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Teaching Methods and Strategies
School teachers ( ESL teachers further by text) have to work work with students in a variety of conditions: pull-out classes, core classes where children start in the ESL class for all or part of the school day and are gradually mainstreamed
into content-area classes, and newcomer centers where language and social/cultural skills are developed before the students are moved into school settings with native speakers. Each of these settings requires the teacher to use different ways of
organizing the classroom, designing a curriculum, and presenting lessons. However, some basic elements underlie all good language
• Interactive lessons with hands-on
activities and cooperative learning,
• Encouragement of creativity and
• Versatility and flexibility,
• Enhancement and support of the
mainstream curriculum,
• Opportunities for all students to
feel successful,
• Accommodation of the needs of
students at different levels of
ability, and
• Integration of language skills,
thinking skills, and content
The review of various theories, methods, approaches and strategies on the following pages is intended to be a resource for ESL teachers in providing ideas for ways to incorporate these elements into their lesson plans.
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