложение №1)

Put on your headphones, please. Let’s begin. ( Учащиеся слушают диалог в режиме «прослушивание»б, медиаисточник – аудиоплейер, затем режим работы: вид деятельности – «обсуждение»;  медиаисточник – не определён; в группах по 3 человека составляют свой собственный.)

The next task for you is to complete the sentences with missing words.

Now you see the chat on your screen, I want you to write here the missing words.

T Kathy is meeting …..

   Kathy is wearing ….

  The weather is….

  Kathy wants to borrow….

  Claire wants to go….


Print the words in the line of the chart, please, you must complete 5 sentences and send your answers  to me.

Kathy is meeting Helen.

Kathy is wearing a thin dress and sandals, an umbrella.

The weather is cloudy.

Kathy wants to borrow a coat.

Claire wants to go shopping.


Look at the chart – you see the answers of your classmates too, let’s compare them. We see the most of you have done this task correctly. (Read the first sentence …..)

3.Физкультпауза:  Зарядка на английском языке. Упражнения для глаз.

T. Now it’s time to have fun, to have a rest a little, because our eyes are tired already. Let’s  do some exercises. Imagine, you can see a tree with apples on it. Try to get them. They are so high. Stand up! Take them. You can’t do it? Raise your hands up! It’s so difficult to get the apples. Jump! Is there anything in your hands? Nothing? Jump once more. Now have a rest.


Don’t sit down. Close your eyes! Open your eyes! Screw up the eyes. Open them wide.

Turn your eyes to the left, turn your eyes to the right. Look up, look down!  Make a circle with your eyes, in another direction.

Blink quickly several times.

Close your eyes! Relax. Open your eyes!

Take a pencil. Look at your pencil, now look at mine, and once more - at your pencil and at mine.

Touch your nose with a finger.  Look at it. Take the finger away from the nose. Look at the finger. Touch the nose, take the finger away.  Do it once more.

Well done. Sit down, please.

  1. Практика диалогической речи.

Now we can continue. Your next task is to practice this dialogue and then make up your own one in pairs. ( учитель прослушивает пары - поочерёдно подключаясь к ним) Let’s organize pairs for our work. You won’t know each other, that’s why great each other and introduce yourself. Put on your headphones and practice the dialogue.

Take off your headphones.

Let’s listen to one of your dialogues.  Go to the blackboard, please.(слушаем диалоги)

6.Обобщение и систематизация грамматического материала.

 T Совместно с учащимися обсуждает использование в речи разных грамматических форм выражения будущего времени с акцентом на смысловые различия. Использует иллюстрации и собственные примеры. Организует практическую деятельность  учащихся по отработке грамматического материала в речи.

-Look through the dialogue again and tell me please which ways of  denoting future  are used here. (Учащиеся работают с открытым ранее документом) Read the examples and try to explain why this or that tense is used here. Who remembers the rule how we can express the future actions?

Now be ready to receive the task for you, concerning this grammar material.

You see the document in the window, save it on your desktop, open it, choose the right answer, underline it, don’t forget to write down the number of your computer and send it to me. (Приложение №2)


7.Объяснение домашнего задания. (Приложение №3)

Your home task will be in your Net school as previously. Next time we are going to discuss your works before your final test.

8.Подведение итогов урока (оценки).

T Подводит итоги урока. Организует рефлексивную деятельность учащихся, используя прием приращения знаний и оценки собственных действий.

Our lesson is coming to the end.

Now you see the chat on your screen, I want you to write here your thoughts concerning our today’s lesson, the conclusion of it, it might be any saying or a proverb or personal thoughts, welcome, do it.

1. Clear moon, frost soon.

2. The more rain, the more rest$ fair weather’s not always best.

3. Year of snow, fruit will grow.

4. News and weather, they travel together.

Send it.

Now you can see the variety on your screens, let’s choose the best one.

Express answers

  1. Assess our lesson – choose letters A,B, or C. A is the highest mark.
  2. Assess your work at the lesson, give marks for the lesson to yourselves. But before doing it answer the questions:

      Were you active?

      Did you understand everything?

            Could you answer all the questions?

choose letters A,B, or C. A is the highest mark. Ok, I see. Ok, I see. Your marks are the following(explanation):

T. Thank you for the lesson. I hope it was interesting and useful. You have worked very well. I’m pleased with your work. All of you get excellent marks. Keep it up!

Have a nice day!!!

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Конспект урока по английскому языку в лингафонном кабинете по теме "Еда" . »

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2083 г. Москва


урока по английскому языку для 6 класса


Разработчик: Балабанова Светлана Александровна

учитель английского языка



Тема урока: “What is the weather like?” («Какая погода?») / Spotlight 6. Module10.

УРОК ПО УЧЕБНИКУ «Английский в фокусе» 6 класс

Тема урока: “What is the weather like?” («Какая погода?») / Spotlight 6. Module10.

Тип урока - обобщение и систематизация знаний.


  • Развитие языковой компетенции учащихся;

  • отработка и закрепление лексики по теме “Погода и одежда”



  • развивать способность осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия,

  • развивать и использовать кратковременную память для передачи информации;

  • развивать умения для использования фоновых знаний;

  • развивать умения диалогической речи на основании прочитанного;

  • развивать умения детально воспринимать информацию на слух.


  1. Активизировать раннее изученную лексику по теме «Погода».

  2. Освоить новую тематическую лексику по теме «Погода».

  3. Учить различать разные грамматические формы выражения будущего времени.

  4. Познакомить с клише, выражающие просьбу, согласие, разрешение и запрет. Отработать их в речи.


  • воспитывать толерантность и умение работать в парах, слушать и понимать партнера,

  • стимулировать учащихся общаться, высказывать свои мысли на английском языке;

  • воспитывать любовь к предмету, воспитывать культуру поведения через освоение норм этикета.

  • воспитывать умение давать адекватную оценку своей работе.

Ресурсное обеспечение урока:

лингафонный кабинет, программное обеспечение SONAKO STUDY – 1200(700).

  1. учебник SPOTLIGHT 6 (Student’s book) Ю.Е.Ваулина, В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2011. – 152 с.

  2. Class CD к учебнику.

  3. Презентация к уроку “Power Point”.

  4. Доска.

  5. Компьютер.

  6. Проектор.

  7. Карта

Ход урока.

1. Начало урока. Warming

Приветствие учителя.

T Создает эмоционально-благоприятную атмосферу для предстоящей деятельности. Определяет готовность учащихся к работе.

T Good morning boys and girls.

How are you?

I’m very well, thanks. I am glad to see you.Sit down, please. There are some guests here. Good morning dear guests. Welcome to our lesson. I hope you’ll enjoy our work.

As usual we start our lesson with some questions.

What is the date today?

What day of the week is it today? What can you say about the today’s weather?

What do you think about the tomorrow’s weather?

PP: отвечают на вопросы, описывают погоду.

Look at the screen. We are going to watch a short video right now and I hope - then you can guess the topic of our today’s lesson. Put on your headphones.

PP: учащиеся слушают вступительное слово учителя и просматривают видеоролик. http://englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik5.html

TМотивирует на предстоящую деятельность, организуя работу с английскими пословицами. Подводит к определению темы урока с помощью видеоролика. Сообщает цель урока.

Who can name our lesson? What are your suggestions? (Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения и версии).(открываю доску) Read, please the theme of our today’s lesson: “What is the weather like?” What does it mean?

At our lesson today we’re going to speak about different types of weather, about clothes you wear in different weather? So the theme of our lesson is “What is the weather like”.

2.Основная часть урока: Listening, acting the dialogue.

The weather might be different. I think you know the saying – “There is no bad weather – there is bad clothes.” What does it mean?

- Of course, we wear different clothes in different weather and in different places. When you choose your clothes, how do you do it?

What does your choice depend on? Let’ listen to the dialogue, it’s about the wather and clothes (ex.4 p.99) You see the document in the window, save it on your desktop. Open the document, which is on your desktop. It is called dialogue 6 form. (разослать документ через опцию – задания для последующего редактирования)

Listen to the dialogue and follow the text. (Приложение №1)

Put on your headphones, please. Let’s begin. ( Учащиеся слушают диалог в режиме «прослушивание»б, медиаисточник – аудиоплейер, затем режим работы: вид деятельности – «обсуждение»; медиаисточник – не определён; в группах по 3 человека составляют свой собственный.)

The next task for you is to complete the sentences with missing words.

Now you see the chat on your screen, I want you to write here the missing words.

T Kathy is meeting …..

Kathy is wearing ….

The weather is….

Kathy wants to borrow….

Claire wants to go….

Print the words in the line of the chart, please, you must complete 5 sentences and send your answers to me.

Kathy is meeting Helen.

Kathy is wearing a thin dress and sandals, an umbrella.

The weather is cloudy.

Kathy wants to borrow a coat.

Claire wants to go shopping.

Look at the chart – you see the answers of your classmates too, let’s compare them. We see the most of you have done this task correctly. (Read the first sentence …..)

3.Физкультпауза: Зарядка на английском языке. Упражнения для глаз.

T. Now it’s time to have fun, to have a rest a little, because our eyes are tired already. Let’s do some exercises. Imagine, you can see a tree with apples on it. Try to get them. They are so high. Stand up! Take them. You can’t do it? Raise your hands up! It’s so difficult to get the apples. Jump! Is there anything in your hands? Nothing? Jump once more. Now have a rest.

Don’t sit down. Close your eyes! Open your eyes! Screw up the eyes. Open them wide.

Turn your eyes to the left, turn your eyes to the right. Look up, look down! Make a circle with your eyes, in another direction.

Blink quickly several times.

Close your eyes! Relax. Open your eyes!

Take a pencil. Look at your pencil, now look at mine, and once more - at your pencil and at mine.

Touch your nose with a finger. Look at it. Take the finger away from the nose. Look at the finger. Touch the nose, take the finger away. Do it once more.

Well done. Sit down, please.

  1. Практика диалогической речи.

Now we can continue. Your next task is to practice this dialogue and then make up your own one in pairs. ( учитель прослушивает пары - поочерёдно подключаясь к ним) Let’s organize pairs for our work. You won’t know each other, that’s why great each other and introduce yourself. Put on your headphones and practice the dialogue.

Take off your headphones.

Let’s listen to one of your dialogues. Go to the blackboard, please.(слушаем диалоги)

6.Обобщение и систематизация грамматического материала.

T Совместно с учащимися обсуждает использование в речи разных грамматических форм выражения будущего времени с акцентом на смысловые различия. Использует иллюстрации и собственные примеры. Организует практическую деятельность учащихся по отработке грамматического материала в речи.

-Look through the dialogue again and tell me please which ways of denoting future are used here. (Учащиеся работают с открытым ранее документом) Read the examples and try to explain why this or that tense is used here. Who remembers the rule how we can express the future actions?

Now be ready to receive the task for you, concerning this grammar material.

You see the document in the window, save it on your desktop, open it, choose the right answer, underline it, don’t forget to write down the number of your computer and send it to me. (Приложение №2)

7.Объяснение домашнего задания. (Приложение №3)

Your home task will be in your Net school as previously. Next time we are going to discuss your works before your final test.

8.Подведение итогов урока (оценки).

T Подводит итоги урока. Организует рефлексивную деятельность учащихся, используя прием приращения знаний и оценки собственных действий.

Our lesson is coming to the end.

Now you see the chat on your screen, I want you to write here your thoughts concerning our today’s lesson, the conclusion of it, it might be any saying or a proverb or personal thoughts, welcome, do it.

1. Clear moon, frost soon.

2. The more rain, the more rest$ fair weather’s not always best.

3. Year of snow, fruit will grow.

4. News and weather, they travel together.

Send it.

Now you can see the variety on your screens, let’s choose the best one.

Express answers

  1. Assess our lesson – choose letters A,B, or C. A is the highest mark.

  2. Assess your work at the lesson, give marks for the lesson to yourselves. But before doing it answer the questions:

Were you active?

Did you understand everything?

Could you answer all the questions?

choose letters A,B, or C. A is the highest mark. Ok, I see. Ok, I see. Your marks are the following(explanation):

T. Thank you for the lesson. I hope it was interesting and useful. You have worked very well. I’m pleased with your work. All of you get excellent marks. Keep it up!

Have a nice day!!!

Приложение №1.

Claire: Where are you going, Kathy?

Kathy: Downtown. I'm meeting Helen in half an


Claire: But look at you. You're wearing a thin dress

and sandals. You're going to get soaked!

Kathy: What are you talking about?

Claire: Look at those big black clouds. It's

definitely going to rain!

Kathy: Hmm, perhaps you're right. Er ... so

could I borrow your coat?

Claire: No way! It's brand new! Why don't you

take my raincoat?

Kathy: You mean that horrible yellow thing? No


Claire: OK, OK, just trying to help ...

Kathy: Hey ... Can I borrow your umbrella instead?

Claire: Yes, sure ... oh, hang on a minute!

Kathy: What?

Claire: I need it too. I'm going shopping in a while.

Kathy: No problem. I can call a taxi.

Claire: OK but hurry. The shops are closing in an


Приложение №2

50 Our aunt and uncle’s children are our ....... .

A twins B sisters C cousins

51 Does your mother know how to drive a .......?

A car B bike C boat

52 ....... me, is the library on this street?

A Sorry B Excuse C Welcome

53 Never run from the pavement ....... the road.

A into B on C onto

54 “What’s your father’s ....... ?” “He’s a doctor.”

A full name B team C occupation

55 Then you turn right ....... the traffic lights.

A in B at C on

56 Go ....... this street until you reach the bank.

A up B on C onto

57 ....... your home address?

A What’s B Where’s C How’s

58 When you’re in the car, don’t lean out .......

the window.

A down B of C to

59 When you cross a street, ....... both ways for


A look B see C listen

60 Walk straight on and then turn ....... Victoria


A onto B into C on

Mid Test

61 How many brothers ....... Jimmy got?

A has B is C have

62 Jane ....... play the guitar; she’s very good.

A is B does C can

63 My favourite month is ....... because we

celebrate Christmas.

A September B December C May

64 ....... about pizza for supper tonight?

A How B Where C When

65 Are you ....... on Saturday night?

A loose B free C alone

66 Peter loves fish. He finds it ....... .

A dull B delicious C disgusting

67 Sherry and ....... husband are going on a trip.

A her B their C his

68 “What is your .......?” “I’m Canadian.”

A postcode B nationality C full name

69 Paul hates thrillers. He thinks they’re ....... .

A enjoyable B terrible C great

70 Timothy is forty-five years old; he’s ....... .

A a teenager B a child C middle-aged

Приложение №3

61 How many brothers ....... Jimmy got?

A has B is C have

62 Jane ....... play the guitar; she’s very good.

A is B does C can

63 My favourite month is ....... because we

celebrate Christmas.

A September B December C May

64 ....... about pizza for supper tonight?

A How B Where C When

65 Are you ....... on Saturday night?

A loose B free C alone

66 Peter loves fish. He finds it ....... .

A dull B delicious C disgusting

67 Sherry and ....... husband are going on a trip.

A her B their C his

68 “What is your .......?” “I’m Canadian.”

A postcode B nationality C full name

69 Paul hates thrillers. He thinks they’re ....... .

A enjoyable B terrible C great

70 Timothy is forty-five years old; he’s ....... .

A a teenager B a child C middle-aged

71 She usually goes to bed around ten .......


A in B on C at

72 Would you like to ....... a card?

A do B include C add

73 How ....... do you go out with friends?

A usually B rarely C often

74 There’s a new restaurant ....... to the


A opposite B in front C next

75 We ....... go to the cinema; usually two or

three times a month.

A sometimes B never C always

76 This soup tastes strange; it’s ....... .

A disgust B disgusted C disgusting

77 My birthday is ....... 2nd September.

A in B at C on

78 He loves watching ....... programmes.

Football is his favourite.

A sports B news C science fiction

79 You can get some aspirin at the ....... .

A chemist’s B chemists C chemists’

80 “What’s your dad’s favourite .......?"


A food B sport C programme

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку в лингафонном кабинете по теме "Еда" .

Автор: Балабанова Светлана Александровна

Дата: 01.08.2014

Номер свидетельства: 110989

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